Kedos Peacockson

King of Stryre, only son of Vardar Peacock

The Crown Prince of Stryre, only suriviving son of Vardar Peacock. His education was heavily supervised by Archpriest Delloch, determined to avoid another king like Vardar Peacock, and as a result Kedos is radically differernt to his father in outlook and approach.

He's also significantly taller, something that was a final blow to Peacock's self-respect.

Ascending to the throne in 1619, he worked with Delloch and his successor Lyrcan to build on the good start his father had left him and continue Stryre's prosperity and success.

A lifelong friend of Prince Cuitech of New Tellare, Kedos married and had one daughter, Cirfara, before dying in battle on the southern marches in 1643

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