Changelings are subtle shapeshifters capable of disguising their appearance. They evolved through the union of doppelgangers and humans, eventually becoming a separate race distinct from either ancestral tree. They do not possess the full shapechanging ability of a doppelganger, but they can create effective disguises at will. This ability makes them consummate spies and criminals, and many changelings live up to that potential.

Personality: In general, changelings are prudent and cautious, preferring to take risks only when they feel that their chances of success are good or the payoff is worth it. They appreciate the finer things in life and take great pleasure in the comforts of a wealthy lifestyle when they can obtain it. They avoid direct confrontation, preferring stealthy strikes and hasty retreats whenever possible. In conversation, they are soft-spoken but have a gift for drawing out more information than the other party intends to reveal.

Physical Description: Changelings strongly resemble their doppelganger lineage, with only a passing nod to their human heritage. All changelings fall within the boundaries of Medium size, usually standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. Unlike true doppelgangers, changelings do have gender in their natural form, although they can adopt any shape they like. Changelings have pale gray skin, and their hair is thin and fair. Their limbs are long and slightly out of proportion compared to other humanoids. Their faces have slightly more distinct features than a doppelganger's, including a hint of nose and lips, though their eyes remain blank white and the rest of their facial features don't look quite as finished as those on a human.

Relations: Nobody with any sense completely trusts a changeling. Many people, however, have reason to do business with them. Most members of other races treat changelings with extreme caution. Dwarves have little patience for their deceptive and subtle manner. Halflings, on the other hand, enjoy matching wits with changelings, though they are often rivals in certain shady activities.

Alignment: Changelings of all alignments exist, but most gravitate toward the neutral alignment. They focus on their own concerns without any meaningful regard for laws or morals. Many have their own code of honor but are also fiercely independent. Some refuse to engage in assassination, while others embrace that path as the most perfect form of the changeling art of deception.

Changeling Lands: Changelings live wherever humans do in Khorvaire, blending in among them and living in their shadow. They are most commonly found in the large cities of Khorvaire, where they form the backbone of the criminal underworld, though many find more respectable work as entertainers, inquisitives, government agents, and sometimes adventurers. Changelings have no established homeland of their own.

Dragonmarks: Changelings never develop dragonmarks, though they can mimic a mark's form if not its power.

Religion: Many changelings revere the deity known as the Traveler, one of the Dark Six. Others follow a personal philosophy of the perfect form, in which physical transformation is a mystical practice symbolizing spiritual purification. This philosophy is curiously amoral, and its practitioners include both assassins and saintly ascetics.

Language: Changelings speak Common, which allows them to move easily among humans and members of all other races. They often learn as many other languages as they can to facilitate a multitude of disguises.

Names: Changeling names are usually monosyllabic and seem to other races more like nicknames than proper names. In fact, changelings collect names and may go by entirely different names in different social circles. They make no distinction between male and female names.

Male and Female Names: Bin, Dox, Fie, Hars, Jin, Lam, Nit, Ot, Paik, Ruz, Sim, Toox, Yug.

Adventurers: Changeling adventurers might be fleeing from past crimes, seeking revenge for a wrong done to them, or striving for spiritual perfection through the use of their shapechanging abilities. Others are driven to adventure through a simple lack of other palatable opportunities: Changelings who are not inclined toward crime or stealth often have difficulty finding steady work.

  • Shapechanger Subtype: Changelings are humanoids with the shapechanger subtype.

  • Medium: As Medium creatures, changelings have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

  • Changeling base land speed is 30 feet.

  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep and charm effects: Changelings have slippery minds.

  • +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks: Changelings are inherently skilled in deception and intimidation; though they cannot actually detect thoughts as doppelgangers can, they can intuitively read body language and attitude with surprising accuracy.

  • Natural Linguist: Changelings add Speak Language to their list of class skills for any class they adopt.

  • Minor Change Shape (Su): Changelings have the supernatural ability to alter their appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects their bodies but not their possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect but a minor physical alteration of a changeling's facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. A changeling can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until he changes shape again. A changeling reverts to his natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals his natural form. When using this ability to create a disguise, a changeling receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this ability is a full-round action.

