Junior Dungeon Adventures


Sweet little treasure's who are the darlings of my eye

A good few months ago (July 05) the younger members of the Aimo household finally persuaded me to run some Runequest for them, after a couple of trial runs they've now embarked upon their first dungeon, its pretty classic in set up, wandering adventurers seek shelter in a cave for the night, tunnel to the rear leads ever down to a myriad of ever more powerful creatures who for no apparent reason live for the day that some hapless fool wanders past, real room, monster, treasure stuff.










So for those who don't know, on the left is Grace O'Mally aka Blythe, now aged twelve going on twenty-one and above is Thorn Berry (arghh) aka Zac, now aged ten.

Lets just say there's a distinct lack of co-operation between them, I killed it, its mine, you've got more than me, its not fair, mmm I wonder where they get it from.



Session Thirteen
ssion Fourteen
Session Fifteen
Session Sixteen
Session Seventeen
Session Eighteen
Session Nineteen
Session Twenty
Session Twenty One

(Being the latest chapter in the adventures of Grace and Thorn)

Session Twenty Two

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