Red Dust

Banitar Red Dust - Thalrath word for a herald, a banner bearer
Dakhair Red Dust - Thalrath word for a warlord, leader, hero
Dakhair Ashkhari Red Dust 1600 Red Dust Nomad hero and influential leader, resembles Kobort of Tusmit very strongly
Djebran, Oasis Red Dust 1600 Oasis in the Red Dust where Kobort and Dakhair Ashkari met and settled their differences
Jerfaya-khan Red Dust - Thalrath word for a Khan of all the Khans, an Overlord
Kabirlah Red Dust - The Red Dust Nomads' own name for themselves
Kerjha Azala Red Dust 1600 Nomad raiding party leader, duped into believing Kobort was Dakhair Ashkhari
Kobort of Tusmit Red Dust 1600 Sorcerer, unique red hair and eyes, double for Dakair Ashkari, carries Anakha-Dyvka, shapeshifter
Red Dust Nomads Red Dust - Nomadic people of the Red Dust Tract
Red Dust Tract Red Dust - Southern land, desert roamed by hardy horse nomads, southern extents unknown
Tarik Khan Red Dust 1414 Greatest Khan of Red Dust legend, fought at Lantalaure
Tazarin Red Dust - Thalrath word for a warband
Tusmit Red Dust - One of the many oases in the Tract used as a gathering place by the nomads.