Pavabid/District 268
Berthing 400
Pavabid is a garden world with an environment conducive to most sophonts. The system has a population between 100 million and a billion sophonts. This world designated as an Amber Zone.
Pavabid's 700 million inhabitants live in a stagnant, inflexible society that stifles intellectual and economic growth. Since immigration and emigration are illegal, interstellar trade is tightly restricted, and information is strictly controlled, the majority of the inhabitants can conceive of no other way of life. Most live in small towns built around light industry that are separated by expansive agricultural districts.
Offworlders are permitted on the planet only at the Pavabid Starport and Trade Enclave. This area of four square kilometers is completely cut off from the rest of Pavabid by hundreds of kilometers of wilderness and water, in order to prevent outside contamination of pure Pavabidian society. It is staffed by only the most loyal members of the Thearchy and guarded by church troops. The law level in the trade enclave is 8; in normal Pavabid society it is 9 or even A. The Travellers' Aid Society has classified Pavabid as an amber zone (dangerous) because it is easy to run afoul of its many laws even within the trade enclave.
Pavabid is ruled by a religious dictatorship established in 780. This deeply-entrenched theocracy is a rigid offshoot of the widespread Church of the Stellar Divinity, led by the Son of the Star, Thearch and Divine Ruler of Pavabid. All activities are regarded as religious in nature, and the church enforces strict rules of behavior governing even the most mundane aspects of everyday life.
Pavabid has become a bone of contention in the ongoing 'cold war' between Collace and Trexalon. Ever since iridium deposits were discovered on Pavabid, both sides have been competing for the Son of the Star's favor in order to secure mineral exploitation rights. To date, however, he has rejected both parties’ advances due to fears that introducing large numbers of off-world miners would irrevocably pollute Pavabid's pure theocratic society.
- Anric - Trade Priest
- Barret Jurkovich - ex-Marine, looking for a job, travelling Low
- Church Soldiers - Red and white armour, assault rifles
- Sinners’ Reach - 400 sqkm trade enclave
- Cooking and spices are a major thing, one of the few creative arts approved by the Church
- Rant Absolain - Vargr corsair attacked the Short Walk here