is a peculiar, wizened little creature, part kobold, possibly part goblin, and
maybe part something else. A snivelling coward, he avoids combat at all costs.
Unprepossessing as he may be, Bog is easily the best trail cook that Dagaren has ever had, able to spin out remarkably small quantities of supplies into nutritious and fairly tasty meals over a long period of time. He also possesses some facility with the healing arts, and is competent at stitching smaller injuries. For larger hurts, he calls on his limited but effective magic, the origins of which he will not disclose.
He also brews healing potions, although all of his are mixed from potent alcoholic liquor to create a fluid he calls 'Boom Boom'. No-one treated with Boom Boom has ever had cause to complain of its' efficacy, although some have had difficulty walking in straight lines for a while afterwards.
Since becoming detached from Dagaren's caravan, he has found himself getting in more danger than he normally prefers, but the considerable protection afforded him by the likes of Gorfang is enough to make staying with the party still seem his best bet for survival. He is struggling to keep the manufacture of Boom Boom up to the speed of its' consumption, however, especially by Gorfang who seems to like the stuff.