Citizens of an ancient empire that sank beneath the ocean,
the aventi adapted to their new home and now adventure
both at sea and on land. A proud people who hold personal
honor in high regard, the aventi can be found anywhere
from the human-settled coasts to the deepest trenches
of the ocean floor.
Long ago in the misty dawn of humankind, the mighty
island nation of Aventus ruled the waves. The patron of
this nation was a god of the sea, and it was only by this
god's graces that the aventi exist today, for a terrible cataclysm
befell that island nation. Some say that cataclysm
was the working of a goddess who was the sea god's rival,
while others claim that it was the result of the nation's
own toying with terrible magics.
Regardless of the cause, Aventus was laid low by the
cataclysm and the island nation sank beneath the waves.
Though the sea god wasn't able to save the island, he
transformed its people into the aventi, humans capable
of breathing water.
Now aventi emerge from the sea only occasionally,
for they are an insular people. In many cases, those who
meet aventi do not know that they are dealing with a sea-dwelling
creature, for the aventi do not look drastically
different from humans and can easily pass for one in
most cases. Those aventi who need to venture onto the
surface world simply do so, engage in whatever trading
they might need, and then go their way with few being
any the wiser.
Personality: Aventi are, first and
foremost, a very devout people -
they literally owe their existence
to their patron sea god, after all.
Aventi are also a very proud people,
sometimes to the extent of
being considered prickly about
things such as their honor. They are
not quick to take insult, but they are very particular about
their own honorable behavior. They expect less out of
other races, though are pleasantly surprised when one
of the land folk matches their standards for honor, courtesy,
and duty.
Aventi culture is very tradition-bound and ordered.
This sense of tradition is expressed among the aventi as
the Twelve Virtues: honor, loyalty, bravery, piety, civility,
strength, perseverance, dedication, humility, obligation
(specifically, to the family), respect, and peacefulness.
Of course, these are ideals to which individual aventi strive,
but the assumption of these virtues as being the norm
colors everyday aventi life.
Aventi culture
is regimented enough
that even rebels, misfits,
exiles, and other adventurers
tend to go about their daily
routines in an organized,
mindful fashion. Devout
aventi undertake many
small rituals of thanks and
acknowledgement through
their day, and nearly every
aventi recites his or her
lineage before going to sleep
each night (even those who
can't stand their families).
Physical Description: Aventi are little different from humans in appearance.
Aventi usually stand from 5 feet to a little over 6
feet in height and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds, with
men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Aventi
coloration tends toward very pale, almost bluish skin to a
lighter tan, with blue and green eyes and hair that ranges
between a light brown to a very pale blonde. The calves
and forearms of aventi feature small swimming fins that
fold almost flat when the aventi leaves the water.
Aventi dress is very plain and sparse - most wear just
enough to maintain their modesty, and some wear less
than that. They are fond of pearls and soft metals that can
be worked without heat, such as gold. Aventi, like humans,
reach adulthood at about age 15 and rarely live more than
a century.
Relations: Aventi have excellent relations with merfolk,
aquatic elves, and tritons, often banding together
with them to fight off threats from land folk or aquatic
threats. They are fascinated by the merfolk and their
culture's apparent lack of structure, so unlike the aventi
way. Aventi are dedicated enemies of the sahuagin and
monstrous sea creatures such as merrows and scrags.
Of all the sea-dwelling folk, the aventi are the most
likely to engage in regular commerce and trade with
coastal and seafaring land dwellers. Sometimes they
conceal their true origins from the humans they deal
with, appearing as mysterious sea traders who rarely venture
far from the ocean. In other places aventi kings are
staunch allies of human lords ruling over coastal cities,
and the two races freely mix. Human-aventi marriages
are not uncommon in such places; the children of these
unions are aventi, although they might have features and
coloration that are quite unusual for their race.
Alignment: Respectful of tradition and personal
honor, aventi tend to be lawful. Aventi do not have any
need for stringent legal codes and expansive laws. Each
member of their society is assumed to act with honor
and integrity, seeking the best outcome for the most
people. Dishonorable behavior is dealt with on a familial
level - a family is expected to deal appropriately with
anyone in their midst whose behavior reflects badly on
the community, whether through shaming them into
proper behavior or ensuring that this family member
makes amends and then keeping a close eye on him or
her to prevent such behavior again.