  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.

  • Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass changeling's rogue class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.


The kalashtar are a compound race: incorporeal entities from the alien plane of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams, merged with human bodies and spirits to form a distinct species. They were once a minority among the quori, the native race of Dal Quor, hunted and persecuted for their religious beliefs. Thousands of years after the quori invaded Eberron and the connection between their plane and the Material Plane was severed, the kalashtar were the first of the quori to discover a means to reach the Material Plane once more. Fleeing persecution, they transformed their physical forms into psychic projections that allowed them to enter the Material Plane and possess willing humans. Today, new kalashtar are born, not possessed; neither spirit nor human, they are a new race that breeds true.

It took three hundred years for the other quori to discover a similar means to psychically project their spirits out of Dal Quor and possess human bodies, forming the Inspired, while leaving their own bodies behind - much as mortals project their minds to Dal Quor when they dream. For fifteen hundred years now, the Inspired in their vast kingdom of Riedra have continued to persecute and oppress the kalashtar.

Personality: As a true hybrid of human hosts and quori spirits, the kalashtar possess keen intellects but are not ruled by logic. They seek the perfection of their minds and spirits, often to the exclusion of any physical pursuits. They are generally warm and compassionate, but their manners and ways of thinking are alien to the native races of Eberron. They are more interested in psionics than in the magic that pervades Khorvaire, and often lace their discourse with esoteric terms such as "matter," "kinetics," and "ectoplasm." The kalashtar are outcasts from their home plane and can never return there - not even in dream. The combination of life in exile and a dreamless existence makes the kalashtar slightly inclined toward madness, and some have speculated that the kalashtar devote themselves to psychic and physical discipline in order to keep themselves safely sane.

Physical Description: Kalashtar appear very similar to humans, but they have a grace and elegance that makes them seem almost too beautiful. They are slightly taller than the average human, and their faces have a slight angularity that sets them apart from the human norm, but these deviations only make them seem more attractive.

Relations: Kalashtar are born diplomats and relate fairly well to individuals of all races - except, of course, the Inspired. They relate best to humans, with whom they share the greatest physical similarity, but some kalashtar find themselves strongly drawn too ther races instead. They oppose the Inspired in all ways, both within Riedra and beyond its borders, and likewise oppose any group or force that corrupts or degrades mortal souls.

Alignment: Kalashtar are generally lawful good. They combine a sense of self-discipline that borders on the ascetic with a genuine concern for the welfare of all living things, or at least their souls.

Kalashtar Lands: The kalashtar homeland is a region of Sarlona called Adar, a land of forbidding mountains and hidden fortresses in the southeastern portion of the continent. Even in Adar their numbers are small, and the number of kalashtar found in Khorvaire is much smaller still. However, they can be found in many of the largest human cities. The largest kalashtar population in Khorvaire is in the city of Sharn.

Dragonmarks: Kalashtar never possess dragonmarks.

Religion: Kalashtar do not follow gods, but they have their own religion, called the Path of Light. The center of this belief system is a universal force of positive energy the kalashtar call il-Yannah, or "the Great Light." Through meditation and communion with this force, the kalashtar seek to strengthen their bodies and minds for the struggle against the forces of darkness that threaten all life on Eberron. Though il-Yannah is not a deity, its few clerics draw power from the Path of Light. A greater number of devout followers of the Path are psions and psychic warriors.

Language: Kalashtar speak Quor, the language of the quori, and the common tongue of their homeland (Common in Khorvaire, or Riedran in Adar). Quor is a hissing, guttural tongue more suited to the alien forms of the quori than their humanoid hosts. It has its own written form, a flowing, elegant script with many circular letters.

Names: Kalashtar names have much in common with the name of their people: They are three to five syllables long, with a combination of hard and hissing consonants. Male names end with one of the masculine name suffixes -harath, -khad, -melk, or -tash. Female names use the feminine suffixes -kashtai, -shana, -tari, or -vakri.

Male Names: Halkhad, Kanatash, Lanamelk, Minharath, Nevitash, Parmelk, Thakakhad, Thinharath.

