RuneQuest Character Sheet - Kira Toravain

Str: 16 Con: 14 Siz: 10 Int: 14 Pow: 22 Dex: 13 App: 11

Hits: 12 SR (D+S=T): 3 + 2 = 5 MP: 22+0=22 FP: 30 Damage: +1d4 Gender: F Date of Birth: Sadric 80 Age: 19 Player: Derek Reed

Agility: +6%
Boat 5% Climb 41% Jump 31% Ride 55% Swim 24% Throw 25%
Communication: +10%
Fast Talk 43% Orate 5% Sing 5% Speak High Melnibonean 31% Carousing 25% Interrogation 5% Speak Low Melnibonean 100%
Knowledge: +4%
Animal Lore 8% Craft 10% Evaluate 5% First Aid 10% Human Lore 5% Shiphandling 28% World Lore 5% Fishing 10% Trade 5% Acting 5% Cook 10% Smith 10% Read\Write Low Melnibonea 100% Read\Write High Melnibone 68% Mason 10%
Manipulation: +10%
Conceal 5% Devise 9% Sleight 5%
Perception: +18%
Listen 25% Scan 28% Search 25% Track 5%
Stealth: -9%
Hide 75% Sneak 10%
Magic: +17%
Ceremony 5% Summon Fire Elementl 53% Summon Water Elemntl 60% Summon Demon Prot'n 110% Summon Demon Desire 88%
Attack: +10%
1H Axe Attack 10% 1H Flail Attack 5% 2H Axe Attack 5% Bow Attack 35% Crossbow Attack 25% Dagger Attack 15% Fist Attack 15% 2H Flail Attack 5% 1H Hammer Attack 10% 2H Hammer Attack 5% 1H Mace Attack 15% 2H Mace Attack 15% Head Butt Attack 15% Rapier Attack 5% Shortsword Attack 10% 1H Spear Attack 5% 2H Spear Attack 43% 1H Sword Attack 40% Thrown Weapon Attack 10% Staff Attack 10% 2H Sword Attack 52% Sling Attack 10% Kick Attack 15% Club Attack 25%
Parry: +6%
Dodge 46% 1H Axe Parry 10% 1H Flail Parry 5% 2H Axe Parry 5% Dagger Parry 15% 2H Flail Parry 5% 1H Hammer Parry 10% 2H Hammer Parry 5% 1H Mace Parry 15% 2H Mace Parry 10% Shield Parry 50% Shortsword Parry 10% 1H Spear Parry 5% 2H Spear Parry 50% 1H Sword Parry 50% Staff Parry 10% 2H Sword Parry 50% Rapier Parry 5% Club Parry 25%


Melee Initiative: Weapon SR + 5
Missile Initiative: 3
Spell Initiative: MP of spell + 3

Demon Greatsword 56% 2d8+3d6 54% 12 1
Kite shield 0% 1d6 50% 16 3
Melnibonéan Bone Bow 35% to 50m, 17% to 100m 2d6+1 0% 0 0
Pike 43% 2d6+2 50% 12 0

Notes: Height: 5' 4" Weight: 8st 8lb. Max demons 5. Greatsword of Crushing, +3d6 damage. Demon Ring of Knowledge, 80% Bound water elemental. 87-point demon of protection. Right handed. Long flowing dark hair and slate grey eyes, outlined in black make up (egyptian). Demon armour looks like a long flowing purple cloak. Hates men, though tolerates those she's kin to. Keeps a pet kitten in her knapsack, which she's training to hiss at and scratch men on sight.
Melee Missile Location Armour/Hits
01-04   01-03 R Leg 87/4 ( )
05-08 04-06 L Leg 87/4 ( )
09-11 07-10 Abd'm 87/4 ( )
12 11-15 Chest 87/5 (Purple cloak demon armour )
13-15 16-17 RArm 87/3 ( )
16-18 18-19 LArm 87/3 ( )
19-20 20 Head 87/4 ( )

24/10/2020 v1.4