Kedaros Notes
CY 4850
“I am watching
you from inside your eyes….”
- Steve - Pelmas, Khulan
- Richard - Dannot Peres, Kordian
- Pete - Antonine, Grey
- Chris -
Jaeden Jeromar, Ygran
- Port Jezha
- Duners - Desert Arboreans
- Rockdwellers - Mountain
- Sofira - Agent of the
Maiden of the Leaves, talking horse
- Hebrillias - Arborean thief who stole a drink from a
fountain, left eye burned out, unkillable
- Loth - Thief stoned
in PJ marketplace, telepathic, knew me, dead
- Elena - Goddess, 'The
Maiden of the Leaves'
- Miroadien - Priestess
of Elena from Skoorl
- Githeras - PJ 'Academy
of Magic', crap sorcerer, mind like a sewer, evil.
- Mokir - Merchant prince
and caravan leader. Strange mind, different idea of wealth
- Trimedron - 3 stone
circles on east coast of Jezharrah.
- Meroc - heart of a
dead dragon, buried under skeleton, bled, damage transferred to Antonine,
Pelmas, Skarf and Jaeden.
- Vank - tent-town between
Port Jezah and Jal Harrik
- Almas - emissary of
Elena, Vank, balked of justice for jez I killed
- Dovan - Jarik priest
and magistrate, Vank
- "Vorken"
- false name given to Dovan
- Skarff - evil minded
caravan guard from Mokir's caravan
- Andelain – paladin
of Elena, chasing Hebrillias, killed 1 day north of Vank
- Jalissra – Lady of
Arbor, evil hordes
- Kinoria – Slavemaster,
big fat Skorryn
- Severos – Duner Arborean,
ex-slave, guide, sent to meet us by Jalissra. Turns out to be Lord Severos
and her brother
- Anlir – WS priest at
Jaz Hara, linked Pelmas to me
- Migor – Duner at the
first oasis
- Sumia – Elena priestess,
marked with the leaves, took over a monastery, murdered all the students,
ravaged and released
- Mikaeleon – her chief
paladin, dead
- Ishylgor - a product of
Elena’s finest academy, trained in the depths of the Elenorian forest.
She has sent him into the Arborian desert on a crusade to gather followers.
Milky-white greatsword
- Sagan - Paladin
- El Arbor - Elena-made
oasis city