Chapter Seven

Wearing the black & purple gown purchased two days previous, sighing, Krei lets her hand slide over the shaft of her naginata before leaving it on her bed, whilst it is a fine weapon it was not what a lady would wear to an embassy ball. Accompanied by the others she returns to speak the Rosan ambassador under cover of attending the evenings revelry, the guards, recognising Krei from her visit earlier in the evening usher her & her friends into the reception area & onward to the ball room.

Catching Alaerka's eye & before his gushings embarrass her further, Krei brusquely requests that they speak he speak in privacy with her friends, hustled towards an anti chamber which Alaerka motions towards he is soon introduced to Mohimas & the others & urged to arrange to arrange passage into the palace & a ordiance with Queen Gudren, with a knowing smile he assures those gathered that immediately this evenings gathering is concluded he will ensure that the Queen hears their pertition this night, with such matters concluded he urges Krei & the others to remain, join the dancing & enjoy the company.

As Alaerka is accompanied back towards the sound of music, Krei can not hold her inquisitiveness any longer & queries thier host regarding his apparent Bretonian looks, sighing Alaerka explains that his mother was Bretonian whilst his father was Rosan & although born a Rosan his looks favour his mothers side.

Back in the ball room Krei's looks attract much interest & she soon finds her self dancing with a young lord whom Alaerka introduced as Maran Layamond, the eldest son of some so & so noble vying for the throne of Gran Breton, whilst Krei is little interested in his political haranguing she is surprised to hear one of his station so openly speaking of treason, as he speaks of what will follow Gudren & the cleansing of the citadel Krei cannot but help but ask him about the filth, death & disease rampant beyond the houses of the noble, Krei is even more surprised when it becomes evident that he has absolutely no idea what is really happening beyond his cosy closeted world.

During the next dance Merlynar catches Krei's attention, as she glides by his side he motions towards a nervous looking chap off to one side & whispers,


Excusing herself from her latest partner Krei & Merlyanar accompanied by Pelmar, Lung & Turbulane converge on the man, Krei, grabbing the arm of Alaerka, gestures towards their quarry & asks who he is, after several seconds Alaerka confesses he is not sure, some minor dignitary perhaps.

Engaging the "dignitary" in polite conversation he becomes increasing nervous & eventually pleads illness & a need to depart, playing along with his supposed indisposition Merlynar offers him assistance & leads him from the room escorted by her friends. As they guide him from the room, Mohimas sidles across & warns them to be on thier guard as he senses the presence of the Ethari presumably as a result of the box stolen by Lexian from Korvin's tower. Bundled along the corridor & into a fir lit but empty room, the dignitary is interrogated but adamantly refuses to confess however as he becomes more & more agitated his eyes flicker red as his disguise begins to fail. As he tries to reach inside his robe, professing to have papers, unhesitatingly Lung grips his arms in an inescapable lock & Krei gingerly slips her hand inside his over-garment & draws forth an evil looking curved blackened blade, thrown to the floor the carpet begins to char around the blade until Turbulane swills water over it from a vase on the table.

At this all pretence of humanity falls from the demon & as flesh begins to melt from his face revealing revealing scales & tusks below, as he screams for aid from his lord & master, blades are thrust into his writhing torso, as he dies beneath thier combined blades he slashes a tailored claw across Krei ruining her dress but failing to protect the leather armour below,

"Bastard, look what he's done, its ruined"

From the closed door there is a hesitant knock, however after a very definite,

"Go away" footsteps can be heard quickly retreating.

Looking at the smouldering blade on the carpet Krei rips a section of curtain down & goes to pick the blade up, however before she can do so Merlynar scoops the blade up & gestures towards the window, as all follow his gaze the eyes of an Ethari stares back.

Reacting before the others Lung launches himself towards the Ethari who, itself, thrusts through the glass, as the others draw blades, Merlynar mutters & raises the curved blade taken from the demon a few moments before, Krei however dashes through the adjacent door onto the balcony outside, skirting behind the Ethari Krei draws the serpent blade & plunges it up & into the armpit of the creature searching for its lungs, as the blade rips into flesh festering blood streams over Krei's hand & arm.

As anguish & pain washes over Krei's soul her body gives up its hold on the material plane & she collapses deathly silent into the growing pool of Ethari blood, drifting across the manicured gardens music can faintly be heard as Alaerka's guests rise for the last dance.

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