Guns for Hire - A Tale of Cyberpunk (Cert 18)

Dirty, Dark, Deadly

Bladerunner meets Sin City meets The Warriors meets Terminator - get the picture

Life's a bitch, Night City ain't nice and the view from the edge, well it don't get any prettier.

No money, no hope - well maybe one hope, the Forlorn Hope, just south of Charter Hill, near the waterfront, tucked away in one corner among the few
remaining buildings from a forgotton era, it doesn't advertise, it doesn't attract boosters, punks ain't welcome and suits don't do lunch at the Hope.

The Hope is home for those who have stood on the edge an' spat in the devil's eye, it offers a place to stay when the heats on, a place where people
understand an' don't ask to many questions, a place where souls can be bought.

Join our anti-hero's as they struggle to make a few bucks and keep from slippin' into the abyss and remember;

"Hell ain't a bad place to be but its one bitch of a storm to ride"

Latest Chapter, read it here:

Script 68