Grispere Crusher

Master-smith of Kobur, possesses copies of the Journals of Elverandil

Grispere was one of Hildraft's many-times-great cousins and a master smith. He created Grispere's Hammer, and possessed a copy of the Journals of Elverandil.

After much study of the Journals, Grispere was the first dwarf smith since Durgeddin to master the difficult process of working Adamantite.

In the years since then, he has matured into a seasoned and skilled smith, the first since Durgeddin the Black to mingle the skills of elvish and dwarvish smithcraft. His overwhelming problem now is a dwindling stock of adamantite.

He sent several weapons to the Loyalist elves in Lomegor, not entirely to his king's pleasure.

He died, fabulously rich and venerable, in 1939, leaving his secrets - and the Journals - to his son Barlac Crusher

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