These are either extensions to the rules that are used in this campaign, or clarifications/interpretations of rules left a little unclear in the original game system.
To clear a jammed weapon: Difficult, <weapon skill>, Dex, 1 round absolute, hazardous Ref: Failure means the damage is serious, and the weapon must be bench-stripped and repaired before it will work again. |
Firearms, energy weapons, and gauss weapons jam (or short-circuit, or otherwise malfunction) if a natural 2 is rolled on the dice while using them. Use the task on the right to unjam the weapon during combat..
Inevitably, someone wants to be Lara Croft and use two guns at once. These rules cover that eventuality.
Normally, either-handedness or ambidexterity are rolled for at character creation. Elective skill points can be spent during character creation to 'buy' these abilities. Either-handedness costs 1 elective skill point. A further 1 point can be spent to 'upgrade' to ambidexterity.
Assuming the user is undisturbed (not in combat, running around, or under direct attack), aimed shots from Long range or further with a specifically-made single-shot sniper weapon invoke neither the Difficulty penalty nor the End of the Round initiative penalty.
To grapple an opponent: Routine, Brawling, Str, Dex (confrontation), instant Ref: Winner can decide whether to break the hold, try a throw or inflict Hands damage to chest or abdomen |
To throw a grappled opponent: Difficult, Brawling, Str, Dex (confrontation), instant |
To render a grappled opponent unconcious: Formidable, Brawling, Str, End, (confrontation), instant Ref: +1 DM per combat round grappled |
Resolve straightforward punching, kicking and headbutting as normal attacks
In one round you can:
Non-proficient penalty is –6 (two difficulty levels)
This penalty may be reduced by Jack Of Trades for most skills at the DM’s option. Not included are most scientific study skills and knowledge skills.
To apply first aid: Routine, Medical, Edu, 1 round absolute Ref: Subtract 7 from the result and multiply by the OT multipler for the affected area; this is the amount of damage healed. |
Medical skill can be used as a full-round action for combat patch-up with the task on the right.
With Brawling, all body parts deliver 1D damage as per 'Hands', regardless of what armour is worn..
Unarmed Combat delivers more specialized training. Treat Hands and Feet as Blade; Elbows and Knees as Dagger and Head as Club. If the skill is held to level 2 or higher, it can be applied as a defensive bonus to armour vs attacks at short and close range. Wearing physical armour interferes with this; light armour such as Jack or Cloth applies a -2 penalty to the above damage ratings and halves the defence bonus. Heavier armour such as combat armour prevents the use of this skill completely.
Characters can seek training to improve their skills.
To find training for a skill: Routine, <current skill level> Ref: This assumes a reasonable environment; Hovercraft training is unlikely to be available on an asteroid! |
To complete the training: Routine, Determination, 20 hours Ref: Basic cost is Cr10/hour, and may be much higher |
To learn the skill from the training: Difficult, <current skill level>, (Instructor's) Instruction skill or (student's) Int, ticks / 20 Ref: Success increases the skill by 1 and removes all ticks; failure adds 3D ticks but no level. |
Tasks are as follows;