Prestige Classes


“Nobody today can match the great heroes of the epic past. But by following closely in their footsteps, perhaps we can come close.”

—Mikolai Laziros, mythic exemplar

Few are as devoted to history as the Disciples of Legend, and none among that august group are as committed to their paragons as the mythic exemplars. True followers—even worshipers—of the Six from Shadow (see page 65), the mythic exemplars model their skills, their attitudes, and even their lives after those fabled heroes.


Because the mythic exemplar prestige class offers a number of “paths,” each modeled on one of the Six from Shadow, it is open to a wide variety of entrants. It is best suited to clerics, fighters, marshals, rangers, rogues, and wizards.


You are utterly devoted to following the example set by your paragon. You travel the world adventuring with your comrades, just like the Six from Shadow did, always honing your abilities in the hopes that one day you might be half as skilled as they. Emulating your paragon is not your only concern—like other adventurers, you have goals to reach, loved ones to protect, and new lands to explore. But you do it all in homage to your paragon, and you do it just the way you believe that hero would have.

You are among the most respected of the Disciples of Legend, and you see your fellows in the organization as seekers of the truth who simply haven’t yet matched your dedication. You might think of the group as your “alma mater” and spend little time with it.


Your tactics on the battlefield depend largely on your paragon and prior classes. Consider not only your paragon’s abilities, but also his or her attitudes. Dardallion was infamous for constant movement, tumbling past opponents, flanking for a few moments, and then shifting to a new foe. Imdastri did not merely stand back to heal her allies; she stood at the forefront, casting spells to impede the enemy’s ability to fight. Ktolemagne hurled fireballs with the best of them, but he preferred to gather intelligence, using his divinations to pinpoint enemies’ weaknesses and anticipate their tactics, then chose spells to take advantage of what he had learned. Orsos seemed unstoppable, wading through ranks of minor foes and taking what wounds were necessary to reach his intended target. Reikhardt used his powers to augment his allies, but he always commanded from the front, wielding sword and lance. And the mighty Sunyartra allowed her greataxe and brutish figure to lull the enemy into thinking her dull and foolish, only to cut them down with a combination of mighty strikes and brilliantly precise tactics. Remember all this information when designing your own fighting style because it isn’t sufficient that you merely share the abilities of your paragon; you should strive to match him or her in every way.


Once you joined the Disciples of Legend, your leaders swiftly recognized your devotion to one of the Six from Shadow. So when they offered you the opportunity to emulate your chosen paragon in new and specific ways, you leapt at the chance.

You have only just begun your quest to become worthy of your paragon, and a lifetime of striving still lies ahead of you. You have no illusions that you will ever be the equal of your paragon; you hope only to lead a life that echoes that of your hero, and to have others say that you did honor to your paragon’s name.

The choices you make after becoming a mythic exemplar depend, again, on your abilities and your paragon. Select feats based on a combination of what you feel can most improve your own abilities, and what brings you closer to your paragon. If you are a true exemplar, these choices may often be one and the same.


While you are indeed the epitome of the Disciples of Legend, you can count on little more than moral support from them. The organization is not a rich one, and its limited resources are devoted to unearthing more of the history of the Six from Shadow and other mythic heroes. Indeed, it is far more likely that you might be asked to adventure in support of the organization than that it can afford to support your endeavors, except as noted above.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a mythic exemplar, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

Skills: Knowledge (history) 3 ranks, plus any one of the following: Diplomacy 7 ranks, Intimidate 7 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, or Move Silently 7 ranks.

Special: Any one of the following: base attack bonus +5, able to cast 3rd-level spells, sneak attack +2d6, or ability to grant allies a bonus on attack rolls, saves, or checks as an extraordinary ability.

Special: Must be a member of the Disciples of Legend.

Class Skills

The mythic exemplar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis).

