Brown Dragons

Archers Bows Arrows Rounds Scores Graphs Top Page
Wood Spine Cresting Diameter Length Fletching Fletch colours
Port Orford Cedar 25/30lb White 5/16" 26.5" 2.5" shield 2 green 1 white
Nock Make Nock Colour Pile Type Pile Weight Date
Bohning Index Black Brass bullet screw 100gr 24/06/2013

Cresting 1" White with ID and number (skipped the rest for time reasons) #7 slightly different weight than the others. Built rather quickly to be ready for GNAM 2013! Weight spread 4gr, balance average 26cm. "Bramble Red" woodstain turns out to be a rather disappointing brown!

Date Location Archer Bow Round Score Hits Golds Class
13/10/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 418 60 2 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
12/10/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 404 58 0 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
06/10/2017 The Longbow Club Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 422 60 2 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
27/09/2017 KSC Indoor Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 425 60 3 (Indoor Bowman 1st)
12/09/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 389 59 2 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
31/08/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 411 58 7 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
30/08/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 340 56 2 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
28/08/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 352 56 3 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
25/08/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 415 60 3 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
15/08/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 411 60 2 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
15/08/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 450 60 7 (Indoor Bowman 1st)
17/07/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 410 60 3 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
30/05/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 383 58 7 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
25/05/2017 KSC outdoor Hugh pre COVID Revenant Imperial 252 20 yards 276 36 21  
19/05/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 411 58 4 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
04/05/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 440 60 4 (Indoor Bowman 1st)
30/04/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 358 57 4 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
22/04/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 391 60 4 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
20/04/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 385 60 6 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
15/04/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 413 60 3 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
08/04/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 443 60 9 (Indoor Bowman 1st)
07/04/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 390 60 2 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
26/03/2017 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 390 59 2 (Indoor Bowman 2nd)
04/10/2016 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 355 60 3 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
04/10/2016 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 321 52 2 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
29/09/2016 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 341 57 2 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
25/09/2016 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 359 57 2 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
20/09/2016 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 232 42 0 (Indoor Archer 2nd)
15/09/2016 Clarence Road Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 363 58 4 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
22/08/2016 KSC Indoor Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 270 53 1 (Indoor Archer 1st)
13/08/2016 KSC Indoor Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 363 58 4 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
13/08/2016 KSC Indoor Hugh pre COVID Revenant Portsmouth 318 56 3 (Indoor Bowman 3rd)
28/09/2014 New Century Hugh pre COVID Revenant National 128 42 1  
11/08/2013 KSC outdoor Hugh pre COVID Revenant Warwick 47 13 0  
28/07/2013 KSC outdoor Hugh pre COVID Robinson Longbow Bristol II 251 57 4  
21/07/2013 New Century Hugh pre COVID Robinson Longbow Bristol II 261 77 3  
18/07/2013 KSC outdoor Hugh pre COVID Robinson Longbow Warwick 62 18 2  
14/07/2013 KSC outdoor Hugh pre COVID Robinson Longbow Short Windsor 302 74 3  
30/06/2013 KSC outdoor Hugh pre COVID Purple Piledriver Western 140 38 1  
28/06/2013 Lillieshall Hugh pre COVID Purple Piledriver Long National 52 14 0  
27/06/2013 Lillieshall Hugh pre COVID Purple Piledriver York 44 14 0  
26/06/2013 Lillieshall Hugh pre COVID Purple Piledriver York 40 1 1  
Total arrows recorded: 2,916 Generated by ArcheryScores v2.02