What's All This Then?

The group name

This is a Traveller campaign, featuring largely a bunch of grognard old gamers (and DM) who had been very used to older versions of the game system. Fortunately, we've found the 2nd edition of Mongoose's system comfortingly similar to Classic Traveller but not quite as overspecialized as our house version of MegaTraveller had become.

As I often do, I started with a pre-written adventure, in this case Mongoose's re-skin of the classic Death Station lab ship bug hunt. This established the characters and set them up with one set of secrets that could make them a fortune and/or get them killed nice and early.

After that we've moved into my own imgaination, for better or worse.

The action has centred on the world Collace, hence the renaming of the campaign to better reflect events.

This Session


The long-planned surgery for the installation of augments takes place, and the PCs take delivery of their cargo and personal purchases. Choosing the path of diplomacy over direct action in the matter of the failed assassination, they head home towards Collace, where the threat of war grows ever greater


The Gazeteer

This is where I will upload my bullet notes on people, places, names, things that enter the game grouped by star system. The level of detail, presence or absence, or syntax should be in no way interpreted as clues or spoilers.