Aventi Lands: Most aventi know the place where their
original homeland sank beneath the waves. However,
a generation or so after their transformation they were
forced to abandon it. Some say it was because disease
spread among them, while others claim that the sahuagin
armies of a mighty kraken lord claimed the great city.
Currently, aventi live in small enclaves
of up to a thousand members. Each enclave is ruled by
a king, who is often a paladin or cleric of the sea god.
These enclaves are guarded by a militia led by the elite
Order of the Pearl. Once a decade, the kings of all the
settlements gather for a Royal Moot hosted by one of
the kings, wherein the kings reaffirm their treaties and
alliances with one another.
Religion: Most aventi revere the mighty sea god Aventernus
as their patron and savior, for it was by his hand
that they did not perish in the long-ago catastrophe that
befell their kingdom. The temple hierarchy of Aventernus
is a pillar of any aventi community, and high priests
often serve as the principal advisors to aventi kings and
lords. Evil aventi are sometimes lured by the promises
and power offered by sinister deities such as Sekolah
or Umberlee.
Language: Aventi speak
Common, as well as the
languages of those civilizations
around them. Many
Elven words have found
their way into the aventi Common,
due to the inf luence of the aquatic
elves on aventi civilization. Additionally,
many aventi learn the Aquan
tongue, often with a merfolk accent.
Names: Aventi keep the names they are
given at birth, even after marriage. When among other
races, aventi do not give their family names, instead
taking the name of their settlement as a substitute surname
(as in "Ralin of Deepingpearl" rather than "Ralin
Ubanishol"). Given names among aventi always begin
with consonants, while family names always begin with
vowel sounds.
Male Names: Boral, Damash,
Daneth, Kanal, Ghenor, Nimor,
Ralin, Relvin, Tagren.
Female Names: Boshira, Dahara,
Daratha, Ganelle, Janna, Naliatha,
Nimora, Paranna, Shara.
Family Names: Adirishol, Anayasha,
Eriskan, Iricha, Olbareth,
Ubanishol, Uvarilith, Ygranneth.
Adventurers: Most aventi adventurers
undertake missions on behalf of their family or aventi
community - reestablishing connections among the
widely scattered aventi settlements, fighting bitter blood
feuds against rival families, or rediscovering lore lost in
the great cataclysm that transformed the aventi race.
But other aventi adventurers are more independent.
There's a long tradition in aventi society - a cultural
safety valve of sorts - where aventi who don't fit in
choose a period of self-exile, during which they wander
the seas.
Taken as a whole, aventi are as likely to become adventurers
as any other race, though land folk rarely hear of
their exploits. Many aventi adventurers perform mighty
exploits below the waves but only rarely venture out of
the sea. Those who undertake those adventures that lead
them out of the ocean are likely to find fellow adventurers
who are more familiar with the surface world.
Medium: As Medium creatures, aventi have no special
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Aquatic: Aventi are aquatic humanoids, and have the
aquatic and human subtypes.
Amphibious (Ex): Aventi can breathe water or air equally
well, without limitation.
Aventi base land speed is 30 feet. Aventi base swim
speed is 30 feet. Aventi have a +8 racial bonus on any
Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a
hazard. They can always choose to take 10 on a Swim
check, even if distracted or endangered. Aventi can use
the run action while swimming, provided they swim
in a straight line.
Water Spell Power (Ex): The magical ties that connect
the aventi to Aventernus persist, untold
ages since the sea god saved the aventi from extinction.
As a result, spellcasting aventi have enchanced ability
with water magic. An aventi's effective caster level is +1
for spells with the water descriptor.
Human Blood: For all effects related to race, an aventi
is considered a human. Aventi are just as vulnerable
to special effects that affect humans as humans are,
and they can use magic items that are only usable
by humans.
Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages:
Aquan, Elven, Sahuagin.
Favored Class: Any.
