
Northern land famed for its' fighting men, brutally subjugated under the Dragon, then Vane the Mace, now ruled by the Suyran Council

Tellare was not a very large country, but was justly famous for the quality of its’ fighting men. Tellaran troops were hardy, courageous and skilled, and many Tellaran mercenary regiments operated up and down the lands of Alair. Despite being right on the borders of Sildor, the Tellarans were never particularly fond of the elves, and relations had always been terse. However, when the Elvenking sent heralds to the court of Tellare, brusquely informing them that the Elvenhost would be passing through in two months en route to assault the Trakar swamps, the Tellarans were incensed and sent back an equally curt refusal. The elves declared war on Tellare in retaliation, but the Tellarans called on their alliances with Oret, Orwin, Sinval and Antrol, and a combined human army spearheaded by every fighting man Tellare could produce met the elves at the battle of Thallan. The elves were driven from the field, with relatively minor losses - many elves feeling that this was an ill-judged battle - and the Tellarans won the day. No elf lived within the borders of Tellare from that day until the Invasion, and Tellarans were not welcome within Sildor, even on the Trade Road. The Tellarans did not push their advantage, but did not regret their stand, nor were they any friendlier to the court of Doronond.

Varkar turned his attention to Tellare after the fall of Lomegor in 1385. One of the toughest campaigns of the Northern War ensued; the outnumbered Tellarans contested their land foot by foot for over four years. The final stand, on the borders of the Elvenrealm, was not far from Thallan, the scene of their great victory seven hundred years ago. This time there was no victory, and the fighting men of Tellare were massacred.

After that the Tellaran people lived under the claw, mixed with other folk at Varkar's express order until they bore little or no resemblance to the free, proud people they once were.

After the Dragonslaying, the word ran like fire through Tellare that one of the heroes had named himself as Surya of Tellare, last pure-blood Tellaran on the face of Alair. While few believed this was possible, the idea that it might be true was enough to fan the guttering flame of spirit in some hearts, and the Kin ruler of Tellare, Vane the Mace, found he had more trouble than he'd had in years keeping his fief controlled. Finally, this was brought to a head by the simultaneous arrival in Reital of Surya and his comrades, and Skufruss of Karennal; working together, these unlikely allies brought down Vane and his fellow vampires.

A council was put in place to replace him, designed by Skufruss and Surya, with Surya as figurehead Lord Protector; the council became known in later years as the Suryan Council.

See New Tellare.

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