Domfront Notes
- The Iron Realms; one continent, ruled by a King over several powerful noble houses
- King Galric Dalvor is dead, and the houses prepare for war over the throne for the first time in 200 years
- Humans. Elves and Dwarves (the Ancient Races) dying out, worship the Old Gods
- Lord of Fire, The Ice Maiden
- Kalt - small farming village, 50 leauges from Castle Ansar
- Stovar - mayor of Kalt
- Black Orchid - portent, blooms when a king is neeed, portal to dark corridors, a relic from the Elder Time, the key to unlocking the power of the underworld and armies of undead
- House Brevan - seafarers of the Western Isles (probably pirates!)
- House Haddon - large armies but dispersed, sigil large serpent
- House Ansar - fence-sitters, ruthless politicians
- House Jarn - small house in the south, richest due to gold mines
- House Dalvor - ruling house up until recently, allied to Jarn
Old Gods:
- Algarth Earth Warden - dead god of the moon stars and earth. Supports the Saccari
- Janric - the Dwarven Hand
- Ariella - Maiden of the Night, elvish goddess, mad, dead
- Nehru, great white whale, Lord of the Seas
- Morath - Guard of the Shadows, leads the Lost back to the light
- Maldarac - God of Limbo, promoted/usurped the role of Death
Lord Jarn’s Court
- Gregor - Mercenary Captain
- Algernon - wise old advisor, no time for Guthren
- Mandran Halfhelm - Commander of the Guard
- Guthren - Jarn’s son, grumpy
- Solomon - HP Lord of Fire, Castle Jarn
- Ella Treefriend - messenger of King Holban of the Whispering Wood
Lord Arrakan’s Court
- Lord Angar Arrakan - dead
- Selina Arrakan - unmade
- Gaylord Arrakan - dead
- Vandahar Soul-slayer - General
- Immlahar - Aged court sorcerer
People and Things
- Lord Brutius - southern minor noble allied with Dalvor
- Banyar and Mallet - two redshirt guides loaned by Brutius to get us out of the forest
- Festival of Fire - upcoming, to be the most profound ever
- Mallandra - witch, dead
- Drammond - minor noble allied to Dalvor
- Village of Assiand; veteran protector Farloc
- Lord Vaeron vs Lord Doge, Doge later mad, lost the globe
- Lord Faldric - in forest, Lord Haddon’s man,
- Garn Haddon - son of Haddon
- Lord Skench of Castle Skench, Ansar’s man
- Gallec - long-dead warrior-mage who forged the Iron Realms
- Goroval - messenger to Lord Calidor (who is dead)
- Garrant - father of Calidor, Dalvor allied
- Holden - fishing village with fishy tavern
- Sallik of the Saccari - odd eyes, telepath, dead
- Malgor the Boatman - Rooster’s cousin Solmar, assassin
- Benshan - “noble” knight sent by Lord Ansar to guard the Black Orchid, coward, virgin-boiler, dead
- Gallion Blackbow - archer, ranger, rebel, dead
- Sigmund of the Ice Fields - priest of the Ice Maiden, tended a roadside shrine (uncommon)
- Red Priest / Monjar - very wise and powerful priest of the LOF
- Shrine of the Red Priest - sent there by Sigmund
- Southern Islander - snake tattooed assassin, different patterns for different skills
- Dark Fire cult - dancing around fires, using it for dark purposes, branded with crossed dragonfly wings
- Master Loam - Elementalist
- Valish - Wheelwright and leader of the Children of the Forest
- Vildarion - druid and woodsman
- Rallith - elvish wanderer and mage of great power
- The Saccari - guardians of the black orchids, fortess in Lake Saccar to the south
- Gallec - warrior mage who forged the Realms
- Garn Haddon - son of Lord Haddon
- Lord Skench, Ansar’s man, turncoat
- Lord ?, Garn Haddon’s vassal
- Mysan - Lord of the South Water, served Lord Brevan, dead
- Gedlow the Farmer
- Velmar - were-panther, serves Algarth
- Andrusar - owl, serves Algarth
- Rourke the Dog
- Five Rings of the Kings
- Banyar Swifthammer, paladin of Earth, dead
- Valsar - Darth Vampire, escaped while taunting
- Gifford - Lord serving Brevan, slaughtered the paladins, dead
- Halfbeak - Gifford’s wizard, dead
- Ingamar Hellsbane - Minos giant, toll, traded Bracelet of the Plains for passage
- Jorak - priest of fire, dead
- Holban - King of the Whispering Wood
- Dalgath - his advisor, priest of Morath, dodgy
- Villion Longarrow - his warrior
- Millrand of Dalvor - Saccari advisor to Dalvor, “old man”
- Kallum - sorcerer in Jarn, fleeing war
- Selena - Handmaiden of Ariella, eagle form
- Bellian Starwarden - Lord of Knights’ Landing
- Stranth - Captain of the Sailors’ Doom, dead
- Malan - Jarnish patrol leader
- Cashan - Saccari “diplomat”, dead keen to meet Lord Jarn, dead
- Salazar - long dead elvish king, the betrayer, spirit summoned by Cashan
- Kalandra - high priestess of the Ice Maiden in Castle Jarn
- The Flaming Heart - Temple of the Lord of Fire in Castle Jarn
- Knights of the Burning Hand - LOF paladins training under Solomon
- Dolmiond - rumoured Saccari leader lurking in Castle Jarn
- Theodore of the Vanquished Lands - small humanoid
- Allasar - evil small humanoid, necromancer, dead
- Agrar Scarface - Brevan General at siege of Arrakan, bad temper
- Lord Mallast - Brevan General
- Falldrior - Sorcerer on the Dimension of Dragons
- Maldebrand - King of Dragons, Dimension of Dragons
- Shadar Sadari - Tryion’s Dragon Name
- Galt the Scavenger
- Bolan Armworthy - Commander 5th Jarnic Phalanx, traitor, dead
- Hank the Prospector - cooks good bacon, may be Algarth in disguise