
Non-human race, once rulers of Mereval, with different moral codes and a reputation for sorcerey and evil

A non-human race, without any of the moral codes or restraints of conscience found in humans, although possessing a very structured society. Once they ruled all of Mereval, holding humans as slaves and breeding them like cattle. Humans breed faster, though, and sometime in the forgotten past before the rising of the waters, humanity overthrew their Khylar masters, and siezed the world for themselves.

All the major cities remaining on Mereval are originally of Khylar construction, although most have been added to and generally this is preferred forgotten. It is quite obvious, though, as the building styles are radically different in the older sections of the cities.

Very few pure-blood Khylar now remain on Mereval, along with a rather larger number of half-breeds and part-bloods. All are reputed to be powerful, fickle and untrustworthy, and in many places are regarded as evil monsters to be slain out of hand.

Khylar are typically rather taller and stronger than humans, and rather better-looking. They invariably have fair, almost white hair, pale grey eyes, and narrow faces.

Full Khylar get +1 APP, +2 POW, +1 CON, +1 STR, +1 SIZ; these traits breed true 50% of the time in half-bloods. Half and part blood Khylar often exhibit more human hair or eye colours, and can often pass for full human with a little skill in disguise.

Full-blood Khylar can see almost normally in total darkness. Half-Khyle have varying degrees of this night vision, but all see better in the dark than humans.

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