Githyanki are the descendants of a humanlike race
enslaved by mind flayers for millennia. Exiled on the
Astral Plane since time immemorial, they are returning to
the Material Plane in a grand crusade at the Lich-Queen's
command. Their target is a world called Pharagos, and
their goal nothing less than the annihilation of every sentient
creature that dares to dwell there.
Personality: Githyanki are a living contradiction: ruthlessly
cruel and sadistically violent toward almost all
nongithyanki, but unfailingly polite, respectful, even
refined among their own kind. The key to this paradox is
their self-identity: the githyanki have never forgotten
that they were slaves of the mind flayers for generations,
and they blame everyone but themselves for that fact. A
thousand years of hatred and resentment has corrupted
the entire culture of the githyanki into a seething cauldron
of violence directed toward anything that is not
included in their own circle of fellows.
Physical Description: Githyanki appear superficially
human, similar in size and proportion. Tall and gaunt,
they average 6 1/4 feet tall and typically weigh around
170 pounds. They possess rough, leathery skin, pale
yellow in color, and red or black hair (often pulled into
one or more topknots). Their black eyes are sunken deep
into their long, angular skulls, their noses are small and
highly placed, and their ears are pointed and serrated in
back. They favor elaborate dress and baroque armor.
Relations: The githyanki hate almost everyone. At the
top of their list are the mind flayers who enslaved them
and engendered the hatred that defines them, followed
closely by their cousins, the githzerai. The denizens
of the Lower Planes are perhaps the only creatures the
githyanki ever count as allies: they have an ancient pact
with a red dragon consort of Tiamat, and ally with
demons and devils more often than with any other creature.
"Good relations," to the githyanki, generally means
"sharing a military alliance," and the quality of those
relations shifts as quickly as fortunes in war.
Alignment: Githyanki are always evil, although they
can be lawful, neutral, or chaotic in temper. Nonevil
githyanki are one-in-a-million exceptions, and githyanki
who stray so far from their heritage as to adopt a good
alignment are completely unheard of.
Githyanki Lands: Githyanki are native to the Astral
Plane, though their ancestors were humans from the
Material Plane in ages past. They build fortress-cities on
chunks of floating Astral rock or even on the corpses of
dead deities that drift through that otherwise barren
plane. They enjoy the conquest of other races and
cultures, however, and have fortress-outposts established
on many planes and many Material-Plane worlds. In
addition to these overt sites, the githyanki maintain
secret brood-chambers scattered throughout the Material
Plane, and are quite adept at operating secretly among
humans in particular.
Religion: Githyanki owe allegiance to their Lich-Queen
alone, who forbids the worship of deities among her
people. Indeed, as a race that often makes its homes on
the corpses of dead gods, the githyanki are not inclined to
revere these all-too-finite deities.
Language: Githyanki speak their own language, which
they treat as a sacred secret, never using it around members
of other races. They also speak Common, and many
know Draconic as well. In general, githyanki disdain
learning the languages of other creatures, with dragons,
demons, and devils being the most common exceptions.
Names: Calli'tao, Geatroth, Gharvag, Karluth, Khlasath,
Khosuvh, Madivh, N'a'rai, Quith, Rech, Ris'a'n, Tehv'in.
Adventurers: Githyanki rarely adventure in the way
that humans, elves, dwarves, and other races typically
understand that term. For githyanki, an adventure is a
military operation, strictly regimented, led by a military
commander, and ultimately directed by the Lich-Queen
herself. It is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement
or the acquisition of personal wealth. Githyanki "adventurers,"
then, are soldiers in the army of the Lich-Queen,
cooperating on missions to achieve her goals.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom. Githyanki
are hardy and agile, but their utter subservience to
their Lich-Queen has weakened both their willpower
and their sanity.
Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, githyanki have
no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Githyanki base speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Githyanki can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Psionics: 3/day - daze and mage hand. In
addition, githyanki of 3rd level or higher can use blur
three times per day, githyanki of 6th level or higher can
use dimension door three times per day, and githyanki of
9th level or higher can use telekinesis three times per day
and plane shift once per day. These abilities are as the
spells cast by a sorcerer of the githyanki's level. The DCs of
these abilities are Charisma based.
Spell Resistance: A githyanki has spell resistance of 5 + 1
per character level.
Extraplanar: Although Githyanki are humanoids, they are
native to the Astral Plane and are thus susceptible to banishment
and similar spells when they are on other planes.
Automatic Languages: Githyanki. Bonus Languages:
Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, and
Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass githyanki's fighter
class does not count when determining whether he suffers
an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Level Adjustment: +2. Githyanki are
more powerful than members of the
standard races, and advance in levels more slowly. A
githyanki's effective character level (ECL) is equal to his
total class levels +2. Thus, a 1st-level githyanki fighter is
considered a 3rd-level character and must earn 6,000 XP
to reach 2nd level.
In preparation for this invasion of Pharagos, Vlaakith the
Lich-Queen has secretly been breeding a race of
superwarriors - the duthka'gith. Half githyanki, the
duthka'gith also claim descent from the seed of
Ephelomon, the fiendish red dragon consort of Tiamat.
Personality: Duthka'giths are stronger, faster, and
smarter than their githyanki parents, and they know it.
