
Brascet Oret 730 Small village in southern Oret, scene of the campaign's start
Cyrn Radelin Oret 1601 Border fort built on the edge of the Desolation by the Dragon, abandoned after Oret's fall, razed by Shadowguard after the Elf Hammer's attack
Gonnar Vilage Oret 1601 The village standing on the old site of Gorntar castle in what was once Oret, name corrupted from the original
Gorntar Castle Oret 730 Castle, held by the Elves before the Elf Wars, explored by the Wyrmslayers-to-be and scene of their timeslip
Oret Oret - Northern land, plunged into anarchy since the Slaying, absorbed into New Tellare and Dalaghendor
Valley of Eagles Oret 730 Valley in Southern Oret, location of Gorntar Castle