Chapter Four - Bark at the Moon

Quickly they agree that with darkness approaching & supplies running low any comfort, meagre as it may be, that the light can bring would be more than welcome, removing any sign of opulence, Thorfinn & Ragnor openly approach the light.

Peering through the trees they can see a well maintained clearing containing a solid looking croft & a long low turf covered barn, around the clearing many skins & pelts hang on frames in various states of curing whilst off to one side a middle aged man industriously cuts & stacks logs, two youths, unmistakably the mans sons, sit scraping the flesh from skin of a wild pig.

Alerted to Thorfinn & Ragnar's approach by the boys, a woman, red faced but smiling, emerges from the croft wiping her hands on her apron.

Grimhild, backed ably by Ragnor, spun a reasonably convincing tale of woe concerning pregnancy, elopement & oppressive parents, to the obvious tutting of the woman's husband, Saeunn, as she introduces herself, sends the capering boys to bring Thorfinn's " betrothed" in from the cold.

Some short while later, Thorfinn introduces a suitably padded Grimhild to Saeunn & her husband, Bjarni Redlegs, as well her companion Anora & her half brother Eyolf, Bjarni says little to Thorfinn & his companions, it being clear that he disapproves of their tale, however he bows to the wishes of his wife in offering shelter & food for the night.

Whilst Saeunn fusses around Grimhild asking many questions regarding the supposed pregnancy, Thorfinn, Ragnar & Eyolf offer to assist Bjarni in cutting logs, with a barely perceptible nod of approval from their host, they follow him outside & spend several hours sweating profusely but productively.

Saeunn meantime bustles about the croft asking many questions of the girls & in turn telling a little of her & her families remote but seemingly happy life ensconced in the woods, by the time the evening meal is ready both Grimhild & Anora feel truly comfortable in the cosy croft & Anora finds herself assisting with the preparation of the evening meal whilst Grimhild separates the whey from some freshly made cheese.

As darkness falls several candles are lit throwing flickering illumination around the inside of the croft, the boys, having eaten & washed, are packed off to bed behind the curtained off end of the croft. Finally relaxing in front of the fire, Bjarni offers to guide Thorfinn & his companions the next morning to a small village some single days travel away, where he suggests they may be able to buy the services of a fishing scow to take them upriver towards Motala.

Ragnar, possibly feeling guilty for the deception caused, but also in part in payment for the kindness given by these humble people, offers a song & to the amazement of her companions entertains all gathered royally for the next couple of hours. In between songs Thorfinn probes the couple for news of other travellers however Saeunn quickly confirms that he, Thorfinn & his friends, are the first outsiders they have seen for some six weeks or so since last they travelled to a nearby settlement to trade skins & meat for other essentials.

With the evening drawing on Bjarni suddenly announces that it is time for them to retire & hands Eyolf a lamp to provide some light in the barn, whilst Bjarni shows Eyolf into the turf covered barn, Saeunn apologises for husbands abruptness but explains that they tend to rise early & sleep soon after dusk to make the most of the natural light of day whilst saving precious candles & lamp oil.

Making themselves comfortable in the low barn, being only able to stand upright under the ridge, Ragnar yawns but agrees to take first stand, Eyolf, grinning snuggles down under his blanket telling Ragnar to wake him in a few hours to take a turn under the moonlight.

Grimhild, having spent a few moments in prayer, casts an eye about the barn, reflecting that the structure is sturdily built if a little low at its eaves, being only some three feet high along its back & front, more surprising however she is confused by its emptiness, there being nothing more than a bed of heather of to one side, presumably gathered by Bjarni's sons for their comfort. Several sturdy squared logs lie adjacent to the narrow entrance which on closer inspection obviously fit into into a half dozen iron brackets on the outside face of the door jambs to form a door of sorts.

Muttering, Ragnor stoops & exits the barn & then, wrapped in a blanket to ward of the cold night air, settles down against the tight fitting timbers that formed the low barn walls. Glancing towards the croft, he watches as the skin across the doorway is drawn across the opening revealing only a pale glow around its edges from the fire embers within.

After several uneventful hours, Ragnar crawls inside the barn, shakes Eyolf awake & with a grin informs him that its his stand, Eyolf, yawning, reluctantly, takes up a watch at the corner of the barn nearest to the croft, under a moonlit sky Eyolf lights his pipe & relaxes.

Suddenly all four are dragged from slumber by an ear splitting scream, Thorfinn, reacting first draws Tyrfrost & casts a spell of light upon its blade whilst Ragnar casts a protective circle around himself.

