Epic Level Handbook


Epic Class ProgressionsDescription
Epic Base Class Progressions
Epic Prestige Class Progressions
Prestige ClassDescription
Agent Retriever Finding items, especially long-lost ones, is an agent retriever's specialty.
Cosmic Descryer The cosmic descryer is interested in the infinite variety of the planes and fascinated by the different layers of the multiverse.
Divine Emissary Divine emissaries are second to none in their god?s favor.
Epic Infiltrator The epic infiltrator is an agent of espionage, an undercover operative, and sometimes a saboteur.
Guardian Paramount The guardian paramount is an extraordinary bodyguard, a protector of others who is skilled in preventing harm to his charge.
High Proselytizer The high proselytizer is the word of her deity, spreading the teachings of her god and sharing her beliefs in a truly stirring display of rapture and fervor.
Legendary Dreadnought The legendary dreadnought is the ultimate foot soldier, an absolute force of destruction, a total warrior who excels at sheer combat prowess.
Perfect Wight The perfect wight is a master of skulking, the ultimate prowler and thief.
Union Sentinel A Union Sentinel is a member of an elite police force that guards the demiplanecity of Union.


Epic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
ADDITIONAL MAGIC ITEM SPACE - You can wear more magic items.
ARMOR SKIN - Your skin becomes like armor.
AUGMENTED ALCHEMY Int 21, Craft(alchemy) 24 ranks. You can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.
AUTOMATIC QUICKEN SPELL Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells. You can cast any of your lesser spells with a moment's thought.
AUTOMATIC SILENT SPELL Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells. You can cast any of your lesser spells silently.
AUTOMATIC STILL SPELL Still Spell, Spellcraft 27 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells. You can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.
BANE OF ENEMIES Survival 24 ranks, five or more favored enemies. Your attacks deal great damage to your favored enemies.
DEATH OF ENEMIES Bane of Enemies, Survival 30 ranks, five or more favored enemies. You can instantly slay your favored enemies with a single strike.
BLINDING SPEED Dex 25. You can trigger short bursts of great speed.
BONUS DOMAIN Wis 21, ability to cast 9th-level divine spells. You have access to one additional domain of spells.
BULWARK OF DEFENSE Con 25, defensive stance 3/day. Your defensive stance bonuses increase to +4 Strength, +6 Constitution, +4 resistance bonus on all saves, and +6 dodge bonus to AC.
CHAOTIC RAGE Rage 5/day, chaotic alignment. Your rage is particularly damaging to lawful creatures.
COMBAT ARCHERY Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot. You can fire a bow in melee safely.
CRAFT EPIC MAGIC ARMS AND ARMOR Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (arcana) 28 ranks, Spellcraft 28 ranks. You can craft magic arms and armor of epic power.
CRAFT EPIC ROD Craft Rod, Knowledge (arcana) 32 ranks, Spellcraft 32 ranks. You can craft magic rods of epic power.
CRAFT EPIC STAFF Craft Staff, Knowledge (arcana) 35 ranks, Spellcraft 35 ranks. You can craft magic staffs of epic power.
CRAFT EPIC WONDROUS ITEM Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (arcana) 26 ranks, Spellcraft 26 ranks. You can craft wondrous items of epic power.
DAMAGE REDUCTION Con 21. You can shrug off some damage from attacks.
DEAFENING SONG Perform 24 ranks, bardic music class feature. Your bardic music deafens those nearby.
HINDERING SONG Deafening Song, Perform 27 ranks, bardic music class feature. Your bardic music interferes with opposing spellcasters.
DEXTEROUS FORTITUDE Dex 25, slippery mind class feature. You are able to resist physical attacks with exceptional agility.
DEXTEROUS WILL Dex 25, slippery mind class feature. You are able to resist compelling effects with exceptional agility.
DIMINUTIVE WILD SHAPE Ability to wild shape into a Huge animal. You can wild shape into animals of Diminutive size.
FINE WILD SHAPE Ability to wild shape into a Diminutive creature. You can wild shape into animals of Fine size.
DIRE CHARGE Improved Initiative. You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
DISTANT SHOT Dex 25, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Spot 20 ranks. You can target anything you can see with a ranged weapon.
