Ivhold Crusher

Current head of Clan Bogadun in Kobur, Hildraft's grandnephew

Technically Hildraft's grandnephew, Ivhold Crusher was the titular head of the Bogadun dwarf clan in Kobur dwarfcastle when the party arrived there. He enjoyed the prestige and status his position as Clanlord brought him, and was deeply alarmed at the prospect of some long-dead hero returning from beyond the grave to usurp his position.

However, once it became clear that Hildraft had no intention of staying to claim the position (which he was technically entitled to do), he became more friendly and helpful.

As head of the Bogadun clan, he held ultimate control over the banked funds the band left in Kobur, as well as the priceless Journals of Elverandil, loaned to the mastersmiths of Clan Bogadun.

He died in 1905.

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