Year of Darkness 1123
20th day of the Wolf

The Tower

Once away from the Astral Tower the party study the loot the recovered. Amongst the treasure are three interesting tomes: Tales of the Astral Tower, Visions of the Past, and Grolom the Dark Wanderer. Valorn, Irmirsul, and Leafblight share these out and decide to read them whilst they search for Ulnar the White Wolf.


Other items include Grolom's spellbook, which is - annoyingly - protected and needs a key to open. An amulet of Warning, Kaltran's Stick, Goblet of Withering, Grolom's Outrageous Hat, Casket of Wonder, Rope of Binding, Servian's Dice of Fate, and Grolom's Cravat complete the treasure. This is divided equally amongst the party and they head off to the north.

At night they camp and begin the study of the tomes; for extra protection Leafblight casts Rope Trick just in case but they remain outside beneath the stars. Whilst experimenting with the Casket of Wonder Azimar's arrow is destroyed by the jaw-like opening. The casket offers Leafblight an eye but no explanation. Wyrrin asks for a knife and the casket produces a Wildling Blade but she is unable to retrieve it from the dangerous box.

The first night of study reveals that the tomes pre-date the Iron Realms as were Grolom (the sorcerer) and the Astral Tower he created. It mentions enmity between Grolom and the Dark Wanderers but the tomes have yet to reveal their secrets and the two sorcerers know it will take time to fully understand what they read.

Next morning Plo Koon leads them north. They see movement ahead; Plo Koon connects with a huge elephant, who seems to have an affinity with the warrior and even lets him ride north upon its back. The elephant takes them to a waterfall which trickles over the rim of a hidden valley. Plo Koon is told by the elephant that Ulnar and his pack live in the valley, a magical place the elves of the White Woods wish to keep secret.

The party descend into the valley and the sorcerers sense enhanced magic, powerful surges all around them. It is an intense force.

They encounter a huge snake, a forest dweller that extends over thirty feet in length but does not attack. Instead the reptile seems to connect to Plo Koon in the same way as the elephant and the party move on.

Casket of Wonder

Without warning they are set upon by a couple of elves called Axallian and Forager, these elves seem to take exception to the party's presence and attack swiftly and without hesitation. A lightning bolt is fired at the party followed by magic missiles from the other sorcerer called Forager.

Irmirsul is hit and the party dive for cover as the lethal lightning bolt damages them all. Selmenor the assassin cannot escape the full force of the blast and dies instantly. Despite the chaos of the attack Valorn is calm as he launches two of his magical arrows at the attackers.

The first arrow strikes Axallian in the head but bounces harmlessly off his stoneskin. The second arrow is dispel magic to remove any protection that the dangerous elves have. Axallian dimension doors behind the archer as the fight starts in earnest, but Valorn is unperturbed as he launches an arrow into the face of Forager - the arrow erupts into a fireball and the elf dies instantly.

Axallian is now vulnerable and starts to look for escape routes but he is outnumbered and close to death. Irmirsul uses the Rope of Binding as a lassoo and secures the enemy perfectly, allowing the party to interrogate the elf.

They rescue a Longsword of Ice from the two elves, along with a Ring of Exception and Boots of Speed. During the inhterrogation they notice Axallian has a tail tucked into his armour. Valorn knocks him out with a punch before they can ask him what the tail represents. Wyrrin thinks it belongs to a tiger or lion rather than a wolf.

Boots of Speed

Plo Koon takes the Boots of Speed and ranges out around the valley until he finds the eyes of an ageing wolf upon him. The is called Astan, a former pack leader, and tells Plo Koon that Ulnar is not in the valley, although this is his home and it is only a matter of time before he returns.

When Plo Koon returns the party are attacked by a tiger. The beast surprises them and proves difficult to kill, despite Wyrin clobbering it with the corpse of Axallian; until Valorn manages to put an arrow through its eye and embed the shaft into its brain.

Later that evening the atmosphere in the valley becomes menacing. They seek the sanctuary of a rope trick whilst Irmirsul creates a Ray of Enfeeblement scroll. Whilst inside the rope trick the party observe an elf who discovers the bodies of the two elven sorcerers that attacked them earlier. They watch from the safety of the rope trick as the elf takes off his clothes, turns into a wolf, and lopes off into the night.

Plo Koon leaves the rope trick and goes in search of the elf/wolf. Before long the warrior finds him and persuades him that they are not enemies of the elves and that all they want is to find Ulnar.

The elf nods acceptance of Plo Koon's explanation. "I must fetch the White Council," he says.

"Who are they?"

"They are the ancient leaders of the White Woods; guardians of the secrets of this valley. They will decide whether to help you or not..."