Special: You can also add four class skills from one prior class to your mythic exemplar skill list.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: The Mythic Exemplar

Level Base
Special Spells per day
1st +0 +0 +0 +0 Paragon’s path, save bonus +1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +0 Least paragon’s gift +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +1 Archetype advancement, save bonus +2 +1 level of existing spellcasting class (Imdastri or Ktolemagne only)
4th +3 +1 +1 +1 Lesser paragon’s gift +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +3 +1 +1 +1 Archetype advancement, save bonus +3 +1 level of existing spellcasting class (Imdastri or Ktolemagne only)
6th +4 +2 +2 +2 Greater paragon’s gift +1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +5 +2 +2 +2 Archetype advancement, save bonus +4 +1 level of existing spellcasting class (Imdastri or Ktolemagne only)
8th +6 +2 +2 +2 Supreme paragon’s gift +1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +6 +3 +3 +3 Archetype advancement +1 level of existing spellcasting class (Imdastri or Ktolemagne only)
10th +7 +3 +3 +3 Ability boost, embody paragon
Class Features

All of the following are class features of the mythic exemplar prestige class.

The class features of the mythic exemplar vary greatly based on which of the Six from Shadow you choose to follow. You exchange the more general abilities of your previous class for specific, mystical replacements. Thus, while you might lack some of the abilities of a character of your former class at the same level, your dedication to your heroic patron allows you to surpass the abilities of such a character under the proper conditions.

Spellcasting: At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a mythic exemplar, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

If your paragon is Imdastri or Ktolemagne, you gain additional levels of spellcasting ability through the archetype advancement class features (see below).

Paragon’s Path: Upon becoming a mythic exemplar, you must choose one of the legendary Six from Shadow upon whom to model your skills and abilities. Your choices are the clever Dardallion, the faithful Imdastri, the all-knowing Ktolemagne, the inexorable Orsos, the noble and inspirational Sir Reikhardt, and the mighty Sunyartra. Once made, your choice cannot be changed.

Save Bonus (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a +1 bonus on a saving throw determined by your paragon, as given on the following table. This bonus increases by 1 at every oddnumbered level up to 7th.

Patron Saving Throw
Dardallion Reflex
Imdastri Will
Ktolemagne Will
Orsos Fortitude
Reikhardt Will
Sunyartra Fortitude

Paragon’s Gift, Least (Su): At 2nd level, you gain the first of several supernatural abilities that allow you to channel the spirit and skills of your paragon. Unless otherwise noted, each paragon’s gift (least, lesser, greater, and supreme) requires a swift action to invoke, lasts for a number of rounds equal to your mythic exemplar level, is usable once per day, and has a caster level equal to your mythic exemplar level.

Dardallion: You gain a +5 insight bonus on Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, and Open Lock checks.

Imdastri: As an immediate action, you can reroll one attack roll, save, or check per day, as if using the granted power of the Luck domain (PH 187). This effect occurs instantaneously.

Ktolemagne: You gain a +5 sacred bonus on Concentration, Decipher Script, Knowledge (arcana), and Spellcraft checks.

Orsos: You gain a +20-foot insight bonus to your base speed.

Reikhardt: You can use inspire courage as a bard of your mythic exemplar level. If you already have this ability, your mythic exemplar levels stack with levels of the class that provided it for the purpose of determining its effects.

Sunyartra: The critical threat range of one weapon you wield increases by 1. This increase stacks with those from other sources, such as the keen weapon property or the Improved Critical feat.

Archetype Advancement (Ex): At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels, you gain a class feature that builds on those of your paragon. If your archetype advancement grants bonus feats, you must meet all the normal prerequisites for your selections, unless otherwise noted.

Dardallion: You gain sneak attack. See the rogue class feature (PH 50). You gain another 1d6 points of sneak attack damage each time you select this feature.

Imdastri: You gain +1 level of an existing divine spellcasting class.

Ktolemagne: You gain +1 level of an existing arcane spellcasting class.

Orsos: You gain bonuses against the favored enemies of Orsos. At each of these levels, you gain a +2 favored enemy bonus against either aberrations or chaotic outsiders (your choice). You need not choose the same enemy each time. This bonus stacks with any favored enemy bonuses you might already possess.

Reikhardt: You gain +1 level of a class-based extraordinary ability to grant bonuses to allies (such as a marshal’s auras).

Sunyartra: You gain a +1 bonus on all opposed Strength checks (such as those made on bull rushes or trip attacks), as well as all Strength-based skill checks.

