Jaebrins are fey whose fearsome teeth belie an impish nature. Their powers of enchantment, and their immunity to those same effects, make them tricky opponents and untrustworthy allies. Jaebrins are outcast drifters that enjoy tricking and entertaining mortals. Only rarely is a jaebrin found among other fey, and in such cases, the jaebrin is with a mate or has fallen in with immoral kin.

Jaebrins rarely top 5 feet in height, and individuals weighing more than 100 pounds are rare. Elf like in appearance, jaebrins have fine features, but their mouths bristle with needlelike teeth. Their fair eyes are oversized, giving them an alluring or unsettling appearance, depending on the lighting and their mood. All jaebrins have shiny hair of nearly any color, but red and raven are most common.

Jaebrins are elf like in their appearance, but they are more like a cross between humans and half-elves when it comes to how they live and age. A jaebrin is an adult at age 20 or so, and can live to be nearly 200. This seems to be a short life for a fey creature, and some speculate that jaebrins would live longer if they remained among their fey kin.

When it comes to love, jaebrins are slightly unusual. Females commonly initiate courtships. Mated jaebrins usually stay together just long enough to raise their first offspring, or about 21 years. Then the two split amicably and remain friends, but they are never again lovers. Jaebrins love lavish feasts. Born with hedonistic appetites, they can eat and drink nearly continuously without gaining weight. They indulge this gluttony whenever they can.

Jaebrins were formerly the jesters of fey courts. Fey nobles delighted in enchanting jaebrins to perform silly or weird acts. For their part, the jaebrins reveled in their role, seeing entertainment as a great service. Eventually they built up a strong tolerance to enchantment. For a number of centuries, they hid this fact from their masters and learned to fake being under the sway of enchantment. In time, fey noble after fey noble discovered the ruse and lost interest in the jaebrins. The forsaken fey were shamed into self-imposed exile.

Some jaebrins now make their way as merchants, charlatans, and swindlers. Others bring merriment as bards, and a few exploit their talents by becoming sorcerers. Such jaebrins might even seek the excitement of adventuring.

A large number of jaebrins speak with pronounced lisps and have a comical tendency to pronounce all nouns as plural. They even "pluralize" words that are already plural or add an "s" to words that don't need one. "I hears the femaleses in this town are all beautieses," one might say, enjoying the laughter his ridiculous speech evokes.

  • -2 Strength, +2 Charisma.

  • Fey. Jaebrins are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids.

  • Medium size.

  • A jaebrin's base land speed is 30 feet.

  • Low-light vision.

  • All jaebrins have a +1 luck bonus to AC.

  • Immunity to enchantment spells and effects.

  • Natural Attack: Bite (1d3).

  • +1 racial bonus on saving throw DCs for enchantment spells the jaebrin casts.

  • +2 racial bonus on Appraise, Bluff, Perform, and Diplomacy checks.

  • Jaebrins treat Spellcraft as a class skill and are considered trained in it even if they have no ranks. They have a +4 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks involving enchantment spells and effects.

  • Feign Enchantment (Su): Jaebrin absorb the energy of enchantment effects used on them, allowing them to know the intended effect. The jaebrin can then pretend to be affected, fooling even detect magic, arcane sight, and similar effects, since the absorbed energy is displayed in the jaebrin's aura for the duration of the effect or until the jaebrin dismisses it. Only by winning an opposed Sense Motive check against the jaebrin's Bluff check result can a viewer discern that the fey is not enchanted.

  • Will Sapper (Ex): Any creature damaged by a jaebrin trickster's bite must succeed on a Will save or take a -4 penalty on Will saves for 1 minute. The effect of multiple bites doesn't stack. The save DC is Constitution-based.

  • Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Gnome, Halfling.

  • Favored Class: Beguiler.

  • Level Adjustment: +1.