Abbathor the Collapser

Dwarf God (Death, disaster, greed)

Where the pit-props fail and the roof caves in, Abbathor has weakened them; where the firedamp lurks to blast dwarves to the next life, he has gathered it; where the sudden flood fills the mine and drowns the miners, he has filled the water-pocket; and where the seam peters out and the gold is gone, Abbathor has gathered it to himself.

Moradin’s great foe, his brother Abbathor represents all that is evil in the dwarven race. Most of all, he is greedy. His lust for treasure - gold, above all - is greater than any other hunger in the universe. Some twisted dwarves honour Abbathor, mostly those dishonest ones who become thieves from other dwarves, but generally he is acknowledged as existing but seldom if ever mentioned.

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