All high energy weapons (except the blades) fire beams of super-heated plasma at their targets and cause damage by intense heat and kinetic energy. The blades rely on a user causing the plasma/laser blade to intersect with the target, causing damage by intense heat and radiation. All high-energy weapons require a power source.
Weight 6500g; magazine 400g. Length 1000mm. The rifle version of the hand blaster (q.v.), firing a slightly larger 4mm calibre projectile at 1000 metres/second. A magazine containing 10 charges is fitted into the stock of the rifle; one round is fired per pull of the trigger. Replacement of the magazine takes one combat round. The blast rifle has a slightly wider blast radius than its hand counterpart, being 1.5 metres. Neither weapon is suitable for use at close quarters. All the notes on the hand blaster apply to the blaster rifle.
Weight 1000g; pack 14000g. Length 1000mm. The Fusion Gun, K'kree Portable is a TL 14 weapon which is occasionally available to military units within K'kree territory. It is similar to the Imperial FGMP-14, but uses the increased load-carrying capability of the K'kree to allow a larger power pack.
Weight 1000g; pack 9000g. Length 900mm. Similar in design and function to the PGMP-13, the FGMP-14 differs only in that it contains the plasma slightly longer until a fusion reaction begins to take place. The weapon is slightly more powerful than a plasma gun, and may only be used by individuals wearing battle dress.
Weight 1000g (50g with FG on); pack 2000g (110g with FG on). Length 800mm. Incorporating a gravitic field generator similar to that used on the PGMP-14, with a weapon system similar to that of the FGMP-15, the FGMP-15 is the most powerful man-portable weapon system available at Imperial tech levels.
Weight 500g (25g with FG on); pack 1000g (55g with FG on). Length 600mm. The FGMP-16 is an advanced, lighter weight version of the FGMP-15 with all its features.
Weight 1200g; magazine 500g. Length 200mm. This is a handgun-sized atomic energy weapon, firing a tiny 3mm X 15mm projectile at 700 to 800 metres/second. Once set in motion, anything that stops it trips a tiny atomic trigger which converts a sub microscopic fraction of its mass into energy, creating a rather impressive explosion. A magazine containing six charges is inserted into the gun's handle, one charge being fired for each pull of the trigger. Reloading takes one combat round, two if the firer is treated as evading. Disadvantages of this weapon are its obvious expense, plus the fact that any target hit by it becomes radioactive and stays that way for 24 hours; this affects a radius of half a metre. If the victim survives the initial hit, they both suffer the effects of and become a source of Class I radiation poisoning (see Appendix A). Owning or using either a hand blaster or a blaster rifle is a High Justice crime under Imperial law, due to their basic atomic nature.
Weight 200g. Length 300mm (off) 3000mm (on). The lightsabre is a completely self-contained high-energy blade, generating a beam of coherent, coloured laser energy 3m long. Focused magnetic fields keep the heat and radiation from the blade from burning the arm and hand of the user. The internal power pack provides enough power for 20 combat rounds of operation; recharging requires 5 hours connected to a high energy source. The lightsabre is a very rare item and not available on the open market.
The first light energy weapon after the laser, the weapon consists of a power pack carried on the firer's back, the weapon itself and a flexible power link. The power pack powers a laser ignition system in the weapon itself which heats hydrogen fuel into a plasma state. The plasma is contained in the weapon's ignition chamber briefly and then released through a magnetically focused field along the weapon's barrel. The high initial velocity plasma jet is 2cm in diameter but begins to dissipate immediately. Each power pack has sufficient energy to discharge 40 bolts before recharging is necessary. Each pull of the trigger discharges one bolt. Because of the considerable recoil, the PGMP-12 may only be fired every other round. Recharging requires four hours connected to a high energy source (such as a ship's power plant).
Weight 900g; pack 7000g. Length 900mm. A high gain light plasma gun designed exclusively for use with battle dress. Of similar general configuration to the PGMP-12, the PGMP-13 may only be fired by an individual wearing battle dress, and only when the firer is stationary and firmly braced in one of several standard firing positions. This allows the suit's normal strength enhancement units to function as a recoil carriage. Instead of a conventional stock, the PGMP-13 has a recoil cylinder terminating in a computer link to the battle dress. The link engages when placed in the PGMP socket integral with the battledress (placed over the upper right or upper left chest/shoulder). The weapon may not be fired unless the socket is engaged. Engagement projects crosshairs on the suit faceplate for targeting. The weapon may be fired once every combat round. The power pack is a small fusion reactor with effectively unlimited fuel for combat purposes. It requires periodic refuelling and maintenance every 24-36 hours, depending on use.
Weight 1000g; pack 9000g. Length 900mm. The final development of the light plasma gun, the PGMP-14 incorporates a gravitic field generator which enables personnel not in battledress both to carry the weapon and to fire it, since the weapon's computer system automatically biases the field to provide near total recoil compensation. It is otherwise similar to the PGMP-13 in performance.
Weight 500g; pack 600g. Length 400mm (off) 3000mm (on). The Plasma Blade is the first step in the development of the lightsabre (q.v.). It requires a small power pack, usually worn at the belt, although versions to fit on the right arm on a "wrap around" basis are available. A flexible cable runs up the arm and connects to the weapon by means of a small, ultra-low power microwave link between a wrist unit and the hilt. When the weapon is powered up, a magnetic bottle is created extending three metres from the hilt. Within this area, hydrogen fuel is heated to a plasma state by a laser ignition system. The weapon is somewhat dangerous; a wrist and arm guard are required to prevent burns. in addition to this, the power pack only contains enough charge for one hour of use. Recharging requires connection to a high energy source for 10 hours. The invention of the coherent laser blade at TL 16 replaces the plasma blade.
Weight 500g; pack 1000g. Length 700mm. A highly advanced, very portable version of the earlier PGMP weapons.