DRAGON WILD SHAPE Wis 30, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, wild shape 6/day. You can take the form of a dragon.
EFFICIENT ITEM CREATION Item creation feat to be selected, Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, Spellcraft 24 ranks. Select an item creation feat. You can create magic items using that feat much more quickly than normal.
ENERGY RESISTANCE - You can resist the effects of a chosen type of energy.
ENHANCE SPELL Maximize Spell. You can increase the power limit of your damage-dealing spells.
EPIC DODGE Dex 25, Dodge, Tumble 30 ranks, improved evasion, defensive roll class feature. You are able to evade attacks with exceptional agility.
EPIC ENDURANCE Con 25, Endurance. You are capable of legendary feats of stamina.
EPIC EXPANDED KNOWLEDGE - You learn another power.
EPIC FORTITUDE - You have tremendously high fortitude.
EPIC INSPIRATION Cha 25, Perform 30 ranks, bardic music class feature. Your bardic music provides greater inspiration than normally possible.
EPIC LEADERSHIP Cha 25, Leadership, Leadership score 25. You attract more powerful cohorts and followers than normally possible.
LEGENDARY COMMANDER Cha 25, Epic Leadership, Leadership, Diplomacy 30 ranks, must rule own kingdom and have a stronghold. You can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person.
EPIC PROWESS - Gain a +1 bonus on all attacks.
EPIC PSIONIC FOCUS - You can expend your psionic focus to greater effect.
EPIC REFLEXES - You have tremendously fast reflexes.
EPIC REPUTATION - Your reputation provides great bonuses on interactions with others.
EPIC SKILL FOCUS 20 ranks in the skill selected. You have a legendary knack with a skill.
EPIC SPEED Dex 21, Run. You can move much more quickly than a normal person.
EPIC SPELL FOCUS Greater Spell Focus and Spell Focus in the school selected, ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell of the school to be chosen. Your spells of a school are far more potent than normal.
EPIC SPELL PENETRATION Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration. Your spells are tremendously potent, breaking through spell resistance with ease.
EPIC SPELLCASTING Spellcraft 24 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane spells. OR Spellcraft 24 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 24 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level divine spells. OR Spellcraft 24 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level divine spells. You can create and cast spells that transcend the most powerful existing spells.
EPIC TOUGHNESS - You are preternaturally tough.
EPIC WEAPON FOCUS Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon. You are especially good at using a weapon.
EPIC WEAPON SPECIALIZATION Epic Weapon Focus, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization (all in the chosen weapon). You deal extraordinary damage wielding a weapon.
EPIC WILL - You have tremendously strong willpower.
EXCEPTIONAL DEFLECTION Dex 21, Wis 19, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike. You can deflect any type of ranged attack.
EXTENDED LIFE SPAN - You are exceptionally long-lived.
FAMILIAR SPELL Int 25 (if the character’s spellcasting is controlled by Intelligence) or Cha 25 (if the character’s spellcasting is controlled by Charisma). Your familiar can use one of your spells as a spell-like ability.
FAST HEALING Con 25. You heal your wounds very quickly.
FORGE EPIC RING Forge Ring, Knowledge (arcana) 35 ranks, Spellcraft 35 ranks. You can craft magic rings of epic power.
GARGANTUAN WILD SHAPE Ability to wild shape into a Huge animal. You can wild shape into animals of Gargantuan size.
COLOSSAL WILD SHAPE The ability to wild shape into a Gargantuan creature. You can wild shape into animals of Colossal size.
GREAT CHARISMA - Your powers of persuasion and leadership are greater than normal.
GREAT CONSTITUTION - Your health and endurance are greater than normal.
GREAT DEXTERITY - Your agility and coordination are greater than normal
GREAT INTELLIGENCE - Your powers of reason and learning are greater than normal.
GREAT SMITING Cha 25, smite ability (from class feature or domain granted power). Your smite attacks are much more powerful than normal.
GREAT STRENGTH - Your muscle and physical power are greater than normal.
GREAT WISDOM - Your willpower and insight are greater than normal.
GROUP INSPIRATION Perform 30 ranks, bardic music class feature. You can inspire competence or greatness in more than one ally simultaneously.
HOLY STRIKE Smite evil class feature, any good alignment. Your attacks deal great damage to evil creatures.