In the oppressive silence that follows their rude awakening nothing stirs, crouching to peer through the entrance, Thorfinn can see no sign of Eyolf, & nor is there any response to his whispered calls. Concerned at the lack of any response, & therefore not taking the time to don armour the four slide quietly out into the moonlight clearing, skirting the barn Anora comes across Eyolf's discarded, broken but still smoking pipe. Picking up the pipe she sees a large dark stain in the dirt,easily identifiable as blood in the light from the full moon, a trail, obviously a body dragged, leads from the barn towards the dark shadows beneath the surrounding trees.

Fearing the the worst for their hosts, all four sprint, blades drawn, towards the croft, throwing aside the skin covering the doorway all is surprisingly at peace within, the fire pit embers glow gently in the hearth & the pots from evening meal sit washed upon the table, creeping forward, sword thrust in front & expecting the worst, Thorfinn whips back the curtain across the single room.

Turning from the empty bed to the others Thorfinn's face looks pale,

"I think we should get back to barn, now dam it, move"

Outside the croft Grimhild waits whilst Thorfinn & the others quickly search for Bjarni & his family, stood with her back to the croft doorway, her eyes probe the shadows beneath the trees for any sign of movement, suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, one of the shadows comes to life & a figure, a man maybe, but wearing dark clothing, furs maybe, sprints from the rear of the barn into the trees. Before he can however react, Thorfinn springs out of the croft & urges Grimhild & the others towards the barn.

Thorfinn, pushing the others, stumbles as he runs across the dirt between croft & barn, staggering to his feet he glances up & sees an abomination astride the barn roof, a wolf, but upright, on two legs as a man walks, crouches at its peak, its muzzle & chest drenched in blood.

Inside the barn, with many a glance to the door, Thorfinn & Grimhild describe what they saw moments before whilst all hurriedly strap on armour, Thorfinn, renews the spell of light cast earlier, but this time casting it upon the ridge timber.

For the next hour or so all watch the doorway expecting at any second some demon spawned apparition to hurtle itself against them, whilst they wait Thorfinn recalls a child's tale, a tale of a cursed man, who under the light of a full moon, could take the form of a wolf, the tale told of the death of the beast, but how it died he could not recall, but die it did.

Before they can talk more however, the silence is shattered, not from the barn entrance however but from within, spinning about, they are confronted by a creature from hell springing through a dirt concealed trapdoor behind them, reacting before the others can move Grimhild lets fly an arrow, then a second, at the beast, flames billowing behind the enchanted arrow head, unfortunately however Grimhild's aim is poor.

As the others flail to avoid the creatures gouging talons, Ragnar steps to the door crouching to push outside, Grimhild, again uses his bow, this time striking true, but he is horrified as the arrow slowly pushes back out of the creatures flesh to fall harmlessly to the dirt. As the beast hunkers forward, all three can see a second creature, a male from the look of it, scrabbling to enter the barn from the pit, Grimhild, firing, again misses her target however the second beast flinches noticeably away from the flames.

Anora, bastard sword before her, wades into the foul creature but like Grimhild's arrows sees the blade slide harmlessly across the monsters pelt, alas before she can defend her self, the creature's claws rip across & through her bezainted armour to bite deeply into her chest & abdomen, blood pouring from her wounds Anora crumbles to the floor as the beasts fangs sink into her neck.

As the second creature skulks from the pit it circles warily around Grimhild, snarling but holding itself back, Ragnar meantime ducks out of the doorway & is immediately confronted by a juvenile devil-wolf, unaware of Grimhild & Anora's failings & thinking to dispatch it quickly, she is caught napping as a second beast hurls itself from the roof of the barn over her shoulder raking her back & neck armour with its claws, before she can react however both flee across the clearing & into the trees.

Back inside the barn, the blood spattered beast rises from Anora's prone body, lifts its head & howls.

With Grimhild doing her best to keep the second beast at a spear length, Thorfinn, for the second time of calling, draws forth the power of Tyrfrost & breathes full in the face of the creature, instantly frost coat's its fur & fangs, for a moment it almost seems to shakes aside the enchantment, but then, jaws locked open, it falls, its frozen body landing across the unmoving body of Anora, the second creature howling at the death of one of its pack springs away & into the open maw of the pit disappearing into the dark passage beneath.

In the deathly silence the only sound heard is the failing rattle of blood choked breath as Anora's life slips away, with Grimhild trying to watch both the door & the pit, Thorfinn & Ragnar lay thier hands on Anora's numerous wounds & poor thier strength into spells of healing, slowly the flow of blood eases & the already festering torn flesh nits precariously under thier powers of healing, both realise however it will be touch & go as to whether Anora will survive let alone walk again unaided.

With Anora rapped in blankets, Thorfinn, Grimhild & Ragnar lever the half frozen body of the creature into the open pit before closing the doors above it dragging thier packs onto it before waiting, desperately hoping beyond hope that they will see the sun rise on another day.

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