Session Eighteen

Ignoring Thorn's injuries for the minute Grace slunk towards Stunty, crouching by his recumbent form she cringed at the amount of blood congealing on his face & chest, his helm was split & off to one side revealing a huge gaping wound across his forehead. Peering over her shoulder Thorn whispered,

"Is he dead then"

Ignoring Thorn, grace looked for a mirror or something similar to hold in front of Stunty's mouth to see if he was breathing however before they could act a blood rasping gurgle escaped Stunty's lips, rolling Stunty on to his side both watched in horror as a large flap of skin peeled back to reveal bloody bone beneath. Eyes rolled back in his head both try to staunch the flow of blood from Stunty's head but realise its more than their pitiful first aid skills can cope with.

Remembering the strange necklace identified earlier by Thorn, Grace draped it around Stunty's neck & hesitantly commanded it to heal, slowly it begins to glow with a feint blue light which spreads across Stunty's cooling flesh, before there very eyes the edges of ragged wound on Stunty's head start to close, after a few seconds only an ugly red scar remained where only moments before ripped meat & jagged bone had suggested Stunty's imminent death, with a deep sigh Stunty breathed deeply & his eye lids fluttered open.

With Stunty back from the grave & sipping watered wine from Grace's flask Thorn uncovers the wound to his own shoulder, unable to dress the cut, Grace, returning the now dulled & cooling necklace to per back pack, helps Thorn pad the wound & then Thorn in turn, despite feeling feint, assists Grace with her own wounds.

Suddenly Thorn hisses in Graces ear,

"What was that, beyond the barrels, voices"

Crawling forward Grace peers through a gap between the barrels, in the dying torch light the shadows play tricks with her vision however Grace is sure she can see nothing moving this side of the bend ahead, turning to crawl back towards the others Grace realises they are silhouetted against a feint flickering glow emanating from the chasm over which they had crossed. Crawling to its edge both Grace & Thorn can see the glow comes from beneath the overhanging rock from where the water 30 feet or so below passes beyond their view. Moving back across the swaying bridge grace crouches & can just see an opening in the cliff face, several torches flicker within its opening revealing what looks like stacked cargo as if waiting to be loaded on a barge maybe.

Back across the chasm Thorn, gathering Stunty's dropped mace realises that one of the fallen goblin still clings to the vestiges of its life, after a few seconds of failing to get a response from the foul smelling fiend Thorn draws a slim blade & slits its throat from ear to ear.

Hurriedly the cooling corpses were searched, little was found other than a dozen or so brass & silver pennies as well as a small iron key on a string around the neck of one of the goblins, pocketing it just in case Thorn bickered about equal shares of booty.

Strapping a buckler retrieved from the goblin's corpse Thorn assists Stunty to his unsteady feet & holding his broad sword at the ready waits for Grace as she gathers up her own dropped equipment, then all three make their way shakily towards the barrels & whatever lies beyond.

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