IGNORE MATERIAL COMPONENTS Eschew Materials, Spellcraft 25 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells. You need not use any material components in casting your spells.
IMPROVED ALIGNMENT-BASED CASTING Access to domain of Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law, alignment must match domain chosen, ability to cast 9th-level divine spells. Your spells of a particular alignment are more powerful than normal.
IMPROVED ARROW OF DEATH Dex 19, Wis 19, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, arrow of death class feature. Add +2 to the DC of your arrows of death.
IMPROVED AURA OF COURAGE Cha 25, aura of courage class ability. Your aura of courage is stronger than normal.
IMPROVED AURA OF DESPAIR Cha 25, aura of despair class ability. Your aura of despair is wider than normal.
IMPROVED COMBAT CASTING Combat Casting, Concentration 25 ranks. You can cast spells while threatened without fear of being attacked.
IMPROVED COMBAT REFLEXES Dex 21, Combat Reflexes. You can respond to any number of opponents who let their defenses down.
IMPROVED DARKVISION Darkvision. Your ability to see in the dark is greater than normal.
IMPROVED DEATH ATTACK Death attack class feature, sneak attack +5d6. Add +2 to the DC of your death attack.
IMPROVED ELEMENTAL WILD SHAPE Wis 25, ability to wild shape into an elemental. You can take the form of a greater variety of elementals than normal.
IMPROVED FAVORED ENEMY Five or more favored enemies. Add +1 to the bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks and damage rolls against all your favored enemies.
IMPROVED HEIGHTEN SPELL Heighten Spell, Spellcraft 20 ranks. You can cast a spell at any level above its own.
IMPROVED KI STRIKE Wis 25, Ki strike (adamantine). You can strike opponents with great damage reduction.
IMPROVED LOW-LIGHT VISION Low-light vision. The range of your low-light vision is greater than normal.
IMPROVED MANIFESTATION - You can manifest psionic powers more powerful than the normal limits of manifestation.
IMPROVED MANYSHOT Dex 19, base attack bonus +21, Many-shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot You can fire even more arrows as a single attack against a nearby target.
IMPROVED METAMAGIC Four metamagic feats, Spellcraft 30 ranks. You can cast spells using metamagic feats more easily than normal.
IMPROVED METAPSIONICS - You can manifest powers using metapsionic feats more easily than normal.
IMPROVED SNEAK ATTACK Sneak attack +8d6. Your sneak attacks are more deadly than normal.
IMPROVED SPELL CAPACITY Ability to cast spells of the normal maximum spell level in at least one spellcasting class. You can prepare spells that exceed the normal limits of spellcasting.
IMPROVED SPELL RESISTANCE Must have spell resistance from a feat, class feature, or other permanent effect. Your innate resistance to magical effects increases.
IMPROVED STUNNING FIST Dex 19, Wis 19, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist. Add +2 to the DC of your stunning attack.
IMPROVED WHIRLWIND ATTACK Int 13, Dex 23, Combat Expertise, Dodge,? Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack. You become a blurry whirlwind of attacks, striking out at all enemies near your position.
INCITE RAGE Cha 25, greater rage class feature. Your allies rage with you.
INFINITE DEFLECTION Dex 25, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike. You can deflect an infinite number of projectiles.
INSPIRE EXCELLENCE Perform 30 ranks, bardic music class feature. You can improve the abilities of your comrades through your performance.
INSTANT RELOAD Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Weapon Focus (crossbow type to be selected). You can fire a crossbow as fast as a bow.
INTENSIFY SPELL Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells. You can cast spells with exceptionally great effect.
KEEN STRIKE Str 23, Wis 23, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning fist, ki strike (adamantine). Your unarmed strikes become as sharp as blades.
VORPAL STRIKE Str 25, Wis 25, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Keen Strike, Stunning Fist, ki strike (adamantine). Your unarmed strikes can behead your opponents.
LASTING INSPIRATION Perform 25 ranks, bardic music class feature. Your songs continue to inspire allies long after your words have faded.
LEGENDARY CLIMBER Dex 21, Balance 12 ranks, Climb 24 ranks. You can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person.
LEGENDARY LEAPER Jump 24 ranks. You need only move 5 feet in a straight line to make a running jump.