The darfellans were once a peaceful race of hunter-gatherers
who lived among the surf and sea stacks of forbidding
coastlines. Then the sahuagin discovered them, beginning
a century-long struggle that almost ended in the
extinction of the darfellan race. The remaining darfellans
are brooding wanderers who crave the chance to exact
a final measure of vengeance against the sahuagin who
wiped out their kin.
Repeated hunts from the sahuagin have reduced the
darfellan population to scattered villages and isolated
families on remote stretches of coastline. Once the darfellans
had a rich, vibrant, clan-based culture. But now
most of those clans are just names known to a few darfellan
elders, and much darfellan art and history exists
only in the memories of the oldest darfellan survivors.
Personality: Darfellans tend to brood on the tragic
history of their race, regarding it with equal parts pride
and sorrow. You might be embittered by your lot in life,
or you can make a point of behaving nobly no matter how
dire the situation.
At its height, darfellan society was a complex
caste-based culture, but now too few survivors remain for a
caste system to work. Still, darfellans are apt to categorize
people by their occupation or function; learning someone's
job is more important than learning
someone's name.
Physical Description: A typical darfellan has a hulking, muscular build with
a broad back, powerful arms, and a wide neck and head.
A darfellan stands not much over 6 feet tall and weighs
nearly 200 pounds.
A darfellan's most striking feature is his or her jet-black
skin, glossy and hairless, broken by varied white
markings. The size, shape, and location of the white
areas distinguish family groups and quickly identify an
individual's heritage to other darfellans and those who
know how to read darfellan markings. Occasionally
individuals are born who are entirely black or, much
more rarely, wholly white. Such births are always seen
as portentous, and the children are destined to hold
positions of importance among the people - whether
they are so inclined or not. The appearance of an entirely
white darfellan is taken as a sign of great events, and the
people's history is filled with stories of the upheavals that
followed such births.
Relations: Tribes of darfellans like to keep themselves
hidden, but sometimes a darfellan community will
develop a trading or mutual defense relationship with
nearby merfolk, coastal humans, or aquatic elves. But
such relationships rarely blossom into outright friendship
because of secrecy on the darfellans' part; they tend to be
businesslike arrangements where the two races remain at
arm's length.
Alignment: Darfellans can be of any alignment. Many
younger darfellans have an affinity for chaotic alignments
because they've never lived in an ordered society.
Darfellan Lands: Darfellan communities once dotted the
coastlines of the world. From the ice floes of the arctic
to the tropical archipelagos, darfellans could be found
wherever ocean and land meet. Some darfellans even
lived among the land dwellers, but the urge to swim
among the crashing waves drew most back to their
ocean home.
A typical darfellan settlement is
hidden in cliffside sea caves, some above the tide line
and some below. Nearby is a dependable
food source, often a
kelp forest, a river with
periodic salmon runs,
or a coral reef rich with
marine life. While the
sahuagin have stopped
organized hunts of
the darfellans, the
darfellans are still
careful to keep their
lairs concealed from
those who would hunt
them. Darfellans wandering
the seas of the
world are careful to
say little of their shoreline
The darfellans are a
race of refugees; no
remaining power
groups exist among
them. Many darfellans
have retreated to
their sea caves, where
they live hidden away
from the sahuagin and
other dangers. Others
roam the seas in small
hunting bands, looking
for sahuagin to slay. Either way, the
darfellans are organized like a tribe, with a single chieftain
or shaman making all the important decisions.
Darfellans believe that tribal organization will continue
until a darfellan known in prophecies as the Deep
Dweller emerges to restore the race to vitality. His or her
appearance would immediately draw the allegiance of
darfellans gathering from far and near, because the remaining
darfellans regard tales of the Deep Dweller with
messianic fervor.
Religion: Darfellans tend to worship one of the gods
of the sea - if they haven't turned their backs on religion
entirely. Many darfellans feel that their prayers and
supplications went unanswered during the sahuagin's
genocidal attacks, so they believe that the gods themselves
have spurned the darfellan race.
Language: The
Darfellan language
has many compound
and multisyllabic
words, so it can take
a long time to say
something. A mix
of aggressive consonants,
long vowels,
and clicks gives the
Darfellan tongue an
animated, heavily
enunciated quality.
