Session Seventeen

Overcoming their fear they told Stunty what had happened, the discovery of a circle of summoning to the demon Tu-Meku-Par, re-entering the chamber Thorn attempted to engage the powers of the circle but instantly found himself hurled through the air against Grace, deciding this was just to much for them they retreated to the beach to consider thier options.

After a quick snack they dragged the boat back into the water & headed to the second & as yet untried beach.

Leaving the boat ready for a quick getaway the three friends crept up towards the opening at the head of the shingle under the pale glow from Grace's lantern. Entering the dark passage all three were shocked as they suddenly heard an alarm bell ringing somewhere in the darkness above. Grace, leading the party, spun on the spot as a arrow sped out of the dark & shattered against her helm, as she stumbled back the light from her lantern went out.

In the sudden darkness all three fumbled forward only to find themselves separated & disorientated, once, twice, three times Stunty, Thorn & then Grace heard arrows ricochet off & splinter on the rocks around thier heads. As Grace finally man aged to light her lantern she was startled to see to goblins, both armed with short bows, draw & fire before legging it off down the narrowing passage ahead.

Regrouping the three crept along the passage, Grace with her long bow knocked & Thorn loading the cross bow taken from one of the dead orcs when they first entered the watery cavern, hearing more bells ahead they rounded a bend in the passage to enter a dimly lit damp opening in the passage, the two goblins seen earlier stood, bows drawn, at the foot of a rope bridge which crossed a chasm some twenty feet wide, across the bridge several shadows could be seen moving behind barrels piled across the passageway.

The goblins fired wildly & then fled across the bridge to join thier companions behind the hastily erected barricade. As Grace angled for a better view & signs of movement Thorn stepped forward confidently towards the bridge belatedly hurling a small throwing dagger after the now hidden goblins. As Thorn stood his ground crossbow to his shoulder, several spears were hurtled out of the gloom towards him, fortunately they went wide of the mark except for one which glanced of his shoulder.

From over his shoulder Thorn heard Grace release an arrow only to see it thud into one of the barrels but then grinned in satisfaction as a scream suggested that her second arrow had found a target.

As fire was returned Thorn threw caution to the wind, fired & dropped his crossbow & howling for Stunty to follow charged across the swaying bridge, Stunty, thinking Thorn's charge unwise, sidelled slowly around the cavern keeping to the shadows.

Grace, muttering at the foolhardiness of Thorn, kept up a barrage of arrows but was shocked when several goblins leaped over the barricade to confront Thorn.

As Thorn raised his two handed axe to strike, the first of the goblins thrust a spear into his shoulder instantly disarming Thorn, desperately Thorn tried to defend himself with fist & feet eventually launching himself against his opponent, fortunately for Thorn his attackers skill with the spear was none to clever. Seeing Thorn's plight Stunty reacted & rushed to his aid, crossing the swinging bridge he lept over the thrashing Thorn in an attempt to draw away his attackers, successful in his diversion Stunty soon found himself assailed on all sides.

Watching from across the chasm Grace looked on in horror as Thorn tried to maul his attacker to the ground & Stunty, taking a massive blow to the head, dropped as if dead. Realising that her friends were about to die, Grace threw her bow aside, drew her sword & charged.

Halfway over the bridge she thrust aside the first of the goblins, who disappeared in to the depths below, intent on killing the goblin entangled with Thorn as well as the goblins crouched over the silent Stunty.

In a flurry of blows Grace quickly dispatched Thorns antagonist & then a second, the two remaining goblins, seeing her fury, retreated beyond the barricade leaving her seething at Thorn's foolish charge, nursing her own wounds & wondering if Stunty was dead.

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