LEGENDARY RIDER Ride 24 ranks. You can ride any mount without penalty (even bareback) and can control any mount in combat.
LEGENDARY TRACKER Wis 25, Track, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, Survival 30 ranks. You can track prey across or through the water, or even through the air.
LEGENDARY WRESTLER Str 21, Dex 21, Improved Unarmed Strike, Escape Artist 15 ranks. You are exceptionally proficient at grappling.
LINGERING DAMAGE Sneak attack +8d6, crippling strike class feature. Your sneak attacks continue to deal damage even after you strike.
MAGICAL BEAST COMPANION Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, wild shape 6/day. You can befriend a magical beast with limited Intelligence.
MAGICAL BEAST WILD SHAPE Wis 25, Knowledge (nature) 27 ranks, wild shape 6/day. You can wild shape into magical beast form.
MASTER STAFF Craft Staff, Spellcraft 15 ranks. You can activate a staff without using a charge.
MASTER WAND Craft Wand, Spellcraft 15 ranks. You can activate a wand without using a charge.
MIGHTY RAGE Str 21, Con 21, greater rage class feature, rage 5/day. Your rage becomes even more powerful than normal.
MOBILE DEFENSE Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, defensive stance 3/day class feature. You can adjust your position while maintaining a defen- sive stance.
MULTISPELL Quicken Spell, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells. You can cast an additional quickened spell in a round.
MULTIWEAPON REND Dex 15, base attack bonus +9, three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting. You can rend opponents when fighting with more than two limbs.
MUSIC OF THE GODS Cha 25, Perform 30 ranks, bardic music class feature. You can use your bardic music to influence creatures immune to mind-affecting effects.
NEGATIVE ENERGY BURST Cha 25, ability to rebuke or command undead, ability to cast inflict critical wounds, any evil alignment. You can use your rebuke/command undead ability to unleash a burst of negative energy.
OVERWHELMING CRITICAL Str 23, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon). With a weapon, you do more damage on a critical hit.
DEVASTATING CRITICAL Str 25, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Overwhelming Critical (chosen weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon). With a weapon, you are capable of killing any creature with a single strike.
PENETRATE DAMAGE REDUCTION - You can bypass a creature’s damage reduction.
PERFECT HEALTH Con 25, Great Fortitude. You are immune to normal diseases and common poisons.
PERFECT MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING Dex 25, three or more hands, Greater Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting. A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
PERFECT TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING Dex 25, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting. You can attack with your off-hand weapon as frequently as with your primary weapon.
PERMANENT EMANATION Spellcraft 25 ranks, ability to cast the spell to be made permanent. One of your personal emanation spells becomes permanent.
PLANAR TURNING Wis 25, Cha 25, ability to turn or rebuke undead. You can turn (or rebuke) outsiders.
PLANT WILD SHAPE Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, wild shape 4/day. You can wild shape into plant form.
POLYGLOT Int 25, Speak Language (five languages). You can speak, read, and write all languages.
POSITIVE ENERGY AURA Cha 25, ability to turn undead, ability to cast dispel evil. You automatically turn (or even destroy) lesser undead.
POWER KNOWLEDGE Character level 21st, ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum power level in at least one psionic class. You add two additional powers to your list of powers known.
PSICRYSTAL POWER Character level 21st, Intelligence 25 or Charisma 25 (depending on which is your key ability score for manifesting). Your psicrystal can manifest a power.
RANGED INSPIRATION Bardic music class feature, Perform 25 ranks You can use your bardic music at a greater range than normal.
RAPID INSPIRATION Perform 25 ranks, bardic music class feature. You can inspire your allies with bardic music more quickly than normal.
REACTIVE COUNTERSONG Combat Reflexes, Perform 30 ranks, bardic music class feature. You can use countersong as a reaction to a sonic or language-dependent magical attack.
REFLECT ARROWS Dex 25, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike. You reflect ranged attacks back upon the attacker.
RIGHTEOUS STRIKE Wis 19, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, any lawful alignment. Your unarmed strikes are particularly damaging to chaotic creatures.
RUINOUS RAGE Str 25, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, rage 5/day. While in a rage, you can deal tremendous damage to objects.