Female Names: Ganitari, Khashana, Lakashtari, Mevakri, Novakri, Panitari, Thakashtai, Thatari.

Adventurers: Every kalashtar enters adulthood facing a fundamental choice: Try to live a normal life as a persecuted exile in Adar, or take up a more active role in combating the Inspired in the world. Not surprisingly, many kalashtar choose the latter option and live a life at least bordering on that of the adventurer. Most kalashtar adventurers are motivated primarily by their hatred of the Inspired, but a few - primarily those advanced along the Path of Light - are driven by their compassion for all living beings and their desire to fight darkness in whatever form it takes.

  • Medium: As Medium creatures, kalashtar have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

  • Kalashtar base land speed is 30 feet.

  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mindaffecting spells and abilities, including possession: The kalashtar's dual spirits help them resist spells that target their minds.

  • +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks: Kalashtar are masters of social interaction, influencing others through their commanding presence and subtle psychic powers.

  • +2 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to impersonate a human: Kalashtar have a close physical resemblance to humans.

  • Kalashtar sleep but they do not dream. As such, they have immunity to the dream and nightmare spells, as well as any other effect that relies on the target's ability to dream.

  • Naturally Psionic: Kalashtar gain 1 extra power point per character level, regardless of whether they choose a psionic class.

  • Psi-Like Abilities: Mindlink (1/day). This ability is like the psionic power manifested by a wilder of 1/2 the kalashtar's Hit Dice (minimum 1st level).

    If you are not using the Expanded Psionics Handbook in your game, use this description of the mindlink power: You forge a telepathic bond with another creature within 30 feet, which must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. The bond can be established only with a willing subject, who therefore receives no saving throw and gains no benefit from spell resistance. You can communicate telepathically through the bond even if you do not share a common language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another), but lasts for only 1 round per character level. This is a mind-affecting ability.

  • Automatic Languages: Common and Quor. Bonus Languages: Draconic and Riedran.

  • Favored Class: Psion. A multiclass kalashtar's psion class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.


Shifters, sometimes called "the weretouched," are descended from humans and natural lycanthropes, now nearly extinct on Khorvaire. Shifters cannot fully change shape but can take on animalistic features - a state they call shifting. Shifters have evolved into a unique race that breeds true. They have a distinct culture with its own traditions and identity.

Personality: The personality and behavior of shifters are influenced by their animal natures. Many are boorish and crude, while others are quiet, shifty, and solitary. Just as most lycanthropes are carnivores, shifters have a predatory personality and think of most activities in terms of hunting and prey. They view survival as a challenge, striving to be self-reliant, adaptable, and resourceful.

Physical Description: Shifters are basically humanoid in shape, but their bodies are exceptionally lithe. They often move in a crouched posture, springing and leaping while their companions walk normally alongside. Their faces have a bestial cast, with wide, flat noses, large eyes and heavy eyebrows, pointed ears, and long sideburns (in both sexes). Their forearms and lower legs grow long hair, and the hair of their heads is thick and worn long.

Relations: Many races feel uncomfortable around shifters, the same way they feel around any large predator. Of course, some grow to appreciate individual shifters despite their natural aversion, and halflings in general get along well with them. For their part, shifters are accustomed to distrust and don't expect better treatment from members of the other races, although some shifters try to earn respect and companionship through acts and deeds.

Alignment: Shifters are usually neutral, viewing the struggle to survive as more important than moral or ethical concerns about how survival is maintained.

Shifter Lands: Shifters have no land of their own. Being descended from human stock, they live in human lands. Unlike changelings, however, shifters often live in rural areas away from the crowded spaces of the cities. They are most commonly encountered in the Eldeen Reaches and other remote areas that can be found in all the nations. Many shifters earn their way as trappers, hunters, fishers, trackers, guides, and military scouts.

Dragonmarks: The fact that none of the dragonmarked houses includes shifters cements their place outside the mainstream of society.

