Ragnar Geirstein

Born 16th Skerpla 704 AD in Esbjerg, Jutland, one of the many small fishing communities that litter Jutland's western coast line, life for young Ragnar & his siblings was comfortable, comfortable that was until his family were unfortunately slain during a raid orchestrated by the son of a Jarl of a neighbouring & larger village.

The blood feud was subsequently settled during the calling of the council & weregeld paid, this did not however comfort the four-year-old orphan left behind.

The weregeld did however ensure that despite his loss he needs were cared for without unstintingly within the community & that he was taught his departed fathers trade as that of a whaler.

Despite the helpful words of numerous uncles, aunts & cousins Ragnar was always well aware that he was ultimately that last of his fathers bloodline & without his own fathers encouragement the calling of the whale hunter was never truly in his heart so with many a pat on the shoulder Ragnar departed Esbjerg under the tutorage of a wandering scald.

Whilst it was obvious that this was not to be Ragnar's lifelong calling, it at least allowed him to escape the drudgery of a life given over to blubber.

Six years after departing Jutland, Ragnar finds himself in the port of Birka, a local trade centre on the coast of Southern Uppland, acting as companion, confidant & friend to Thorfinn Vigavagn, the only son of Birka's lderly Jarl, Solmund Silken-tongue Vigavagn.

Despite the tragedy of his youth Ragnar has prospered, emotionally, if not financially over the intervening years since the fire took his family, only rarely now do the walls around him bare down upon him & as he grows older memories fade.

The events of the 19th Einmánuğur 727AD however will sourly test Ragnar's worth as a friend & as a man.

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