

Ninja Master of stealth and assassination.
Scout Highly mobile tracking expert.
Spellthief Magical thief of spells and special abilities.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Appraise Magic Value Appraise 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks Use Appraise to determine magic item properties
Ascetic Hunter Improved Unarmed Strike, favored enemy Monk and ranger levels stack for unarmed strike damage, favored enemy bonus improves stunning DC
Ascetic Knight Improved Unarmed Strike, smite evil Monk and paladin levels stack for unarmed strike and smite evil damage
Ascetic Mage Improved Unarmed Strike, spontaneous 2nd-level arcane spells Monk and sorcerer levels stack for AC bonus (Cha-based), sacrifice spell to gain bonus on unarmed strike
Ascetic Rogue Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack Monk and rogue levels stack for sneak attack damage, unarmed strike sneak attack gains improved stunning DC
Brachiation Climb 4 ranks, Jump 4 ranks Swing through trees at normal land speed
Brutal Throw* Use Str rather than Dex to attack rolls with thrown weapons
Power Throw* Str 13, Brutal Throw, Power Attack Power Attack with thrown weapons
Combat Intuition* Sense Motive 4 ranks, base attack bonus +5 +1 to attack opponent you engaged in the preceding round
Danger Sense Improved Initiative Reroll initiative once per day
Death Blow Improved Initiative, base attack bonus +2 Coup de grace as a standard action
Deft Opportunist Dex 15, Combat Reflexes +4 bonus on attack rolls on attacks of opportunity
Deft Strike Int 13, Spot 10 ranks, Combat Expertise, sneak attack Ignore armor and natural armor
Devoted Inquisitor Smite evil, sneak attack Use smite evil and sneak attack together to daze a foe
Devoted Performer Bardic music, smite evil Paladin and bard levels stack for smite evil and bardic music
Devoted Tracker Track, smite evil, wild empathy Special mount becomes animal companion, and paladin and ranger levels stack for smite evil and wild empathy
Disguise Spell Perform 9 ranks, bardic music Cast spells unobtrusively as part of a performance
Dive for Cover Base Reflex save +4 Make one retry on failed Reflex save, but end up prone
Dual Strike* Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting Attack once with each hand as a standard action
Expert Tactician Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +2 All allies gain +2 attack and damage bonus for a round against a target you’ve hit with an attack of opportunity
Extra Music Bardic music Gain four extra uses per day of bardic music
Extraordinary Concentration Concentration 15 ranks Concentrate on a spell as a move action or swift action
Extraordinary Spell Aim Spellcraft 15 ranks Exclude one creature from spell area
Force of Personality Cha 13 Add Cha modifier, rather than Wis modifier, to Will saves
Goad* Cha 13, base attack bonus +1 Cause target to attack only you
Green Ear Perform 10 ranks, bardic music Affect plants with your bardic music ability
Hear the Unseen Listen 5 ranks, Blind-Fight Pinpoint a target’s location by sound, not sight
Improved Diversion* Bluff 4 ranks Use Bluff to create a diversion, then Hide as a move action
Improved Flight Ability to fly Flight maneuverability improves by one step
Improved Swimming Swim 6 ranks Double your swimming speed
Insightful Reflexes Add Int modifier, rather than Dex modifier, to Reflex saves
Jack of All Trades Int 13 Use any skill, even “Trained Only” ones
Leap Attack Jump 8 ranks, Power Attack Doubles damage by Power Attack on successful charge
Lingering Song Bardic music Extend the duration of your bardic music effects
Mobile Spellcasting Concentration 8 ranks Cast a spell and move at the same time
Natural Bond Animal companion Add +3 to effective druid level when determining animal companion’s abilities
Obscure Lore Bardic music or lore Gain +4 bonus on bardic knowledge or lore checks
Open Minded Immediately gain 5 skill points
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting* Str 13, Two-Weapon Fighting Treat one-handed weapon in off hand as if light weapon
Quick Reconnoiter Listen 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks Spot and Listen as free actions, +2 on initiative checks
Razing Strike Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane or divine spells, sneak attack Spend a spell use to gain attack and damage bonuses against constructs or undead
Staggering Strike Base attack bonus +6, sneak attack Limit target to a single action for 1 round
Subsonics Perform 10 ranks, Bardic music Produce bardic music effects very softly
Tactile Trapsmith Add Dex modifier, rather than Int modifier, to Search and Disable Device checks
Versatile Performer Perform 5 ranks Treat number of Perform skills as if they had ranks equal to your highest Perform rank
Bardic Music Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Chant of Fortitude Bardic music, Concentration 8 ranks, Perform 8 ranks Bardic music keeps allies conscious at negative hit points
Ironskin Chant Bardic music, Concentration 12 ranks, Perform 12 ranks Use bardic music to gain DR 5/—
Lyric Spell Bardic music, arcane spellcaster level 6th, Perform 9 ranks Spend bardic music uses to cast extra spells
Wild Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Blindsense Wild shape, Listen 4 ranks Spend wild shape use to gain blindsense 30 ft.
Climb Like an Ape Wild shape Spend wild shape use to gain climb movement mode
Cougar’s Vision Wild shape, Spot 2 ranks Spend wild shape use to gain low-light vision
Hawk’s Vision Wild shape, Spot 4 ranks Spend wild shape use to gain +8 to Spot checks and cut range increment penalties in half
Savage Grapple Wild shape, sneak attack Deal sneak attack damage when grappling in wild shape
Scent Wild shape Spend wild shape use to gain scent