Religion: Most shifters incline toward the druidbased religion of the Eldeen Reaches, believing in the divine power of the earth itself, the elements, and the creatures of the earth. Those shifters who revere the pantheon of the Sovereign Host are drawn toward the deities Balinor and Boldrei, while other shifters follow the Traveler. Shifters rarely worship the Silver Flame.

Language: Shifters speak Common and rarely learn other languages.

Names: Shifters use the same names as humans, often ones that sound rustic to city-dwellers.

Adventurers: Moving from the rugged, self-reliant life of a shifter trapper or hunter to an adventuring life is not a big step. Many shifters find themselves embarking on adventuring careers after something happens to disrupt their everyday routines - a monstrous incursion into their village or forest, for example, or a guide job gone sour.

  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Shifters are lithe and agile, but their fundamental bestial nature detracts from both their reasoning ability and their social interaction.

  • Shapechanger Subtype: Shifters are humanoids with the shapechanger subtype.

  • Medium: As Medium creatures, shifters have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

  • Shifter base land speed is 30 feet.

  • Shifting (Su): A shifter can tap into his lycanthropic heritage to gain short bursts of physical power. Once per day, a shifter can enter a state that is superficially similar to a barbarian's rage. Each shifter has one of eleven shifter traits - characteristics that manifest themselves when a character is shifting. Each shifter trait typically provides a +2 bonus to one of the character's physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) and grants some other advantage as well. Shifter traits are described below.

    Shifting is a free action and lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the shifter's Constitution modifier. (If a shifter trait or other effect increases the character's Constitution modifier, use the newly improved modifier.) A shifter can take feats to improve this ability.

    Every shifter feat a character takes increases the duration of his shifting by 1 round. For every two shifter feats a character takes, the number of times per day he can tap into the ability increases by one. So, a character with two shifter feats can shift two times per day (instead of the usual one), and each use of the ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 (instead of 3) + the shifter's Con modifier.

    Shifting, though related to and developed from lycanthropy, is neither an affliction nor a curse. It is not passed on by bite or claw attacks, and a shifter can't be cured - shifting is a natural ability for the race.

  • Low-Light Vision: Shifters can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

  • +2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Jump checks: A shifter's animalistic heritage enhances many of his physical skills.

  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan.

  • Favored Class: Ranger. A multiclass shifter's ranger class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.


Each shifter has one of the following special traits, which is selected when a character is created and cannot be changed thereafter.

Beasthide (Su): While shifting, a beasthide shifter gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and natural armor that provides a +2 bonus to AC.

Cliffwalk (Su): While shifting, a cliffwalk shifter gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity and has a climb speed of 20 feet.

Dreamsight (Su): The dreamsight trait is the rarest of all shifter traits, and many dreamsight shifters become druids within shifter communities. Unlike other shifter traits, which increase a shifter's physical abilities, the dreamsight trait sharpens a shifter's instincts and awareness. While shifting, a dreamsight shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Wisdom and gains the ability to communicate with animals as if under the effect of a speak with animals spell.

In addition, the shifter gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and wild empathy checks, even while not shifting.

Gorebrute (Su): While shifting, a gorebrute shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Strength and manifests powerful horns that can be used as a natural weapon, but only during a charge attack. (The horns are too awkward to use as a natural weapon in any circumstance other than a charge.) If a gorebrute shifter uses his horns in a charge attack, the horns function as a natural weapon, dealing 2d6 points of damage (plus an extra 1 point for every four character levels he has). A gorebrute shifter can't combine a charge attack with his horns with any other attack, even if he has the ability to make more than one attack as part of a charge (such as from the pounce ability).

Longstride (Su): While shifting, a longstride shifter gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a bonus of +10 feet to his base land speed.

Longtooth (Su): While shifting, a longtooth shifter gains a +2 bonus to Strength and grows fangs that can be used as a natural weapon, dealing 1d6 points of damage (plus an extra 1 point for every four character levels he has) with a successful bite attack. He cannot attack more than once per round with his bite, even if his base attack bonus is high enough to give him multiple attacks. He can use his bite as a secondary attack (taking a -5 penalty on his attack roll) while wielding a weapon.