SCRIBE EPIC SCROLL Scribe Scroll, Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, Spellcraft 24 ranks. You can scribe scrolls of epic power.
SELF-CONCEALMENT Dex 30, Hide 30 ranks, Tumble 30 ranks, improved evasion. When in combat, your form becomes blurry and indistinct, making it difficult to land a blow against you.
SHATTERING STRIKE Epic Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Concentration 25 ranks, ki strike (adamantine). You can shatter objects with your unarmed strike.
SNEAK ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY Sneak attack +8d6, opportunist class feature. Whenever your opponent lets his guard down, you can make a sneak attack.
SPECTRAL STRIKE Wis 19, ability to turn or rebuke undead. You can strike incorporeal creatures as if they were solid.
SPELLCASTING HARRIER - Spellcasters you threaten find it difficult to cast defen- sively.
SPELL KNOWLEDGE Ability to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class. You add two additional arcane spells to your repertoire.
SPELL OPPORTUNITY Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 25 ranks. You can cast a touch spell as an attack of opportunity.
SPELL STOWAWAY Spellcraft 24 ranks, caster level 12th. You gain the benefits of a specific spell whenever it is used near you.
SPONTANEOUS DOMAIN ACCESS Wis 25, Spellcraft 30 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level divine spells. You can spontaneously convert spells into spells of a domain.
SPONTANEOUS SPELL Spellcraft 25 ranks, ability to cast the maximum normal spell level of at least one spell-casting class. You can spontaneously convert spells of a specific spell’s level into that spell.
STORM OF THROWS Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot. You become a flurry of thrown weapons, targeting all nearby opponents.
SUPERIOR INITIATIVE Improved Initiative. You can react even more quickly than normal in a fight.
SWARM OF ARROWS Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (type of bow used). You can fire a veritable storm of arrows at nearby oppo- nents.
TERRIFYING RAGE Intimidate 25 ranks, rage 5/day While in a rage, you panic your opponents.
TENACIOUS MAGIC Spellcraft 15 ranks. One of your spells cannot be dispelled, only suppressed.
THUNDERING RAGE Str 25, rage 5/day. Your rage attacks can cause thunderous roars that can deafen opponents.
TRAP SENSE Search 25 ranks, Spot 25 ranks, trapfinding class ability. You can sense nearby traps even if not actively searching for them.
TWO-WEAPON REND Dex 15, base attack bonus +9, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting. You can rend opponents when fighting with two weapons.
UNCANNY ACCURACY Dex 21, base attack bonus +11, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Spot 20 ranks. Your ranged attacks ignore the miss chance granted to targets by total concealment.
UNDEAD MASTERY Cha 21, ability to rebuke or command undead. You can command a greater number of undead than normal.
ZONE OF ANIMATION Cha 25, Undead Mastery, ability to rebuke or command undead. You can channel negative energy to animate undead.
UNHOLY STRIKE Smite good class feature, any evil alignment. Your attacks deal great damage to good creatures.
VERMIN WILD SHAPE Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, wild shape 6/day. You can wild shape into vermin form.
WIDEN AURA OF COURAGE Cha 25, aura of courage class ability. Your aura of courage is wider than normal.
WIDEN AURA OF DESPAIR Cha 25, aura of despair class ability. Your aura of despair is wider than normal.
General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
GREATER MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING Dex 19, three or more arms, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting, base attack bonus +15. A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
IMPROVED FLYBY ATTACK Fly speed, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Mobility. The creature can attack on the wing with increased mobility.
IMPROVED MULTIATTACK Three or more natural weapons, Multiattack The creature is particularly adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
IMPROVED MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING Dex 15, three or more arms, Multiweapon Fighting, base attack bonus +9. A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.




Dream Larva
Devastation Vermin
Dragon, Advanced
Dragon, Epic
Force Dragon
Prismatic Dragon
Elemental, Primal
Genius Loci
Gibbering Orb
Hagunemnon (protean)
Hoary Hunter
Legendary Animal
Living Vault
Mu Spore
(Brain Collector)

Paragon Creature
Pseudonatural Troll
Ruin Swarm
Shadow of the Void
Shape of Fire
Titan, Elder
Treant, Elder
Umbral Blot (Blackball)
Winter Wight
Worm that Walks