Paragon’s Gift, Lesser (Su): At 4th level, you gain a new supernatural ability that you can use once per day, according to your paragon as given on the following table. This ability follows all the guidelines for least paragon’s gift (above), unless otherwise noted. If you choose, you can forgo your daily use of this ability for an extra use of the least gift.

Paragon Ability
Dardallion +4 insight bonus to Dexterity
Imdastri +4 insight bonus to Wisdom
Ktolemagne +4 insight bonus to Intelligence
Orsos +4 insight bonus to Constitution
Reikhardt +4 insight bonus to Charisma
Sunyartra +4 insight bonus to Strength

Paragon’s Gift, Greater (Su): At 6th level, you gain a new supernatural ability that you can use once per day. This ability follows all the guidelines for least paragon’s gift (above), unless otherwise noted. If you choose, you can forgo your daily use of this ability for an extra use of your least or lesser gift.

Dardallion: You can use blink, as the spell.

Imdastri: As an immediate action, you can invoke temporary immunity to mind-affecting spells and abilities. This immunity does not extend to effects whose caster level exceeds your character level by 4 or more.

Ktolemagne: You can use identify, as the spell, except that the casting time is 1 minute, and you need no material component.

Orsos: You gain a +4 bonus to your natural armor bonus.

Reikhardt: You can use inspire greatness as a bard of your mythic exemplar level. If you already have this ability, your mythic exemplar levels stack with levels of the class that provided it for the purpose of determining its effects.

Sunyartra: You can use haste, as the spell, on yourself only.

Paragon’s Gift, Supreme (Su): At 8th level, you gain a new supernatural ability that you can use once per day. This ability follows all the guidelines for least paragon’s gift (above), unless otherwise noted. If you choose, you can forgo your daily use of this ability for an extra use of your least, lesser, or greater gift.

Dardallion: You can use greater invisibility, as the spell, on yourself only.

Imdastri: As an immediate action, you can invoke temporary immunity to necromantic and death effects. This immunity does not extend to effects whose caster level exceeds your character level by 4 or more.

Ktolemagne: You gain temporary spell resistance equal to 10 + your arcane caster level.

Orsos: You can use air walk, as the spell, on yourself only.

Reikhardt: You can use dominate person, as the spell.

Sunyartra: You can use divine power, as the spell.

Ability Boost (Ex): At 10th level, one of your ability scores permanently increases by 2, according to your paragon as given on the following table.

Paragon Ability Score
Dardallion Dexterity
Imdastri Wisdom
Ktolemagne Intelligence
Orsos Constitution
Reikhardt Charisma
Sunyartra Strength

Embody Paragon (Su): When you reach 10th level, you truly embody every physical and spiritual concept that your paragon stood for. Unless otherwise noted, the ability you gain is permanent and constant, as long as you remain conscious. If it is suppressed, you can raise the effect again as a swift action.

Dardallion: You can turn incorporeal for up to 1 minute per day. This duration need not be used all at once and can be divided into intervals as short as 1 round. Shifting to or from incorporeality requires a move action.

Imdastri: You can “lose” a prepared divine spell in exchange for a spell of lower level from the Luck, Protection, or Strength domains, much as a good cleric can spontaneously cast cure spells. You do not gain the domain power or the ability to prepare these spells as domain spells.

Ktolemagne: You can “lose” a prepared arcane spell in exchange for any divination spell of lower level that is already in your spellbook.

Orsos: You gain a +4 bonus on any saves or rolls made to resist fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, you are under a permanent freedom of movement effect, unless the spell level of the impeding effect exceeds your character level.

Reikhardt: Select either Fortitude or Will saves. From this point on, you (and all allies within 60 feet) gain a circumstance bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on this saving throw. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

In addition, for 10 rounds per day, you can grant yourself and each ally within 60 feet damage reduction 2/—. This benefit does not stack with any other damage reduction you or your allies possess. This ability requires a swift action to activate.

Sunyartra: You can ignore 15 points of damage reduction (except epic) when attacking foes, and 15 points of hardness when striking inanimate objects.