Names: Akilu, Ekitilooit, Fee'itii!, Keitilili,
Likiki!ta, Ootiliktik, Shooki!alui, Silooti!oo, Weililkoo.
Adventurers: As a typical darfellan adventurer,
you were probably raised in a hidden community
on a forbidding ocean shore somewhere, only to lose kith
and kin in a savage sahuagin attack. Now you wander the
coastal waters seeking vengeance for your family and to
honor the memory of the fallen darfellans.
If your home community still survives, you might be its
representative to the outside world, or an exile who can't
come home until a particular wrong is righted.
Darfellans hold hunters in great esteem, especially those
who battle sahuagin. If you can explain your adventuring
career in terms of fighting sahuagin or hunting, other
darfellans will laud your career choice.
+2 Strength, -2 Dexterity: Darfellans have a powerful
physique but are somewhat clumsy, especially out of
the water.
A darfellan's base land speed is 20 feet; darfellan webbed
feet are more suited for moving through water than
on land.
A darfellan's base swim speed is 40 feet. A darfellan has
a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some
special action or avoid a hazard. A darfellan can always
choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted
or endangered. A darfellan can use the run action while
swimming, provided he swims in a straight line.
Hold Breath (Ex): A darfellan can hold his breath for a
number of rounds equal to 8 × his Constitution score
before he risks drowning. For a typical darfellan, this
is 96 rounds, or almost 10 minutes.
Natural Attack: A darfellan has a natural bite attack that
deals 1d6 points of damage. If fighting without a weapon,
a darfellan uses his bite as a primary attack, adding 1-1/2
times his Strength bonus to damage. If armed with a
weapon, he can use his bite or weapon, as he chooses.
When making a full attack, a darfellan normally uses
the weapon as his primary attack along with the bite as
a natural secondary attack (at -5 attack). If the darfellan
gets extra attacks by virtue of a base attack bonus of +6
or higher, he gets them only with his primary attack.
Echolocation: In the water, a darfellan can emit a
series of whistles, then instinctively pinpoint nearby
creatures by hearing the echo. Darfellans have blindsense
out to 20 feet, but the blindsense doesn't extend
beyond the water.
Racial Hatred: A darfellan normally exudes a brooding
calm, but the mere presence of a sahuagin is enough to
send the darfellan into a blood-mad fury. Darfellans
gain a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls
when fighting sahuagin.
Automatic Languages: Darfellan. Bonus Languages:
Aquan, Common.
Favored Class: Barbarian.
Although surface elves are renowned as daring and skillful
seafarers above the waves, the greatest legacy of elves and
sea lies below the surface of the ocean. The nations of the
aquatic elves are as ancient and powerful as those of their
land-dwelling cousins. The children of Deep Sashelas,
aquatic elves dwell in the shallower parts of the ocean, usually
within a few miles of a coast, for the deeper parts of the
sea tend to be not only too cold and lightless for their taste,
but also home to their blood enemies, the sahuagin.
Personality: Aquatic elves tend to be seen as standoffish
creatures hesitant to trust outsiders, and this is true to some
extent. Aquatic elves understand the value and importance
of community in their survival beneath the waves. They
are very suspicious of strangers, especially those who come
from the surface world. Nonetheless, they know the value
of a strong alliance and, once their fears are allayed, make
staunch compatriots.
Physical Description: Aquatic elves are very striking
in appearance, with skin that ranges between a light blue
to a dark green. They usually have black hair and their eyes
are oddly colored, ranging from an iridescent blue to gold
to a white-silver hue that shines like mother-of-pearl. Their
hands and feet are webbed and they boast a set of gills that
runs along their collarbones and down their ribcages.
Relations: Aquatic elves have long memories and they
do not trust quickly. However, they have long maintained
alliances with the honorable aventi. They are more than
happy to allow tribes of merfolk to wander into their territories
and even stay for a while, but locathah and other
such beings are not permitted within a day's swim of aquatic
elf cities.
Alignment: Like most elves, aquatic elves maintain a
love of freedom and personal expression, considering most
laws and governments to simply be methods of control.
They favor good and chaotic alignments.
