Set whole block
Amazon 50000 Lustrian Superleague Y
Black Orc 60000 Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption Y
Chaos Chosen 60000 Favoured of…  (Chaos Undivided, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tseentch) Y
Chaos Renegade 70000 Favoured of…  (Chaos Undivided, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tseentch) Y
Dark Elf 50000 Elven Kingdoms League Y
Dwarf 50000 Old World Classic, World's Edge Superleague Y
Elven Union 50000 Elven Kingdoms League Y
Goblin 60000 Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption, Underworld Challenge Y
Halfling 60000 Halfling Thimble Cup, Old World Classic Y
High Elf 50000 Elven Kingdoms League Y
Human 50000 Old World Classic Y
Imperial Nobility 70000 Old World Classic Y
Lizardman 70000 Lustrian Superleague Y
Necromantic Horror 70000 Masters of Undeath, Sylvanian Spotlight N
Norse 60000 Lustrian Superleague, Old World Classic Y
Nurgle 70000 Favoured of Nurgle N
Ogre 70000 Badlands Brawl, Low Cost Linemen, Old World Classic Y
Orc 60000 Badlands Brawl Y
Shambling Undead 70000 Masters of Undeath, Sylvanian Spotlight N
Skaven 50000 Underworld Challenge Y
Snotling 60000 Bribery and Corruption, Low Cost Linemen, Underworld Challenge Y
Tomb Kings 70000 Sylvanian Spotlight N
Underworld Denizens 70000 Bribery and Corruption, Underworld Challenge Y
Vampire 70000 Sylvanian Spotlight N
Wood Elf 50000 Elven Kingdoms League Y