* A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.




Critical Strike: Swift. For 1 round you gain +1d6 damage, doubled threat range, and +4 on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.

Distract Assailant: Swift. One creature is flat-footed for 1 round.

Insightful Feint: Swift. Gain +10 on your next Bluff check to feint in combat.

Instant Locksmith: Swift. Make Disable Device or Open Lock check at +2 as free action.

Instant Search: Swift. Make Search check at +2 as free action.

Sniper’s Shot: Swift. No range limit on next ranged sneak attack.


Invisibility, Swift: Swift. You are invisible for 1 round or until you attack.

Iron Silence: Armor touched has no armor check penalty on Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour/level.

Wraithstrike: Swift. Your melee attacks strike as touch attacks for 1 round.


Absorb Weapon: Hide a weapon, gain a Bluff check with a +4 bonus to feint when you draw it.

Spectral Weapon: Swift. Use quasi-real weapon to make touch attacks.


Shadow Form: Gain +4 on Hide, Move Silently, and Escape Artist checks, and concealment; you can move through obstacles if you have ranks in Escape Artist.

Sniper’s Eye: Gain +10 Spot, darkvision, 60-ft. range for sneak attacks, and death attacks with ranged weapons.



Accelerated Movement: Swift. Balance, Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with no penalty on skill check.

Distort Speech: Subject’s speech is 50% unintelligible; subject may miscast spells.

Expeditious Retreat, Swift: Swift. Your speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round.

Focusing Chant: Gain +1 on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks, so long as you don’t speak or cast other spells.

Healthful Rest: Subjects heal at twice the normal rate.

Herald’s Call: Swift. Creatures of 5 HD or less within 20 ft. slowed for 1 round.

Inspirational Boost: Swift. The bonuses granted by your inspire courage ability increase by 1.

Joyful Noise: You negate silence in a 10-ft.-radius emanation for as long as you concentrate.

Master’s Touch: Swift. You gain pro?ciency in a weapon or shield touched for 1 min./level.


Bladeweave: Swift. Your melee attack dazes your opponent.

Fly, Swift: Swift. Gain ?y speed of 60 ft. for 1 round.

Insidious Rhythm: Subject has –4 penalty on Intelligence-based skill checks and Concentration checks, and must make Concentration check to cast spells.

Invisibility, Swift: Swift. You are invisible for 1 round or until you attack.

Iron Silence: Armor touched has no armor check penalty on Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour/level.

Mindless Rage: Target compelled to attack you physically for 1 round/level.