Aquatic Elven Lands: Aquatic elf cities are wonders to
behold, crafted as they are of living coral just as many elf
cities on land are made from still-living trees. They gleam
with mother of pearl and shells scoured bright, and among
them swim fish of a thousand colors. The borders of these
cities are guarded by soldiers with tridents, spears, and
nets, as are the hunter-gatherer parties sent out to retrieve
food among the fish and carefully cultivated fields of food
plants nearby.
Aquatic elves are ruled by a loose feudal system, with
clans of aquatic elves swearing fealty to noble houses who
take oath to protect those clans beneath them. All it takes
to confer nobility upon a clan is to have another clan swear
fealty to it, so most clans have had times in their histories
when they were considered nobility.
Religion: Aquatic elves revere Deep Sashelas first and
foremost. His temples, usually built of solid stone and
decorated by everyone in the community, serve not only as
centers of faith but as the heart of aquatic elf communities.
Deep Sashelas's clergy serve as the advisors of the aquatic
elf people, often acting as counselors, healers, mediators,
and defenders of their communities.
At some point in an aquatic elf's adult life, she is expected
to undertake an endeavor for the local temple where her
adulthood celebration was held. Each aquatic elf chooses
her own endeavor, one that either relates to that elf's vocation
or something that symbolizes her personality.
These endeavors aren't about doing something the
temple needs to have done. They are about allowing the elf
to express her sense of uniqueness in a way that directly
benefits the temple and reaffirms her choices in life.
Language: Aquatic elves speak Elven, though they have
borrowed many words and inflections from the Aquan
tongue, so that their speech tends to seem oddly accented
to others who speak the language.
Names: Each aquatic elf clan has a name that is often
translated into Common around non-elves, similar to the
surnames of other elves. Personal names are given at birth
and maintained throughout the life of the aquatic elf.
Male Names: Arvastan, Balthonlis, Barishlin, Deran thil,
Ervastath, Kerithlan, Perilastanor, Poldanlin.
Female Names: Avashtana, Bihalisha, Deirastane,
Firiashe, Iridansa, Tiliashanna, Xiphalia, Yrashiae.
Clan Names: Anterome (Bright wave), Danlianthol
(Silver pearl), Garinlastil (Scarlet leaf), Gyrashiil (Joybringer),
Iandaal (Brightwhisper), Leriantol (Kinwatcher),
Oromae (Silvercoral), Perlantasil (Night water).
Adventurers: Aquatic elf adventurers are often driven
by a need to discover more about the other peoples and
creatures in the world, for aquatic elf culture is very
insular. They find themselves among strange races and
cultures that they never dreamed possible. Most look
forward to the day when they can return to their own
people once more to tell the stories they have lived.
Some begin a life of adventuring after undertaking an
extended quest away from their homes on behalf of a
temple of Deep Sashelas as part of their acknowledgement
of adulthood.
+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence. These adjustments replace
the high elf's ability score adjustments. Aquatic elves
are as swift and coordinated in their movements as their
land-based kin. While more sturdily built than most of
the other elf subraces, they have little use for study.
Aquatic: An aquatic elf is a humanoid with the aquatic
and elf subtypes.
An aquatic elf has a swim speed of 40 feet. An aquatic
elf has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform
some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always
choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or
endangered. It can use the run action while swimming,
provided it swims in a straight line.
Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial
saving throw bonus against enchantment spells
or effects.
Gills: Aquatic elves can survive out of the water for 1
hour per point of Constitution (after that, refer to the
suffocation rules).
Proficient with trident, longspear, and net. This
replaces the standard elf proficiency with longsword,
rapier, and bow.
Superior Low-Light Vision (Ex): Aquatic elves can see
four times as far as a human in starlight, moonlight,
torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination.
This trait replaces the high elf's low-light vision.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An
aquatic elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret
or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice
it as if she were actively looking for it. An elf's senses
are so keen that she practically has a sixth sense about
hidden portals.
Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus:
Aquan, Draconic, Giant.
Favored Class: Fighter.
A race of simianlike humanoids, hadozee are often referred
to as "winged deck apes." It's easy to see where
they would come by such a moniker: they are covered
in light brown fur, with a slightly stooped posture, a
shaggy mane, and a fanged muzzle. And they have flaps
of skin that hang beneath their arms that enable gliding,
if not true flight. Because they're also good climbers
and balancers, hadozee are particularly suited for life
aboard a ship sailing the seas of adventure.
