zombie things

There are those people who, sad as it is, don't think some of these films should be allowed in any list of zombie films because the zombies in them aren't Romero zombies, hence 28 Days Later & it's ilk are in thier opinion a travesty because they run to quick or because it's caused by a virus but bloody hell, who cares, get a life (hark at me) they are guaranteed bona fide 100% reanimated dead people, QED, they are fucking flesh eating teeth gnashing zombies.

If however, as fans of the zombie genre, we're completey honest (never in a million years) vey few zombie films are actually zombie films in the true definition of the word, true zombies are a renamation of a corpse by witchcraft in the main in African and Caribbean religions, the bulk if not all modern films acredit their creation to a virus, a mixture of superstrength chemicals, alien intervention or some other pile of bollcks so lets not get arsy because some zombies don't stumble around mindelssly; of course a zombie is also a very heady cocktail consisting of several kinds of rum, liqueur & fruit juice, also guaranteed to bring you to a state of mindlessness.

Some of the films listed in Aimo's Zombie Film list definitely don't bill themselves as 'zombie flicks' for example "Wakewood" but then it is about bringing dead people back from the grave by ritual so it's actually closer to "real" zombification than most zombie films, bloody hell, I've just convinced myself that it's one of the few real zombie films in the list !

Aimo's Zombie Film List

Recently perusing the Internet (I was bored) I came across Wikpedia's all singing, all dancing, all encompassing list of zombie films, see link below, with time to kill I started flicking through the list looking at a few films that I wasn't familiar with, anyways I was tad surprised at some of the films in the list that definitely are not zombie flicks plus there's a fare few not in the list that should be, nice to know that Wikipedia's just as crap as me, anyway have a look at make your own mind up.

Wikipedia List of Zombie Films

Walking dead, TV & Graphic novels

World War Z & max brooks

Other Zombie Books

Zombie Antarctica

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