Razorclaw (Su): While shifting, a razorclaw shifter gains a +2 bonus to Strength and grows claws that can be used as natural weapons. These claws deal 1d4 points of damage (plus an extra 1 point for every four character levels he has) with each successful attack. He can attack with one claw as a standard action or with two claws as a full attack action (as a primary natural weapon). He cannot attack more than once per round with a single claw, even if his base attack bonus is high enough to give him multiple attacks. He can attack with a claw as a light off-hand weapon while wielding a weapon in his primary hand, but all his attacks in that round take a -2 penalty.

Swiftwing (Su): While shifting, a swiftwing shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity. His arms grow leathery flaps of skin (similar to a bat's wings), which grant him a fly speed of 20 feet (average maneuverability). While airborne, the shifter can't use his hands for anything other than flying, though he can still hold or carry objects. A shifter can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while wearing medium or heavy armor.

Truedive (Su): While shifting, a truedive shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and a swim speed of 30 feet. Gaining a swim speed grants him a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.

In addition, the shifter can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 5 × his Constitution score before he risks drowning. A truedive shifter gains this benefit even when he isn't shifting.

Wildhunt (Su): While shifting, a wild hunt shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and the scent ability. This ability allows the shifter to detect approaching creatures, sniff out hidden creatures, and track by sense of smell. A wild hunt shifter can identify familiar odors just as a human does familiar sights.

A wildhunt shifter can detect creatures within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the creature is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. These stronger scents block other scents, so they can sometimes be used to confuse or hamper this shifter trait.

When a wildhunt shifter detects a scent, the exact location of the source isn't revealed - only its presence somewhere within range. The shifter can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the shifter comes within 5 feet of the source, he pinpoints the source's location.

While shifting, a wildhunt shifter who has the Track feat can follow tracks by smell, making Survival checks to find or follow a trail. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (regardless of the surface that holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures producing the odor, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail grows cold, the DC increases by 2. This ability other wise follows the rules for the Track feat. Shifters tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

When not shifting, a wildhunt shifter gains a +2 bonus on Survival checks due to the lingering effects of the scent ability.

Winterhide (Su): While shifting, a winterhide shifter gains a +2 bonus to Constitution, a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, and resistance to cold 5. In addition, a winterhide shifter has a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist the environmental effects of extreme cold.


Built as mindless machines to fight in the Last War, the warforged developed sentience as a side effect of the arcane experiments that sought to make them the ultimate weapons of destruction. With each successive model that emerged from the creation forges of House Cannith, the warforged evolved until they became a new kind of creature - living constructs. Warforged are renowned for their combat prowess, their size, and their single-minded focus. They make steadfast allies and fearsome enemies. Earlier warforged models are true constructs; some of these remnants of the Last War appear in monstrous varieties, such as the warforged titan.

Personality: The warforged were made to fight in the Last War, and they continue to fulfill their purpose with distinction. They fight fiercely and usually without remorse, displaying adaptability impossible for mindless constructs. Now that the war has ended, the warforged seek to adapt to life in this era of relative peace. Some have settled easily into new roles as artisans or laborers, while others wander as adventurers or even continue fighting the Last War despite the return of peace.

Physical Description: Warforged appear as massive humanoids molded from a composite of materials - obsidian, iron, stone, darkwood, silver, and organic material - though they move with a surprising grace and flexibility. Flexible plates connected by fibrous bundles make up the body of a warforged, topped by a mostly featureless head.

Warforged have no physical distinction of gender; all of them have a basically muscular, sexless body shape. In personality, some warforged seem more masculine or feminine, but different people might judge the same warforged in different ways. The warforged themselves seem unconcerned with matters of gender. They do not age naturally, though their bodies do decay slowly even as their minds improve through learning and experience.

Unique among constructs, warforged have learned to modify their bodies through magic and training. Many warforged are adorned with heavier metal plates than those their creator originally endowed them with. This customized armor, built-in weaponry, and other enhancements to their physical form help to differentiate one warforged from another.