Most hadozee are raised communally in port towns;
parents think nothing of leaving children with adults
who share the same ship-name for weeks or even months
at a time. Hadozee tend to congregate into shared living
quarters, pitching in to afford and maintain large dwellings
so that visiting hadozee immediately have a place to hang
their hammocks. Hadozee are very communally minded
when it comes to these dwellings. A hadozee who visits a
port to discover a communal house in need of repairs or
about to be taken away from those who live there due to
lack of funds makes sure she leaves the place in a much
better condition, often spending all her available funds to
ensure its survival.
Many hadozee remember these communal homes from
their childhoods as happy places constantly playing
host to new hadozee with interesting
stories. Unhappy is the hadozee sailor
who visits a strange port and discovers
there are no other hadozee there.
When faced with such an option,
most hadozee simply remain aboard
their ships.
Hadozee have long been hired
on as sailors, for they are known as
hard workers and skilled warriors.
They like working on
elf ships or alongside an
elf crewmate. Hadozee
are rarely found aboard
ships that remain in arctic
or temperate conditions,
for they prefer warmer,
tropical climates.
Personality: Hadozee tend to be very active and curious.
Even in dire straits, you're more likely to crack a joke
than despair, although your humor can be black and
acerbic if the situation warrants it.
Hadozee are
known as very intense,
prone to expressing themselves
exuberantly - when
a hadozee is enjoying herself,
she is likely to chuckle
or even whoop aloud; when
angry, she bares her fangs and
snarls. In general, though, they
are a very peaceable folk who
fight only when they
must. Hadozee enjoy
working aboard
ships and do not consider
their shipboard
chores as inconveniences,
often actually looking forward
to them. Some unscrupulous captains
take undue advantage of this trait,
but for the most part, hadozee are well
thought of and highly sought after as crew by the majority
of captains.
Physical Description: Hadozee stand at about 5-1/2 to 6 feet tall, though
they always seem slightly shorter due to their natural
stooped posture. They tend to weigh between 200 and
250 pounds, most of that weight being solid muscle.
Their eyes are black and glitter brightly, and their fur
can range in color from a light tawny golden brown
to a deep chocolate. Hadozee do not really need clothing
due to their fur covering, though many who work
aboard ships wear harnesses and belts for their tools
and weapons. Hadozee generally have about the same
lifespan as humans, though they are considered adults
a little earlier.
Most fascinating of all, however, is a hadozee's patagial
flaps - flaps of skin between legs and arms, similar to
those of a flying squirrel. With these patagia, the hadozee
can launch herself into the air and glide for significant
distances. It is not uncommon for hadozee in the rigging
of ships not to bother climbing down, but simply
throw themselves into the air and glide to another part
of the ship.
Relations: Hadozee genuinely adore elves, almost to
the point of fawning over them. They get along well with
most other races, though they dislike those races who, for
whatever reason, seem incapable of putting in an honest
day's work on deck. Hadozee and wavecrest gnomes who
work together on the same ship often form very strong
bonds, and hadozee are fascinated with the wavecrest
gnome's ability to speak with sea birds.
Alignment: Hadozee
have little room in
their lives for higher
philosophies of morality
and ethics. They
simply wish to be left
alone to do their work and
enjoy their lives, and prefer to leave others
alone to do the same. Hadozee tend
toward neutrality as a result.
Hadozee Lands: Although the hadozee do
have a homeland, they no longer know (or care) where it
is. As far as any of them can remember, they have simply
always traveled among other races, working aboard
their beloved ships and seeing what the horizon held.
Accordingly, they're almost always found near the coasts
and at sea.
In port cities where hadozee can be found,
they live communally whenever possible. New mothers,
those recovering from injuries, and anyone temporarily
between berths keep up the local Hadozee House and
raise whatever young have been left there.
Religion: The hadozee are not particularly religious,
though moderately respectful of those gods of the sea whom
they learn about from other sailors. A shipboard cleric of
a sea god can sometimes leave quite an impression on a
hadozee - a hadozee who worships and swears by only one
god is likely the result of such a meeting.
