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Software Downloads

Please note: This stuff is a hobby. If something doesn't work first time, I may well have missed something. Please contact me and let me know if this happens, otherwise it won't get fixed! See the Support Page for more details.

My software has been tested on Windows 10, and it does work - if you aren't a local administrator on the PC though, you'll need to change where it installs to somewhere under My Documents. I expect it will work on Windows 11, but I intend to put that off as long as possible.

The older DOS stuff (RQ, Robots and Vehicles) won't run on 64-bit WinAnything. The only way get it to go is to run it on an older PC with 32-bit Windows or something like DOSBox or VMWare... Sorry!

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General Software

Name Description Current version/
Release Date

Campaign Guide

Product detail and Download Page
A database program designed to store library data about an RPG campaign, and to output linked web pages organized by user-defined categories and alphabetically, ready to upload to a website. Supports images within the text. v1.3 (21st December 2003)

Traveller Software

Name Description Current version/
Release Date


Product detail and Download Page

Character generator to produce Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition characters. Core Rules careers are implemented; output can be saved as HTML files. A full history is produced. The data files defining the career can be edited and a guide to doing this will be available. Template output means you can design your own output template and it will slot the details into it. Random names are generated based on the race of the character; no guarantees are made for their pronouncability!

This will be expanded as time goes on. Please let me know what you find on support (at) - thanks!

v1.13 (7th May 2024)


Product detail and Download Page
Character generator to produce MegaTraveller characters using the detailed (Mercenary, High Guard) system. Many, many races and careers are catered for; output can be saved as HTML files, printed, etc. Automatic facilites are provided to enable rapid generation for NPC creation, and "cheat codes" for those with specific requirements. Specific skills or ranks may be "aimed for" and a full history is produced. The data files defining the career can be edited and a guide to doing this is available. Random names are generated based on the race of the character; no guarantees are made for their pronouncability! v6.4 (12th February 2004)

Ships III

Product detail and Download Page
MegaTraveller starship design, produces starships and spaceships with full stats. Gives posh prints or HTM documents, can produce an indexed web page output of all ship designs in a folder. Summarizes deckplan squares per component, making deskplanning easier. Customization manual is provided! v17.14 (7th May 2020)


So many people have had trouble with this one - and Stuart Ferris has so effectively overtrumped it with the excellent Heaven and Earth - that I've withdrawn StarSys from distribution. Hell, it works for me. I think it's the installation scripts; I'll try and debug it one day. Withdrawn 12th August 2002


Product detail and Download Page
HexMap reads a text file containing subsector information and displays a pukha subsector map. It can print these back out in a variety of formats, including HTM, edit some of the details, and will explain the UWP values for each world. v6.4 (2nd June 2002)

Worlds, Robots and Vehicles for DOS

Product detail and Download Page

Older programs for creating robots, vehicles, aircraft and helicopters; and to run the expanded World design from World Builders' Handbook for Megatraveller. This won't run on 64-bit Windows, you'll need to use XP Mode, DOSBox, VMWare or Hyper-V to get it going.

Please read the notes on the download page....

various (17th September 2018)


Product detail and Download Page
This program randomly produces a set number of random characters for either RuneQuest 3 or Megatraveller. Basic stats are created, but the primary purpose is to produce a simple unit of grunts, either for opposition or spear-carriers backing the PCs up. v6.1 (5th November 2005)

Runequest Software

Name Description Current version/
Release Date

RQ Utilities Bundle for DOS

Product detail and Download Page
An assortment of older programs, running under DOS but workable from Windows, providing character generation, NPC lists, quick armour, magical items and treasure hoards for Runequest III. This won't run on 64-bit Windows, you'll need to use XP Mode, DOSBox, VMWare or Hyper-V to get it going. varies (1993)


Product detail and Download Page
This program randomly produces a set number of random characters for either RuneQuest 3 or Megatraveller. Basic stats are created, but the primary purpose is to produce a simple unit of grunts, either for opposition or spear-carriers backing the PCs up. v6.1 (5th November 2005)

General RPG software and Other Stuff

Name Description Current version/
Release Date

Tablemaster tables for Traveller

Product detail and Download Page
For those of you who own Tablemaster, here are some tables I've created for that splendid piece of GM software. NB you'll have to modify the "include" statements to suit your directory tree.

Tablemaster is no longer available, sadly, the one-woman-band who created it has packed up business and disapeared off the face of the Web. The tables should convert to Tablesmith pretty easily though.

TableSmith Table for Package Traveller NPCs

Product detail and Download Page

This is a table for the excellent TableSmith, which produces Traveller NPCs by means of the Packages option in the Traveller Companion for Mongoose Traveller 2e. It requires Tablesmith but that is well worth the $10. 16/05/2022


Product detail and Download Page

A very old program, written even before I discovered TableMaster. A text file with a list of results and how probable they are is fed in one end and a formatted table, scaled for d10, d100 or d1000 depending on how big the table is emerges at the other.

Because of its' age, this software will run on anything! (Except 64-bit Windows, sadly, you'll need to use XP Mode or Hyper-V)

Full instructions and a couple of sample table files are included.
v8.4 (23 September 2000)

Index to the Traveller's Digest

Product detail and Download Page
The (alas) sadly defunct Travellers Digest magazine was one of the most useful references ever published for Traveller. Being a hopeless geek, I chose to index them in a Windows help file. n/a

Battledress Malfunction Tables

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Ever felt fed up that your players are wandering around in powered armour thumbing their noses at the forces of Order (ie the GM’s NPCs)? Then you want these tables. Every time an armoured character’s armour is stressed (your ruling, but falling off high things and being run over by busses are two examples that come to mind), roll for a malfunction and watch them learn to distrust the battledress! Heh, heh. Cruel or what? (153kb) n/a

Starship Malfunction Tables

Product detail and Download Page
The Millenium Falcon keeps sparking and quirking and it makes life interesting - and that's with two experts nursing her along. If your players don't give a stuff about maintainance, or regard star travel as "ho-hum" here's some options to make life more varied. 5th July 2018

Alien Module F1: I'Sred*Ni

Product detail and Download Page

The I'Sred*Ni appeared in the Paranoia Press publication "Beyond" way back in the days of Black Book Traveller. They were only really mentioned in passing, with their star empire mapped, so when I came to use them, I had to write them up. This was the result.

Paranoia Press used to have a home page, but it seems to have disappeared, sadly. NB this article is NOT FINISHED. Any feedback please mail me. (56kb)
26th December 1999