Session Nine

Stood in front of the doors it suddenly dawns on them, the key from the last room, it must open this door, putting the key in the lock it fits, Grace looks at Thorn, he nods in agreement & Grace turns the the key, there is a feint but distinct click & the doors swing on well oiled hinges silently apart.

Unbelievably in the room beyond are five guardians, skeletons, all with blazing red eyes & armed with a mixture of swords, daggers & axes. Reacting first Thorn raises his axe & closely followed by Grace charges through the doors into the room, rested the two will not be deterred from their path & batter the guardians aside, after a few short minutes the floor is littered with twitching bones as the magic which must have held them together fades away.

Bandaging their cuts Grace is amazed at how quickly the pain of her wounds fades & mentions this fact to Thorn, as he bandages his own arm he points to her neck saying,

"The pendant, from the dead elf maiden, its glowing"

Remembering, she raises her hand to her throat & feels the warmth of the pendant,

"Yes your right, it must be enchanted in some way, but it can't be that powerful as it didn't save her did it"

Cursing they stand looking at the far wall,

"More bloody doors" shouted Thorn, "How many bloody more doors have we got to open"

Grace silently contemplates their latest problem, three doors, no latches, no keyholes, nothing, & all locked. Knowing there must be someway through Grace leaves Thorn to grumble & starts to search the floor, moving aside, the now turning to dust, bones she quickly spies a small square panel into the floor with a finger sized hole in it. Prising the panel up it reveals four small levers, warning Thorn to be ready for anything, Grace, watching the three doors, pulls the left hand lever & jumps as there is a noise behind her.

Spinning around both sigh with relief as the watch the pair of iron doors gently close, pulling the same lever the doors swing open, the key is removed & the doors closed again after which Thorn locks them & pockets the key. Watching again, Grace pulls the third lever & the middle door of the three clicks open, beyond is a long corridor yellow lit by glowing half-spherical glass domes on the ceiling. Seeing no sign of obvious danger Grace crosses her fingers & steps into the corridor, relieved to find nothing happens.

Thorn, moves ahead of Grace, who reluctantly trails behind, at the far end, some one hundred & fifty feet, is a timber door, bolted & locked from this side, however there is no key. Leaving Thorn, who is tryingto force the door open, Grace returns to the levers & pushes the second, as expected the second door clicks open but surprisingly the middle door swings closed & locks, pulling the third lever the third door opens & the second door closes.

Down the corridor Thorn turns to see the door close however before he can react the corridor is plunged into darkness, staggering along blindly relative brightness startles him as the door is opened but only again for him to be plunged into blackness a few seconds later. As he nears the middle of the corridor the lights again return & blinking he can see Grace trotting towards him saying,

"Well, I've found how the doors work, what's up with you, look like you've seen a ghost"

Shaking his head, Thorn brushes past Grace,

"Yer, something like that"


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