Language: The Hadozee tongue is composed primarily
of hoots, barks, and low vocalizations, with minimal
and easily learned body language. Hadozee are capable
linguists, however, and delight in learning new languages,
though they react positively when they meet nonhadozee
who have learned their tongue.
Names: Hadozee take great pride in the
ships that they serve aboard, and will often incorporate
part of that ship's name into their own. Thus, Garsh, who
has served aboard the Dream of the Night, might call himself
Garsh Nightdream. This "ship-name" often binds hadozee
together in ways that family or clan names do for other
races - a hadozee who meets another hadozee who has
served aboard the same ship feels more of a bond with
that hadozee than with her own blood kin.
Male Names: Bansh, Darsh, Falth, Garsh, Grath, Groh,
Harth, Krath, Marn, Polth.
Female Names: Bahasha, Bannithi, Dashi, Kalla, Kasha,
Mara, Risha, Yasha, Yetha.
Ship-Names: The following names are examples of
some ship-names known among hadozee, including (in
parenthesis) the name of the ship they served aboard to
get that name. When the name of the ship includes a
term that denotes a woman, hadozee ship-names replace
it with some form of "son" or "child" or "daughter," indicating
that they feel some kinship to the ship, as a child
might to a mother. Hadozee don't change their name for
every ship that they serve aboard - the captain, crew, or
adventure must be of such a quality as to inspire such
a name change. Dawnwarrior (The Dawn Warrior), Midnightchild (The
Midnight Lady), Nightdream (The Dream of the Night),
Pearldaughter (The Lady of the Pearl), Swiftson (The Swift
Lady), Swordstorm (The Sword in the Storm), Wavedancer
(The Wave Dancer).
Adventurers: As a hadozee, you have a natural
wanderlust, and you're always eager to sail beyond the
horizon. You regard your life as well lived if you see and
experience as much as you possibly can.
For some hadozee, this wanderlust is of a more focused
sort. You might travel the world seeking out arcane
secrets, the lost lore of ancient empires, or vast piles of
pirate treasure.
Hadozee adventurers are hardly out of the ordinary
among their people; after all, most hadozee feel the call
to the high seas at some point in their lives. Certainly,
those hadozee who choose to go adventuring away from
the ocean are looked upon oddly by their fellows, but "to
each their own," the hadozee say.
+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.
Medium: As a Medium creature, a hadozee has no special
bonuses or penalties due to her size.
Hadozee base land speed is 30 feet.
Gliding: Hadozee can use their arm-flaps to glide,
negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing
them to travel 20 feet horizontally for every 5
feet of descent. A hadozee glides at a speed of 40 feet
(average maneuverability).
+4 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks: Hadozee
are natural climbers and have no fear of narrow pathways.
A hadozee does not lose her Dexterity bonus to
AC while climbing and can climb unimpeded while
holding something in one hand.
Automatic Languages: Common, Hadozee. Bonus
Languages: Aquan, Elven, Halfling.
Favored Class: Rogue.
Some clans of dwarves settled not in the mountain delves
favored by most of their race but in the tall, impregnable
cliffs that overlook the sea. These seacliff dwarves are
considered by other dwarves to all be salt beards, though
in truth most of them prefer the safety and security of
their subterranean homes as much as any other dwarf. The
difference is that those rare few among them who would
be salt beards don't have far to go.
All seacliff dwarves are good swimmers, as behooves
folk whose lower passages can fill with seawater during
major storms. Living areas and the like are always situated
well above even the highest such waterline.
Seacliff dwarves are identical to dwarves, except as noted below.
Strong Swimmers: Seacliff dwarves gain a +2 racial
bonus on Swim checks. Additionally, a seacliff dwarf
doubles his Constitution score for the purposes of
determining how long he can hold his breath before he
must begin making checks against suffocation.
Seacliff dwarves do not gain the +1 racial bonus to hit
orcs and goblinoids that most dwarves do, since they
have not encountered these creatures nearly as often
as their mountain-dwelling cousins.
