Session Ten

Staring at the levers, Grace explains to Thorn how they work the doors,

"Fantastic, but can you leave the levers alone while I try & sort out the far door"

Sulking, Grace sat & waited whilst Thorn trudged back along the corridor & proceeded to break his way through the lock, with a shout Thorn pushed the wrecked door open & stumbled through its remains only narrowly avoiding falling down the stone spiral staircase on the opposite side of the door. Returning to tell Grace what he'd found, she continued to sulk about the two side doors ignored by Thorn,

"All right, lets do it your way then, open the bloody doors"

Smirking to herself Grace opens pulls the lever to open the left hand door, the small room is bare except for a small chest in the middle of the floor, expecting a trap they cautiously edge towards it, ready to leap away at a moments notice, Grace, lifting the lid with a dagger, peers inside only to see a single verdigris covered copper coin, in disgust she snatches it up, thrusts it in a pouch & walks out of the room, Thorn, grinning follows.

Hoping for better results the mechanism for the third door is activated, from the door Thorns shouts over his shoulder that there are three chests in this room, putting caution aside Thorn walks forward hoping that the chests contain more than a single rotting coin, Grace not trusting anything anymore hangs back, as Thorn passes through the doorway spikes burst through the door jambs pinning him mid stride, again his armour saves his life.

Crawling under Thorns legs Grace doesn't see as the lid on the middle chest slowly starts to open, Thorn however does & screams for Grace to free him, scuttling over the edge of the chest are dozens of angry looking scorpions. Grace leaves Thorn to try & free himself whilst she deals with the scorpions, as she stamps on the last one Thorn wrenches himself free of the spikes & goes to look into the open middle chest, empty bar the odd dead scuttler.

Both the other chests are padlocked however after a few minutes effort the padlocks are snapped. In the second chest Thorn finds a quiver of well made arrows, a cloak & a pair of gloves, whilst in the third Grace finds a pile of old clothes, a ring & a pearl decorated bracelet.

Returning to the room with the levers they secure all the doors & settledown to see exactly what they have found. Trying on the gloves Thorn is surprised that they fit as they looked far to big before he put them on, out of curiosity he asks Grace to try them & as he suspected they are a perfect fit on her, distinctly smaller, hands.

Flicking the cloak about his shoulders Thorm notices nothing however Grace's mouth drops open, jumping up & staring around the room she blurts,

"Thorn, where are you, say something"

Smiling Thorn removes the cloak,

"Well we now what the cloak does now don't we"

Putting the cloak to one side, but keeping the gloves on, Thorn watches apprehensively as Grace puts the bracelet on, when nothing happens, Thorn shrugs, removes a glove & tries the ring, nothing immediately happens however as he wonders what it might do a thought rushes into his head from nowhere,

"The ring has the power to identify other magical items, don't ask me how I know, I just do, its as if the ring told me when I thought about it"

"Sounds like its worked on itself then"

replied Grace.

Quickly he touches the dragon necklace around Grace's neck, instantly thoughts of warmth & healing fill his mind, pulling the pouch containing yellow powder from his pack he concentrates on the ring for a few seconds, scowls & throws the pouch away,

"Nothing, absolutely nothing, I've carried that pouch carefully since we first got stuck in here, sure it had something magical about it, but its about as magical as a dead rat"

Trying the ring again on the gloves, nothing happens, however they are both sure that the gloves are magical because of the way they fitted them both perfectly,

"Perhaps it only works so many times a day or a week"

mused Grace.

Thorn, agreeing, suggests they might as well get some rest, after all the room was locked & they had the key & the lever controls so they would surely be safe here wouldn't they.


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