Plumage I Diabolics

Archers Bows Arrows Rounds Scores Graphs Top Page
Wood Spine Cresting Diameter Length Fletching Fletch colours
Pine 35-45 Purple, prussian blue and white 5/16" 26.5" 1.5" low profile diabolic 3x green
Nock Make Nock Colour Pile Type Pile Weight Date
Marco index Black Brass bullet taper 80gr 12/04/2015

These arrows are a cut-down version of Plumage I, equipped with the Diabolic fletches. These are a RW fletch cut with a LW 1.5 Low Profile cutter, and mounted backwards on the shaft (ie with the feathers the right way around). This produces a steep leading edge and a sloped trailing edge, and looks interesting. 3 initially made. Performed around the same as the Falcons at WMFA Champs 2015.

Date Location Archer Bow Round Score Hits Golds Class
Total arrows recorded: Generated by ArcheryScores v2.02