
Session Logs
00: A Taste of Evil
Shadows of Atlantis
Part One: The Italian Job
01: Overseas Assignment
02 - The Pinzolo Trail
03 - Arson around in the Woods
04 - The Battle of Cascata di Lares
05 - Stalkers and Explosions
06 - Getting Away With It
Part Two: Disc of the Sun
07 - Night Boat to Cairo
08 - Unauthorized Excavation
09 - Fairly or Reasonably Deep
10 - Nowbi Brain in a Jar
11 - Voices inside my Head
12 - Investigations
13 - Causing Trouble in Cairo
14 - Back to Makhren Jirma
15 - An Englishman Abroad
16 - Change of Address
17 - World of the Dead
18 - The Disc of the Sun
Part Three: The Roof of the World
19 - As Above, So Below
20 - A Slight Diversion
21 - Crossing the Mountains
22 - The Fall of the Veiled Monastery
Part Four: The Jewel in the Crown
23 - Clues and Puppets
24 - Trooping off to the Caves
25 - Spirits of Forgetfulness
26 - Ambush in the Forest
27 - The Silenced Witness
28 - Culturally Inappropriate Hand Grenade
29 - From India to Persia
Part Five: The Cup of Yima
30 - Temples of Fire
31 - The Lost City of Var
32 - Enter the Black Sun
Some Time Passes
Part Six - Train Heist
33 - Waitin' for the Train
34 - Truck with Teeth
35 - Canova and Torbole
36 - Air and Sea
Part Seven - Viracocha's Mirror
37 - Going to America
38 - Fish Trap
39 - I Fought the Law
40 - All At Sea
41 - The Pyramids of Túcume
42 - The Sad Fate of the Hauer Expedition
43 - Those That Are Left Behind
44 - Whispers
The Discord Sessions
Part Eight - The Island of Splendour
45 - Tracks of Time
46 - The Forgotten Island
47 - Bifrost
48 - The Fall of Atlantis
49 - Back to the Future
50 - Changes
The Paths of the Dead
Part One - Archangel
51 - Back in the USSR
52 - Rats and Labs
53 - Getting to Know the Locals
54 - Zombie Apocalypse
55 - Leaving the Base
56 - The House of Gorska Malia
57 - Ard Griba
58 - Police and Fire
59 - Fire and Tears
The Romanian Imperative
60 - Journey to Transylvania
Francoise Duval
Birapeer Mansukhani Singh
Anné Laurentine
Cyril Boston-Flint
Joe Vandeleur
Prof. Marcus Brody
Jimmy Wispa
'Lucky' Jake Black
Jack ' Egypt' Dorset
Significant NPCs
Viscount Alec Towton
Professor Richard Deadman
Lionel "Sir" Percival
Maria Verletti
House Rules
Character Creation
Editable PDF character sheet
Dr Botho Erlichmann's Journal
The Book of the Machine
PBEM Images etc
Prozess zur Abpraller
Tägliche Laboraufzeichnungen
The Fallen
Gregory Snickers
Jimmy Wispa *
Maria Verletti *
Charlie Brooks *