They combine the cruel violence of the githyanki with the
arrogance of dragons, and care little for the complex
niceties of githyanki society. Where the githyanki are
refined, the duthka'gith are boorish and savage. The
threat of violence, obvious or implied, pollutes their every
dealing, whether with outsiders (nongithyanki),
fullblooded githyanki, or other duthka'gith.
Physical Description: Duthka'giths have lost most of
the githyanki similarity to humans. They average close to
7 feet tall and are considerably heavier than githyanki,
averaging more than 210 pounds. Their skin has a definite
scaled texture to it and ranges from deep red (primarily
on the shoulders and back) to orange (on the palms, soles
of the feet, and belly). Their hair is shaggy and wild,
resisting any attempt to pull it into the formal topknots
the githyanki favor. Their ears are slightly larger in proportion
to their heads than a githyanki's are, but share
the same serrated back edge. Their eyes gleamred, suggesting
glowing black embers.
Relations: Duthka'giths share all the enemies of the
githyanki, which is to say almost everyone. Their relationship
with the githyanki themselves varies from individual
to individual, but generally is strained at best. The
duthka'giths look down on the githyanki but work closely
together with them. Every duthka'gith considers itself a
born leader, which is not far from the truth, but as a result
they quickly become frustrated when forced to accept an
inferior position of any sort.
Alignment: Like githyanki, duthka'giths are always evil,
and they tend strongly toward chaos (though not exclusively,
because of Ephelomon's connection to the lawful
plane of the Nine Hells).
Duthka'gith Lands: Duthka'giths have no lands of their
own, and share living space with githyanki.
Religion: Like githyanki, duthka'giths are loyal to the
Lich-Queen above all and consider the gods inferior,
mortal beings undeserving of worship. Duthka'giths are
not generally prone to the weakness of worship, but they
tend to be particularly drawn to the messianic cult of Gith. In fact, many
duthka'gith believe that Gith was transformed into a half-dragon
during her stay in the Nine Hells, and that the
breeding of the fist duthka'gith is a sign that Gith's return
is imminent.
Language: Duthka'giths speak the githyanki language
and Draconic. Many also speak Common, but they share
the common githyanki disdain for the languages and culture
of other species.
Names: Duthka'giths usually carry githyanki names.
Adventurers: Vlaakith bred the duthka'giths to lead the
githyanki in the invasion - to serve as generals, sergeants,
and champions of her mighty army. This vision has not
fully materialized, thanks in large part to the unforeseen
strongly chaotic bent of the duthka'giths. Duthka'giths
are indeed born leaders, but many of them demonstrate
such impatience with the regimentation of githyanki life
that they strike out independently, sometimes forming
small, elite units made up entirely of their own kind to
attack Pharagos in their own way, sometimes working
alone to wreak destruction on whatever they happen to
find. In this way as in many others, duthka'giths manifest
both the best and the worst aspects of their fiendish, draconic,
and githyanki ancestry.
+8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2
Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Duthka'giths have
the great physical strength and hardiness of their dragon
parent, as well as the characteristics of the githyanki.
Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, duthka'giths
have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Duthka'gith base speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Duthka'giths can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Low-light Vision: Duthka'giths can see twice as far as
humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar
conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to
distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Psionics: 3/day - daze and mage hand. In
addition, duthka'giths of 3rd level or higher can use blur
three times per day, duthka'giths of 6th level or higher
can use dimension door three times per day, and
duthka'giths of 9th level or higher can use telekinesis
three times per day and plane shift once per day. These
abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the
duthka'gith's level. The DCs of these abilities are
Charisma based.
Spell Resistance: A duthka'gith has spell resistance of 5
+ 1 per character level.
Dragon: Duthka'giths are creatures of the dragon type.
This makes them vulnerable to certain spells and
immune to others, including spells that specifically target
humanoids. Like all dragons, they are immune to sleep
and paralysis effects.
Extraplanar: Duthka'giths are native to the Astral Plane
and are thus susceptible to banishment and similar spells
when they are on other planes.
Breath Weapon (Su): Once per day, a duthka'gith can
breathe a cone of fire to sear its enemies. This is a 30-foot
cone that deals 6d8 points of fire damage to creatures
within it. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + the
duthka'gith's Constitution modifier) reduces the damage
by half.
Natural Weapons: A duthka'gith can attack with its
claws and bite. Its bite deals 1d6 points of damage (plus
one-half the duthka'gith's Strength modifier), while its
two claw attacks each deal 1d4 (plus the duthka'gith's
Strength bonus).
Natural Armor Bonus: +4.
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, a duthka'gith can smite
good, dealing extra damage equal to its character level
against a good opponent.
Energy Resistance: A duthka'gith is immune to fire and
has cold resistance 5.
Githyanki Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a
duthka'gith is considered a githyanki. Duthka'giths, for
example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that
affect githyanki as their githyanki ancestors.
Duthka'giths also can qualify for prestige classes that
require the githyanki race as a prerequisite.
Automatic Languages: Githyanki and Common. Bonus
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal.
Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass duthka'gith's fighter
class does not count when determining whether he suffers
an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Level Adjustment +5: Duthka'giths are even more powerful
than githyanki, and advance in levels more slowly. A
duthka'gith's effective character level (ECL) is equal to his
total class levels +5. Thus, a 1st-level duthka'gith fighter is
considered a 6th-level character and must earn 21,000 XP
to reach 2nd level.