
A vampire spell, partly described by van Helsing, used by Rhendal at Reital castle

Level: ?
Components: V,?
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: ?
Target: Area, unknown, level-based
Duration: At least 10 minutes
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

Only known from its' observed effects, this terrifying spell is only available to vampires belonging to one of the Clans. Within the radius of the effect, time is distorted so that, for the duration, night falls in that area. Unlike Darkness et al, it is not an effect; the area involved is linked to the forthcoming night and to all intents and purposes it is night within that area. Vampires in the radius are not subject to the effects of sunlight, nor the need to sleep – it is not day, after all.

Non-vampires in the area are afflicted with a crushing Fear effect; there is a Will save against this, though the main effects of the spell cannot be resisted. Vision, including low-light and Darkvision, is blocked. Light spells are ineffectual; Daylight spells and effects reveal only a dim illumination of 10' or so, tinted brown. This, however, only makes things worse, as the most horrific aspect of the spell's effects is then visible.

To the eyes of a non-vampire observer caught in the radius of Nightfall, everything within the spell is seen as ancient, decayed, rotting, dying. Creatures and characters appear as skeletons draped with tattered clothes and equipment; buildings and objects appear broken, crumbling, rotten. Only elves and vampires appear normal. This effect triggers a second attack of the Fear effect as above, assuming the character has saved against it the first time.

It is theorized that this effect is caused by the time-distortion aspect of the spell, the twisting of temporal reality required to literally bring tonight forward to now is also responsible for granting a vision of centuries hence.

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