Duceor's capital before the Dragon, ruined by successive invasions, rebuilt by Skufruss, now City State
Unusually high number of sorcerers (famous sorcery academy, Stonestaffschool).
People here have a reputation for being helpful.
Known for the quality of its dyes.
Known for its abundance of rabbits.
Professional dragon hunters
Minensal is located in a green valley in the midst of the Maric Hills in what was Southern Tarlanor. In ancient days it was the capital of Duceor, and by the end of the Elf wars, successive invasions had laid it in ruins, made worse by the infighting among the Kin there after the Slaying. Under Skufruss' rule, the inner third was rebuilt and became a prosperous trade hub. The outer two-thirds are still the greening rubble of a once-mighty city with strong Elvish influences.
Minensal was governed by the Governor, Nurnimen, but the elven merchant prince Gilhetar gained sufficient influence in the city to become a significant player in the political arena. He runs wagon trains into various parts of the Northlands, trading virtually anything to anyone.
When Tarlanor fell, Minensal - like Lossal - declared itself an independent city-state, and remained a major trade centre. The post of Governor was quietly emptied, and First Citizen Gilhetar now governs the whole place. The various Guilds form a council with him at its' head, and Guild Law obtains throughout the city; offences detrimental to trade are punished particularly harshly.
The expansion of the Drachenfels has left Minensal on the front lines, and defence against dragons is a constant preoccupation, brought to a head by the destruction of Lossal and Dalaghendor. Minensal is home to the world's only professional dragon hunters, a small and short-lived band who specialize in fighting dragons.
The Elf Death savagely reduced the population, back to roughly post-Invasion levels. Trade has dwindled to some extent, but still forms a major part of the city's activity.