Unlike their cousins, wavecrest gnomes are naturally
drawn to the sea. Dwelling on small islands and beside
hidden lagoons, wavecrest gnomes consider the sea their
natural heritage. Though they love ships, as a people they
rarely craft anything larger than a barge. Wavecrest gnomes
would rather sign aboard one of the mighty, majestic ships
of the larger folk.
Wavecrest gnome settlements are made up of roundtopped
buildings half buried in the sand of a secluded
coast or shore. When threatened, these gnomes are skilled
fighters with gaff hooks and thin-bladed daggers, but
they prefer to go about their lives peaceably. Rare is the
wavecrest gnome settlement that needs regular patrols,
for the sea birds that live among them have learned that
the gnomes reward with tasty treats those birds who warn
them of approaching strangers.
Wavecrest gnomes are identical to gnomes, except as noted below.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against locathah and
sahuagin. Wavecrest gnomes have had to fight off raiding
parties of these creatures for generations, and have developed
skills against such creatures. This bonus replaces
the gnomes' normal racial attack bonus against kobolds
and goblinoids.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day - speak with animals (sea birds
only, duration 1 minute). A gnome with a Charisma score
of at least 10 also has the following spell-like abilities:
1/day - dancing lights, know direction, prestidigitation.
Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + wavecrest gnome's Cha
modifier + spell level. These replace the normal spell-like abilities of gnomes.
Coastal communities found near aquatic elf settlements
occasionally have one or more half-elves. Despite the
greenish or blue coloration inherited from their aquatic
elf parents, the human blood runs strong, and these halfelves
aren't able to breathe water. Aquatic half-elves can
also sometimes be found among the raft folk, humans who
live intimately with the sea around them and might come
into contact with the aquatic elves.
Such children might long for the sights of
their aquatic heritage, perhaps even taking
up the study of magic in order to one day
experience those things and visit their elf
parent's home. They prefer to live near
the ocean when they can, so that they
might hear the roar of the waves.
An aquatic half-elf has a swim
speed of 15 feet. An aquatic halfelf
has a +8 racial bonus on any
Swim check to perform some
special action or avoid a
hazard. He can always
choose to take 10 on
a Swim check, even
if distracted or endangered.
He can use the run
action while swimming,
provided he swims in a
straight line.
An aquatic half-elf does
not receive any bonus
on Diplomacy or Gather
Information checks. Unlike
other half-elves, who move
easily between many other folk,
aquatic half-elves are more comfortable
with their own company and are not
as affable and outgoing as their fellows.
Sea Longing: An aquatic half-elf who
remains out of sight of the sea for more than a week
longs for the sea, taking a -1 penalty on Wisdom-based
checks until he returns to the shore.
Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus
Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as
Favored Class: Any.
In the greenwater parts of the
sea, those middle areas between
land and true bluewater deep
ocean, there can be found communities
of shoal halflings, a subrace of
amphibious half ling folk. Capable of breathing
both water and air, shoal halflings dwell in
the waters that lie between sandbars off a coast.
Their homes are constructed of natural building materials
along the bottom of these areas. The homes themselves
are constructed as domes that end up covered in sand and
coral, disguising them quite well.
Shoal halflings are a freckled tan, allowing them
to blend quite well with sand patterns in the shallows
where they dwell. Their hair is dark, ranging between
a deep black to a dark greenish hue, and their eyes tend
to be bright blue. Other than a slight webbing between
their toes and fingers, shoal halflings can easily pass for
normal halflings.
Shoal halflings are identical to halflings, except as noted below.
Aquatic: Shoal halflings are humanoids with the aquatic
and halfling subtypes.
Shoal halfling swim speed is 20 feet. A shoal halfling
has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform
some special action or avoid a hazard. He can always
choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or
endangered. He can use the run action while swimming,
provided he swims in a straight line.
Amphibious (Ex): Shoal halflings are amphibious,
capable of breathing water and air equally.
Shoal halflings do not gain the +1 racial bonus on
attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings of other
halflings, since such things aren't common among
shoal halflings.
Shoal halflings do not gain any racial bonus on Climb,
Jump, or Move Silently checks, since they have little
opportunity to become proficient in these skills in their
aquatic homes.