Sonic Weapon: Weapon touched deals +1d6 sonic damage with each hit.

Tactical Precision: Allies gain additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and +1d6 additional damage against ?anked foes.


Allegro: You and your allies gain +30 ft. speed for 1 min./level.

Dirge of Discord: All within 20 ft. take –4 on attack rolls, Concentration checks, and Dexterity, and reduce speed by 50%.

Dissonant Chord: Deal 1d8/2 levels sonic damage in 10-ft. burst.

Harmonic Chorus: Give another caster +2 caster levels and +2 on save DCs as long as you concentrate.

Hymn of Praise: Add +2 caster levels to all good divine casters within range.

Infernal Threnody: Add +2 caster levels to all evil divine casters within range.

Speechlink: You and one other creature can talk, no matter how far apart.


Listening Coin: You can eavesdrop through a magic coin.

Spectral Weapon: Swift. Use quasi-real weapon to make touch attacks.

War Cry: Swift. Gain +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, or +4 if you charge, for 1 round/level. Any opponent you damage must save or become panicked for 1 round.


Improvisation: You gain a pool of luck bonus points equal to twice your caster level and can spend them to improve attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.

Wail of Doom: Deal 1d4 damage/level in 30-ft. cone, plus targets panicked or shaken.


Cacophonic Shield: Shield 10 ft. from you blocks sounds, deals 1d6+1/level sonic damage, and deafens creatures passing through.

Hindsight: You see into the past.

Protégé: Subject can use bardic music and bardic knowledge as bard of half your level.



Grave Strike: Swift. You can sneak attack undead for 1 round.


Divine Insight: You gain insight bonus of 5 + caster level on one single skill check.

Healing Lorecall: If you have 5 or more ranks in Heal, you can remove harmful conditions with conjuration (healing) spells.

Iron Silence: Armor touched has no armor check penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks for 1 hour/level.



Hawkeye: Increase range increments by 50%, +5 on Spot checks.

Healthful Rest: Subjects heal at twice the normal rate.

Vine Strike: Swift. You can sneak attack plant creatures for 1 round.


Balancing Lorecall: You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can balance on impossible surfaces if you have 5 or more ranks in Balance.

Branch to Branch: You gain +10 competence bonus on Climb checks in trees and can brachiate through forest.

Daggerspell Stance: Swift. You gain +2 insight bonus on attack and damage if you make a full attack, SR 5 + caster level if you fight defensively, and DR 5/magic if you use the total defense action.

Easy Trail: You make a temporary trail through any kind of undergrowth.

Embrace the Wild: You gain an animal’s senses for 10 min./level.

Healing Lorecall: If you have 5 or more ranks in Heal, you can remove harmful conditions with conjuration (healing) spells.

Listening Lorecall: You gain +4 on Listen checks, plus blindsense or blindsight if you have 5 or more ranks in Listen.

Nature’s Favor: Animal touched gains luck bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1/3 levels.

Train Animal: Affected animal gains additional tricks equal to 1/2 caster level for 1 hour/level.

Wracking Touch: Deal 1d6 damage +1/level; you also deal sneak attack damage if you have any.


Entangling Staff: Swift. Quarterstaff gains improved grab and can constrict grappled foes.

Fly, Swift: Swift. Gain ? y speed of 60 ft. for 1 round.


Forestfold: Gain +20 competence bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks in one type of terrain.


Cloak of the Sea: Gain blur, freedom of movement, and water breathing while in water.



Grave Strike: Swift. You can sneak attack undead for 1 round.


Divine Insight: You gain insight bonus of 5 + caster level on one single skill check.



Accelerated Movement: Swift. Balance, Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with no penalty on skill check.

Arrow Mind: Immediate. You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Bloodhound: You gain an immediate retry if you fail a Survival check while tracking.

Branch to Branch: You gain +10 competence bonus on Climb checks in trees and can brachiate through forest.

Easy Trail: You make a temporary trail through any kind of undergrowth.

Embrace the Wild: You gain an animal’s senses for 10 min./level.

