Red Dust Nomads

Nomadic people of the Red Dust Tract

When the Erlyid first ventured into the Red Dust Tract, they found humans already there; as far as those humans were concerned, they'd always been there, and always would be. Conflict was inevitable, and the Empire and the Nomads have warred off and on ever since. The nomads of the Dust are a wandering people, made up of numerous independent clans which frequently war on each other.

Taller than the Erlyid, though not the Northmen, Dust Nomads tend to be slender and wiry, with dark hair and tanned brown skins. Very occasionally, an individual will crop up with pure red hair and eyes, and these are usually hunted down and slain as witches and sorcerers; not always without cause.

Their own name for their people is Kabirlah, meaning Horsemen.

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