Session Seven

Nervously Grace reaches out her hand to the latch of the fourth door opposite the corridor by which they first entered to octagonal room, its locked, checking that floor is safe, Grace & Thorn put their shoulders to the door & push, the door bursts its hinges & falls onto a flight of steps leading up into darkness, climbing the stairs, at they reach a pair of huge heavy oak doors, pushing the doors they are sealed tight & the hinges are on the other side. Thorn, after trying to force the lock open, shrugs & returns to the octagonal room, Grace stays a while & after a few minutes notes that is a feint line of light shining beneath the doors, after a few tentative & unanswered calls Grace sighs, turns & heads back down the steps.

Back below Thorn approaches the fifth door & pushes, slowly it swings open revealing a small bare room with a chest in the middle of the floor, without thought for his safety or waiting for Grace, he marches into the room & tries the lid of the chest, it opens easily. As he lifts the lid he hears a twang, throwing himself sideways he is not quick enough to avoid the dart fired from within the chest, it strikes him in his guts but fortunately his armour protects him from harm.

Inside the chest is a sword, a helm & a silver ball about one inch diameter, as he takes the sword from the chest he hears a noise behind & immediately spins with sword between him & . . . . Grace, slowly Thorn lowers sword & mouths,

"Sorry, thought you were someone else"

Glancing over Thorns shoulder, she is at first pleased by the sight of what he has found but quickly angered as he refuses her any part of what he has found, storming out of the room towards the first door she responds,

"Next time you can get yourself out the pit"

Ignoring her final comment Thorn replaces his leather skull cap with the chain coif & helm recovered from the chest, puts the silver ball in a pouch & adds the kukri to his belt.

Despite her anger Grace remembers to check the floor & walls around door one before she tries the handle, noticing something not quite right about the some of the stones around the frame she steps back & throws her pack onto the flagstone in front of the door, immediately six razor sharp needles fly out of the door frame across the face of the door & then slide back into tiny holes within the frame. Pushing the door open with her foot, she steps over her pack & in the corridor revealed beyond. Lit by her lantern the corridor curves slightly & the only sound is the echo of her own footsteps, eventually, disappointingly, the corridor reaches a dead end, however as she shines the light around the floor she notices a small hole in the floor, peering through she can see a huge room below which after a few moments she recognises as the vaulted cellar through which they passed earlier. Whilst her view is distorted she is surprised that she can see the whole room, maybe some magical effect she thinks, however poking with her sword it strikes what she realises is glass, a lenses maybe. Scuffing the dirt with her foot as she clears the debris from around the hole she catches a glint of something shiny in her lamp light, under the rubbish she finds a unicorn shaped silver broach pin, which she fastens at her collar, after which she returns to see if Thorn has managed to get himself stuck again.


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