Exacting Shot: Your ranged weapon automatically confirms critical hits against favored enemies.

Guided Shot: Swift. You ignore distance penalties with your ranged attacks for 1 round.

Hawkeye: Increase range increments by 50%, +5 on Spot checks.

Healing Lorecall: If you have 5 or more ranks in Heal, you can remove harmful conditions with conjuration (healing) spells.

Instant Search: Swift. Make Search check at +2 as free action.

Sniper’s Shot: Swift. No range limit on next ranged sneak attack.

Vine Strike: Swift. You can sneak attack plant creatures for 1 round.


Balancing Lorecall: You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can balance on impossible surfaces if you have 5 or more ranks in Balance.

Easy Climb: You make a vertical surface easy to Climb (DC 10).

Haste, Swift: Swift. Move faster, +1 on attacks, AC, Re? ex saves.

Listening Lorecall: You gain +4 on Listen checks, plus blindsense or blindsight if you have 5 or more ranks in Listen.

Nature’s Favor: Animal touched gains luck bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1/3 levels.

Train Animal: Affected animal gains additional tricks equal to 1/2 caster level for 1 hour/level.


Blade Storm: Swift. You make melee attacks against every foe you threaten.

Forestfold: You gain +20 competence bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks in one type of terrain.


Arrow Storm: Swift. You make one ranged attack against each foe within one range increment.

Foebane: Your weapon becomes +5 and deals +2d6 damage against a favored enemy.



Arrow Mind: Immediate. You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Critical Strike: Swift. For 1 round you gain +1d6 damage, doubled threat range, and +4 on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.

Golem Strike: Swift. You can sneak attack constructs for 1 round.

Guided Shot: Swift. You ignore distance penalties with your ranged attacks for 1 round.

Insightful Feint: Swift. Gain +10 on your next Bluff check to feint in combat.

Instant Locksmith: Swift. Make Disable Device or Open Lock check at +2 as free action.

Instant Search: Swift. Make Search check at +2 as free action.

Master’s Touch: Swift. You gain proficiency in a weapon or shield touched for 1 min./level.

Sniper’s Shot: Swift. No range limit on next ranged sneak attack.


Distract Assailant: Swift. One creature is ? at-footed for 1 round.


Accelerated Movement: Swift. Balance, Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with no penalty on skill check.


Expeditious Retreat, Swift: Swift. Your speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round.


Daggerspell Stance: Swift. You gain +2 insight bonus on attack and damage if you make a full attack, SR 5 + caster level if you fight defensively, and DR 5/magic if you use the total defense action.


Balancing Lorecall: You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can balance on impossible surfaces if you have 5 or more ranks in Balance.

Listening Lorecall: Gain +4 on Listen checks, plus blindsense or blindsight if you have 5 or more ranks in Listen.


Mindless Rage: Target compelled to attack you physically for 1 round/level.


Bladeweave: Swift. Your melee attack dazes your opponent.


Wracking Touch: Deal 1d6 damage +1/level; you also deal sneak attack damage if you have any.


Fly, Swift: Swift. Gain ? y speed of 60 ft. for 1 round.

Sonic Weapon: Weapon touched deals +1d6 sonic damage with each hit.

Wraithstrike: Swift. Your melee attacks strike as touch attacks for 1 round.


Spectral Weapon: Swift. Use quasi-real weapon to make touch attacks.


Entangling Staff: Swift. Quarterstaff gains improved grab and can constrict grappled foes.


Nightstalker’s Transformation: Gain +4 Dex, +3 luck bonus to AC, +5 luck bonus on Ref saves, +3d6 sneak attack, and evasion.


Shadow Form: Gain +4 on Hide, Move Silently, and Escape Artist checks, and concealment; you can move through obstacles if you have ranks in Escape Artist.


Cloak of the Sea: Gain blur, freedom of movement, and water breathing while in water.


Cacophonic Shield: Immobile shield 10 ft. from you blocks sounds, deals 1d6+1/level sonic damage, and deafens creatures passing through.


Hindsight: You see into the past.