Session Twenty One

As the platform descended Grace watched Stunty's silhouetted disappear into the gloom above, Thorn, ever more practical, quickly searched the cooling bodies of the orc's so recently slain.

As the platform passed below the ceiling of the room below it shuddered to a halt leaving a gap of some six inches deep, Grace, expecting trouble, silently re-strung her bow whilst Thorn tried to force his body through the gap, as he did so a bolt thudded solidly into his right thigh. Struggling, Thorn shuffled away from the gap however both Thorn & Grace realised that they were in a tight spot, near panic, they did their best to use the three orcish corpses to shield themselves as several more bolts thudded into the underside of the platform.

Inspired, Grace drew a knife & started sawing at one of the ropes to the rear of the platform,

"Thorn, quick, cut the other one then brace your self"

Muttering, Thorn reluctantly complied, as the rope receiving Grace's attention released its hold on the platform it lurched alarmingly to one side, as the second roped sheared the platform dropped suspended now only by the two ropes to the front, shrieking both grace & Thorn plummeted along with the dead orc's to the floor some ten feet below, as Grace had anticipated however they were now partly shielded by the platform itself as it hung swaying from the remaining ropes. Peering around the side of the hanging platform Thorn could see at least one orc off to the left reloading a heavy crossbow, ripping a strip from his shirt he quickly bound his leg staunching the flow of blood, not waiting for Grace he drew the elf blade & charged.

Grace, hissing at Thorn's impatience, peered around the opposite side of the make shift barricade, beyond the winding mechanism for the platform she could see a second orc raise its crossbow, as it fired she new that it could not but help hit the charging Thorn.

Aiming carefully, Grace knocked an arrow, raised her bow & fired, with some satisfaction she watched the startled orc crumple, her arrow protruding from its neck. Knocking a second arrow she crept forward passed the winder only to see the Thorn lying in an ever increasing pool of blood, an orc carrying a wicked looking dagger scuttling towards him, again she fired this time wounding the orc sorely.

Sure that there had been only two orc's waiting for them Grace quickly dispatched the wounded orc before dropping to Thorn's side.

"Thorn, Thorn, can you hear me, are you OK, speak to me you idiot"

Thorn could manage no more than a groan as he clutched feebly at the second bolt lodged in his chest. Remembering that Stunty still held the necklace which she had earlier used to heal him, Grace ran back to the shaft & shouted for Stunty to drop it down to her. Seconds later she draped the silver dragon necklace around Thorns neck & cut the bolts from Thorns flesh then watched as the necklace began to glow, shuddering, she looked on as the ripped & ragged flesh of Thorn's leg knitted shut leaving only a vivid red welt, looking then to Thorns torn chest it to began to close, the damage suffered however by Thorn was too great for the power of the necklace & the wound to his chest although shut still required wrappings about his torso to prevent further bleeding. Catching their breath the two could hear Stunty up above doing his best to shout quietly.

With a nervous glance toward the staggered barricade at the entrance to the passage leading from the Winding room Grace called up to Stunty to be patient, turning to the winding mechanism Grace released the brake & tried to turn the massive handle, despite her best efforts however it was beyond her capabilities, with a sigh Thorn joined her efforts & despite his soreness between them they managed to raise the swinging platform to the level above. Ten minutes later the platform reappeared with Stunty balanced on the upturned platform edge clinging onto one of the remaining ropes.

Desperate for rest but sure that danger lurked close the three decided to push on whilst the torches lit by the recently deceased guards remained alight. Thorn, one hand nursing his wounds slid through the heavy timbered gate way at the passage entrance closely followed by Grace then Stunty, on Thorns right, some twenty yards ahead the passage branched to right however in the half light of the spluttering torches he was sure he could see something moving in the half light ahead. Grace, inquisitive of what the side passage contained slipped into the cavern on the left but not before wondering what the smashed timbers on the back of the staggered timber walls could mean at the passage entrance. Glancing through the opening it was clear that it was the living quarters of the moving platform winding crew, five or so sleeping pallets were spread around the room, as well a crude table, several benches & various small chests & sacks, against the far wall was glowing fire pit next to which a half dead goblin hung from manacles hammered into the wall.

Turning back intending to follow Thorn Grace heard a scream.

Thorn glanced over his shoulder only to see Grace disappear into the side room, however he was pleased to see Stunty was following him, creeping forward it suddenly dawned upon him what he was seeing, ahead two gangly looking creatures were man handling a heavy ballista to point down the passage, realising he had little choice in the matter Thorn gave a cry & despite his hurt hurled himself forward elf blade held high. Realising he wouldn't reach the ballista before it was readied to fire Thorn through himself against the passage wall not a moment to soon as lead heavy bolt blasted down the passage, from behind he heard a scream & a sickening thud, without looking back Thorn new that Stunty had been hit, blood raging he threw himself forward.

Grace stood routed to the ground, at her feet Stunty lay unmoving, through his shattered chest was the shaft of the ballista bolt, some four long & two inches thick, its lead tipped head protruding through his lower back, broken bone & blood soaking into the dirt. As if in a dream Grace raised her bow & knocked a arrow, not thinking to use one of the magical arrows. As Grace raised her bow she could barely make out the figure of Thorn launch himself at the two creatures, under her breath she muttered,

"Bugbears, bloody Bugbears"

Thorn fought bravely but clearly he was outmatched by the two club wielding creatures, as he desperately parried a well aimed blow he lunged towards one of the creatures hoping to disembowel it or at least slow it down, it was at that moment the arrow hit him, he never saw it coming, it came from behind splitting his helmet in two, he fell to his knees, bloody liquid running from his ears, choking his throat, raising his sword one last time he failed to prevent the club smashing into his face.

Horrified, Grace looked upon what she had done, Thorn was dead, despite all their bickering, he was her friend, not only was Thorn dead but so was Stunty, she was alone, well not quite alone, two grinning, club wielding Bugbears were jogging towards her. Turning Grace fled back into the winding room, crap she thought, nowhere to hind, drawing her bow she made ready to stand against them, this time with one of the magical arrows at the ready. With a shake of her head however she realised it was hopeless, she could never survive the two creatures attack on her own, as the grinning Bugbears came into the room Grace spun & clambered up the swinging platform & dragged her self up one of the remaining ropes to the platform room above, fearing they would follow her she slashed the two remaining ropes, below she could just make out the upturned faces of the two Bugbears.

Grace sank to her knees & sobbed.

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