Session Two

Waking the next morning Grace feels so much better for a dry nights sleep, even Thorn, bruised as he is, feels he is ready for anything life can throw at him. Whilst the last of the woodpile is used to cook breakfast, Grace walks to the cave entrance, its still raining heavily. As they eat they agree to follow the passage & see where it leads, after all, its got to be better than getting wet again.

Half an hour later, kits fully packed, the two stand at the junction in the passage below, deciding to bypass the pit they take the right hand turn however a couple of minutes later it comes to an abrupt dead end. Grumbling they return to the passage of the pit. Throwing their packs across the pit, each in turn leaps across, Thorn turns & looks in disgust at his belongings half of which have spilled & lie in the pit itself.

As they fish his collected chattels out of the pit they are startled to hear a grating voice singing a colourful ditty. As they creep along suddenly the voice shouts out

"Who's that there then ?, come forth, show me your miserable hides"

Thorn, never one to hesitate, bellows out his name,

"Tis Thorn Berry, who are you ?"

Grace, cringing at Thorn's openness, scuttles quietly forward to see who calls. Turning a corner the passage opens into a room some ten feet square with a barrel vaulted roof & stone flagged floor, to the left & right each wall contains an iron bound door whilst in each corner are lit braziers, Thorn notes that whilst obviously hot & giving light the braziers are not really burning anything. Most noticeable however is a skeleton hanging from a noose in the middle of the room. As they look on the hanging skeleton swings around to face them,

"So there you are then, speak up, bit deaf you know, comes of having no ears anymore"

Grace backs into the corridor shouting for Thorn to do the same, however Thorn boldly stands his ground & again gives his name. As the skeleton repeats itself, Thorn draws his axe & slashes at the hanging figure, he lands a mighty blow, but is surprised to see the skeleton undamaged. Watching from the corridor Grace draws her sword & edges forward to join Thorn.

As Grace enters the room the skeleton cackles & screams,

"Now you are mine forever"

As its words echo around the room it falls from the noose & as it hits the floor turns to dust. Spinning Grace turns to flee the room, however she is brought to an abrupt halt as the entrance to the room is no longer there, putting her hands before her she feels around the wall but alas it all feels solid & cold.

Shrugging his shoulders Thorn turns to the right & then the left hand door, both are locked. Grace meantime is trying to pry up the flags looking for a hidden lever or key, joined by Thorn, Thorn soon gives a yell,

"I think I've found something"

Digging out their knives they eventually manage to lift the offending flag which topples & shatters, returning their blunted knives to the belts they peer into the small depression exposed below the flag, inside is a small silk purse.

Untying the drawstring Grace tips out the contents of the bag, it contains a key, a coin & a scrap of parchment. The coin, apparently, gold is heavy & has no markings, Thorn bites the key & grunts,


Grace unrolls the parchment & reads,

Unsure of the riddle, confused by the coin, Grace stashes them about her person, they make a quick decision & turn towards the right hand door. Placing the key in the lock Grace turns the key, there is a load click & she hears a whisper in her ear,

"wrong choice my dear, wrong choice"

Shouting to Thorn about it being the wrong door, she tries to pull the key free but like the skeleton before it turns to dust in her fingers, slowly the door swings open.

Looking through the door all is black, complete darkness, unnaturally so, shining her lamp through the door Grace gasps as its light stops at the doorway. Picking up a piece of the broken floor flag Thorn throws it into the room, there is a dull thud as it hits the floor. Stretching her foot into the room Grace feels the floor under her foot but can't see it, carefully she steps forward disappearing from Thorns sight.

Inside the room Grace stands bewildered, she can see nothing what so ever, holding the lamp high she can feel the heat from its flame but all remains in darkness, shouting to Thorn, Thorn jumps at the sound of her voice but suggests she comes back into the light. Turning Grace holds out her arms & feels for the doorway, again Thorn is startled as her arm suddenly appears from out of the dark in front of his face, however he takes Graces' hand & guides herfrom the room.

Unerved Thorn turns & draws his axe determined to smash the other door, however he stands open mouthed as the door slowly fades away leaving only a blank stone wall, screaming he turns, & axe held before him he charges past Grace into the darkend room.


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