Relations: As the warforged strive to find a place in society for themselves after the Last War, they simultaneously struggle to find ways to relate to the races that created them. In general, the humanoid races of Khorvaire regard the warforged as an unpleasant reminder of the brutality of the Last War and avoid dealing with them when possible. In Thrane and Karrnath, the warforged are still seen as the property of the military forces that paid to have them built, and most warforged in those nations serve as slave labor, often used to repair buildings and roads damaged or destroyed in the war. Throughout the rest of Khorvaire, they have freedom but sometimes find themselves the victims of discrimination, hard-pressed to find work or any kind of acceptance. Most warforged, not being particularly emotional creatures, accept their struggles and servitude with equanimity, but others seethe with resentment against all other races as well as those warforged whose only desire is to please their "masters."

Alignment: Warforged are generally neutral. They were built to fight, not to wonder whether fighting is right. Though they are perfectly capable of independent thought and moral speculation, most choose not to wrestle with ethical ideals.

Warforged Lands: Warforged originated in Cyre before its destruction and have no homeland. Most of them have dispersed across Khorvaire, laboring as indentured servants in Korth, Atur, and Flamekeep, or struggling to find work and acceptance in Sharn or Korranberg. A few congregate in the Mournland, attempting to build a new warforged society free from the prejudice and mistrust of the older races.

Dragonmarks: The warforged never possess dragonmarks.

Religion: Just as most warforged are not inclined to align themselves with any particular moral or ethical philosophy, few show much interest in religion. Some warforged have found a kind of answer to the questions of their existence by taking up the cause of one religion or another, but these remain a small (if rather vocal) minority among their kind. A larger number gravitate to a messianic figure called the Lord of Blades. This powerful leader gathers a cultlike following of disaffected warforged by preaching a return to the Mournland and rebellion against the "weak-fleshed" races.

Language: Warforged speak Common, since they were designed to communicate with their (mostly human) creators and owners.

Names: Warforged do not name themselves and only recently have begun to understand the need of other races to have names for everything. Many accept whatever names others see fit to give them, and warforged traveling with humans often are referred to by nicknames. Some warforged, however, have come to see having a name as a defining moment of their new existence, and thus search long and hard for the perfect name to attach to themselves.

Adventurers: Adventuring is one way that warforged can fit into the world - at least as well as any adventurer ever fits in. In the wilds of Xen'drik, the ancient continent of secrets, few people care whether you were born or made, as long as you can help keep your companions alive. A fairly large number of warforged choose an adventuring life to escape from the confines of a society they didn't create and at the same time engage in some meaningful activity.

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Warforged are resilient and powerful, but their difficulty in relating to other creatures makes them seem aloof or even hostile.

  • Living Construct Subtype (Ex): Warforged are constructs with the living construct subtype. A living construct is a created being given sentience and free will through powerful and complex creation enchantments. Warforged are living constructs who combine aspects of both constructs and living creatures, as detailed below.

    Features: As a living construct, a warforged has the following features.

    • A warforged derives its Hit Dice, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.

    Traits: A warforged possesses the following traits.

    • Unlike other constructs, a warforged has a Constitution score.

    • Unlike other constructs, a warforged does not have low-light vision or darkvision.

    • Unlike other constructs, a warforged is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.

    • Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.

    • A warforged cannot heal lethal damage naturally.

    • Unlike other constructs, warforged are subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, death effects, and necromancy effects.

    • As living constructs, warforged can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a warforged can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light damage spell, for example, and a warforged is vulnerable to disable construct and harm. However, spells from the healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cure hit point damage or ability damage provide only half their normal effects to a warforged.

    • The unusual physical construction of warforged makes them vulnerable to certain spells and effects that normally don't affect living creatures. A warforged takes damage from heat metal and chill metal as if he were wearing metal armor. Likewise, a warforged is affected by repel metal or stone as if he were wearing metal armor. A warforged is repelled by repel wood. The iron in the body of a warforged makes him vulnerable to rusting grasp, taking 2d6 points of damage from the spell (Reflex half; save DC 14 + caster's ability modifier). A warforged takes the same damage from a rust monster's touch (Reflex DC 17 half). Spells such as stone to flesh, stone shape, warp wood, and wood shape affect objects only and thus cannot be used on a warforged.

