Session One

The storey so far . . . . . . . .

Bedraggled, tired, wet & cold, yep that about summed it all up, it was still raining & before long darkness would fall. They'd been stumbling about now for three days without the foggiest idea where they were & it hadn't stopped raining once.

Suddenly Thorn stopped muttering & pointed towards a dark patch high up on the side of the craggy valley

"Is that a cave do you think, god I hope so, we need to get out of this bloody rain"

Peering up, Grace sighed, nodded & hefting her pack onto her shoulder began to scale the boulder strewn slopes towards shelter above.

Hoping it was not already occupied the two friends stared into the darkness & sure it was free of waiting monsters edged inside relieved to be out of the rain.

Lantern, eventually, lit they realised that the cave was much bigger than first thought, its rear disappearing into the hillside, still that could wait till they were dry.

Struggling out of wet clothes Grace moaned as she realised that the cave was all well & good but apart from their tinder they had nothing with which to make a fire, grumbling they investigate the cave a little deeper & are astonished to find a stack of cut, dry firewood on a natural shelf above head height, not waiting to consider who left it there the two soon get a good fire burning, & as their wet clothes gently steam, relax for the first time in weeks.

Bellies full, clothes drying, good sense eventually surfaces & burning brands held aloft the extent of the cave is explored. Under the light of both hooded lanterns Grace & Thorn pace towards the narrowing rear of the cave, as Grace squeezes between the ever closing walls the passage swings left, shining the lantern to the ceiling Grace narrowly avoids stepping into space as steps cut into the rock floor disappear down into darkness.

Shaken, Grace suggests returning to the fire & getting some sleep before exploring further, reluctantly Thorn agrees however as Grace curls up by the embers Thorn silently slips away.

Stepping onto the top step Thorn crouches to avoid his head scraping the cavern roof, thirty feet down the corridor splits, turning to his left but not watching his feet Thorn fails to notice the poorly covered pit, his scream dies as he hits the bottom & the glow of the lantern dies.

Grace, warmed & dozing opens her eyes to the faint echo's emanating from the rear of the cave, alert now she turns to speak to Thorn only to realise she is alone, throwing her cloak about her & with lantern primed she follows Thorns route down the stairs to the junction beyond. Shining her lamp left & right Grace notes Thorn's discarded lantern on the passage floor, edging forward she reaches the pit & peering in sees Thorns unmoving body below. Her calls unanswered she can see blood on his cheek but no sign of further injury despite the crude stakes protruding from the bottom of the pit.

Returning to the fire Grace gathers rope from her pack & heads back unsure if Thorn still lives, however on her return Thorn is sitting against the side of the pit holding his head.

Later sat around the stoked fire Grace finishes dressing Thorns wounds & chastises him for his rashness, however her words go unheeded as he gently snores to himself.


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