
Khabran God of Evil, The Destroyer, Betrayer, The Evil One

Sabath is the brother of Hektis and hates and envies him. Constantly scheming to bring down the other Gods, he is often outcast, but ever forgiven by Isetbashyat, who has some undisclosed reason for needing Sabath in the future.

After the reawakening of some of the Khabran Gods in 1655, Sabath acquired new followers, notably his Regalia-bearer Eloy and the elf marchwarden Milani. His cult shifted to encompass a surreptitious anarchy and undermining of authority under Eloy, but it was Milani who accomplished the most in the years between 1655 and her violent and bloody coup in Belamir in 1921.

A sizable percentage of the elvish population of Belamir now worship Sabath

Sabath was the only God to refuse to honour the agreement reached at Stormpeak in 2030 and is regarded as outcast and enemy by all the other deities. Little he cares.

His domains are Evil, Chaos, Destruction and Illusion

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