    • A warforged responds slightly differently from other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A warforged with 0 hit points is disabled, as with a living creature. He can take only a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When his hit points are less than 0 and greater than -10, a warforged is inert. He is unconscious and helpless, and cannot perform any actions. An inert warforged does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, however, as with a living creature that has become stable.

    • As a living construct, a warforged can be raised or resurrected.

    • A warforged does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but he can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as heroes' feast and potions.

    • Although living constructs do not need to sleep, a warforged wizard must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

  • Medium: As Medium constructs, warforged have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

  • Warforged base land speed is 30 feet.

  • Composite Plating: The plating used to build a warforged provides a +2 armor bonus. This plating is not natural armor and does not stack with other effects that give an armor bonus (other than natural armor). This composite plating occupies the same space on the body as a suit of armor or a robe, and thus a warforged cannot benefit from the effects of magic armor or magic robes. Composite plating can gain a magic enhancement bonus and magic armor properties as armor can, using the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. The character must be present for the entire time it takes to add this enhancement. In addition, spells and infusions that normally target armor, such as magic vestment and armor enhancement, can be cast with the composite plating of a warforged character as the target. Composite plating also provides a warforged with a 5% arcane spell failure chance, similar to the penalty for wearing light armor. Any class ability that allows a warforged to ignore the arcane spell failure chance for light armor lets him ignore this penalty as well.

  • Light Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a warforged, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

  • A warforged has a natural weapon in the form of a slam attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.

  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: None.

  • Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass warforged's fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.


The Inspired are specially bred humans who have willingly surrendered their bodies to nightmarish creatures called quori. When a quori spirit possesses a human vessel, it submerges the human spirit and takes complete control of the consciousness. When the human vessel dies or is destroyed, the quori spirit, unharmed, returns to its home plane of Dal Quor until it can inhabit another suitable vessel.

The quori originally had trouble projecting their minds into the Material Plane. Unwilling to permanently join with a human host as the kalashtar did, the quori sought another solution. That solution was to use controlled breeding and psionic manipulation to spawn highly evolved Riedran humans tinged with elf and fiendish blood. These perfect quori vessels possess otherworldly beauty and a penchant for cruelty. Unpossessed hosts, known as empty vessels, train hard for the day they receive their quori spirits. While quori prefer to fill Inspired vessels, and needed such vessels to originally project to Eberron, they have developed the ability to possess any willing human.

An Inspired vessel is taller than the average human, but lightly built, with large, almond-shaped eyes that vary in color. Common colors are black, viridian, or violet, although the eyes change color with the mood of the individual. All Inspired have pale skin and straight hair that ranges in color from jet black to deep blue or green. By human standards, most Inspired are strikingly handsome or beautiful, and they possess an unnatural charm and a commanding aura that helps them influence others. Most wear their hair long, and they favor ornate clothing and decorations.

The Inspired would rather let others fight on their behalf. Schemers and masterminds, they use their psionic powers to manipulate others from the shadows instead of on the field of battle. Even the Inspired who are trained for battle strike with swift precision to minimize the likelihood of an enemy gaining the upper hand. Humans born and raised on Sarlona to become the Inspired receive special training and education, and they are remarkable individuals in their own right.

  • Medium size.

  • An empty vessel's base land speed is 30 feet.

  • Naturally Psionic (Ex): Empty vessels gain 1 extra power point per character level, regardless of whether they choose a psionic class.

  • Skills: An empty vessel receives 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. (The 4 skill points at 1st level are added on as a bonus, not multiplied in.) Knowledge (the planes) is always a class skill for empty vessels.

  • +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. Empty vessels are masters of social interaction, influencing others through their commanding presence and subtle psychic powers.

  • +2 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to impersonate a human, due to their close physical resemblance to humans.

  • Bonus Feat: Empty vessels gain 1 extra feat at 1st level.

  • Automatic Languages: Common, Quor. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Riedran.

  • Favored Class: Psion. A multiclass empty vessel's psion class does not count when determining whether she takes an XP penalty for multiclassing.

  • Level Adjustment: +1.