Session Nineteen

After s quietly as they can manage the three bruised & bandaged comrades clambered over the barrels blocking their way & crept forward along the winding passage under the light of the spluttering torches, slowly the winding fissure opened into a crudely worked passage to their left a small iron bound door stood ajar whilst ahead a gaping pit split the the floor across the width of the passage. Whilst Grace & Stunty investigated the open door Thorn eased himself towards the pit edge, holding a torch over the edge Thorn could see the pit was some twelve feet deep &, as expected, crude steel spikes projected from its base, impaled on the spikes were two bodies, one, freshly spiked, recognisable as one of the goblins who had leapt the makeshift barricade to escape grace's wrath, the second older, possibly elven, long dead.

With Stunty behind her, Grace ducked under the door frame, it was a tight squeeze, the passage clearly cut to to accommodate those at least a foot shorter than Grace, Stunty, whilst shorter had to shuffle sideways, the breadth of his shoulders barely fitting as it was. Using some of shier meager supply of lamp oil Grace illuminated the narrow passage, clearly well trodden it curled away to gradually run parallel to the main passage before curling back on itself. Suddenly grace's forward passage was blocked as a second door, locked, blocked her way,

"Damm" hissed Grace " I bet its the key from around that bloody goblins neck"

Barely able to turn around Stunty lead grace back along the passage until they emerged back into the torch lit main passage.

Thorn, not waiting to see what Stunty & Grace discovered, impatiently lowered himself down the side of the pit, as he dropped the last few feet however he stumbled & fell backwards, twisting he managed to avoid the impaling himself although fresh blood slowly began to seep through the padding around his shoulder.

As he pushed himself back to his feet Grace & Stunty poked their heads over the side of the pit,

"Er Thorn, can we have that key please"

Muttering Thorn threw the key up.

Whilst Thorn carefully stepped around the stakes Grace & Stunty quickly made shier way back through the side passage, unlocked the second door & emerged on the far side of the pit.

"Hey, Thorn" hissed Stunty, "there's a ladder down the pit wall on this side"Ignoring shier sniggering Thorn inspected the bodies,

"Guess it was to far for the little bugger to jump" whispered Stunty, nodding towards the goblin, "Shame he didn't have the key" replied Grace,

Thorn, grinning, stuck his head up above the edge of the pit, holding onto the ladder with one hand he passed up a sword recovered from the second corpse,"grab that will you, elf blade if you ask me, silver hilt as well, bit tasty"

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