Chapter Four

As all intently watch the creatures body sink into the dirt Krei, out of the corner of her eye, sees Kareida scramble up into the branches of a nearby tree, glancing at the look on Mohimas's face, Krei decides on prudence & followers her. Shuffling to Kareida's side, both can see the freshly turned dirt & then the protective markings begin to glow. From above it can clearly be seen that Mohimas's scratchings in the dirt form a five pointed pentagram. As the dirt tumbles aside a clawed hand bursts to the surface, Mohimas, to Krei's eyes looking decidedly worried, screams words of banishment & to the relief of all, the up thrust claw disappears.

As bird song returns, Krei & Kareida descend, those below yet again are engulfed in discussion as to who is the most likely cause of such foulness, with little gained from these words, preparations are made for departure, Mohimas, having thrown aside all illusion of the bumbling hermit they first met, reaches into thin air & plucks a cloak & staff from nowhere,

"nice trick, nice staff" murmurs Krei, eyeing the large ruby atop the staff.

Remounting the recently acquired war horses, Krei, like the others, can't help notice that Kareida has ignored the real horses & is astride some sort of summoned equestrian which bizarrely has no hooves. Mounting, Mohimas casts a last look around the clearing having, apparently, spoken to a number of the gathered creatures, as they ride away snow begins to fall quickly blanketing the former sun warmed grove.

Heading North along a well trodden path they hope to strike the Queens highway sooner rather than later, Lexian, quiet so far, turns to Mohimas & suggests that he, Mohimas, may well now be riding with outlaws, Mohimas makes no reply other than to shrug the remark aside.

Mid morning, the twelfth of Octarius, wisps of smoke can be seen gently rising over the tree tops, continuing on they emerge from the tree line before a cluster of buildings, nothing stirs other than than the odd chicken in the cobbled courtyard. With no answer to her hail, Krei slips spyglass to eye, gesturing to a field adjacent to the farmstead, all can see the origin of the smoke, a pile, twenty or more burnt corpses, men, women & worst of all to Krei's mind, children. Whilst Krei & the others investigate the buildings, Kareida, dismissing the ghostly horse, shifts herself into the form of a wolf & slinks off to investigate beyond the buildings.

Exploring the farmhouse, Krei is at a loss as to the wanton murder, the building has clearly been ransacked however little if anything looks to be missing. From the kitchen Lexian's voice carries, apparently he has again used his god given talents to commune with the chickens & a black tabby who tell of "big men killing & burning"

As Krei & the others gather in the courtyard, Kareida pads back into view, in Krei's head Kareida tells of tracks leading away, heavy footprints & the stink of death.

Leaving the farmstead behind, Krei & friends continue North, but remain alert for whoever was responsible for the slaughter behind. Kareida, still in wolf form, ranges far & wide & eventually reports the presence of a ogre warband some way ahead, whilst their position could be avoided, all agree that the perpetrators of the carnage so recently left behind can not be left unpunished.

Approaching their position quietly, Krei slips away from the others & moves around to their rear, out of the corner of her eye she can see Kareida & Mohimas on the right flank & Turbulane to the left, of Hillan & Lexian she can see no sign however Lung is in full view moving towards the ogres on the opposite side.

As Lung announces his presence the biggest of the murderous pigs, presumably their leader, restrains the ogres from charging towards Lung & gestures around the clearing, to Krei's horror however Lung hesitates no longer & charges alone, cursing, Krei draws back her bow & lets fly two poison coated arrows, from her right a blaze of flame gouts into the ogres, whilst more arrows smack into flesh from the direction of Turbulane. As the flames die the branches of the overhanging trees stoop & wrap the flailing limbs of the smouldering ogres, Krei presumes it to be more of Lexian's conjuration's. Lung, closely followed by Hillan, reaches the group before any further arrows strike, although Hillan launches a well aimed dagger into the eye of one of the bastards before drawing his katana.

Krei, knocking another arrow, can't help but be impressed by the speed, accuracy & force of Lungs blows, truly he is a master of the strength of flesh.

As Lung snaps the neck of the already bloodied leader, ogre's break both to the left & right towards Turbulane & Kareida, both however perish under arrow & flame.

Seeing Lexian rise from the undergrowth & charge with spear held aloft Krei casts aside the bow & drawing her naginata takes the nearest ogre from behind, her honed blade slicing through its spine, near shearing the creature in two, glancing up the last two ogres fall under her comrades knives. Before departing the scene, Lexian cuts the skull from the largest of the ogres, Krei, stooping, quickly slices his now flaccid manhood from beneath his skirt.

After a good nights sleep, dawn breaks crisp & white, over breakfast Kareida mumbles about having seen a lone rider during the night apparently searching for something before passing out of view.

Soon after breaking camp, the thirteenth day of Octarius, Krei is relieved to see the bustle of the road ahead, turning West, there is much traffic flowing in both directions &, for Krei, spirits rise as the confines of the forest is left behind. Soon however Krei is reminded of the death behind them as the officer at the head of a troop of Bretonian soldiers gestures for them to halt, weary of the leering & crudeness of the ranks, Krei busies herself with adjusting her cloak to cover her more obvious assets. Having been questioned as to whether they have seen any Rosen's on their travels, which they convincingly lie about, they are about to move on when a lone rider approaches, nodding, Kareida whispers that this is the man she saw the previous night.

The troop's officer respectfully addresses the huddled figure, who in turn compliments the captain on the fine job he is performing, once the "road warden" has departed, the captain, obviously embarrassed at the lie he has told the companions as to who the man was, departs hurriedly & they are allowed to continue on. Moving to catch up this "warden" Mohimas seems reluctant to do so, however their pace soon brings them abreast of the rider, who introduces himself as Qomas, looking directly at Mohimas, he asks.

"Out of retirement my Lord"

Declining the offer to ride with company, Qomas turns aside from the road & heads North, when questioned about Qomas, Mohimas confesses that yes he does knows the wanderer, he is a spy & a collector of information of some ill repute.

Over the morning they, like many other travellers on the road, are repeatedly asked again & again as to whether they have seen any Rosen's by both passing troops as well as at the regular garrisons along the side of the road, again too their lies suffice.

Towards nightfall, two figures, Kordians by the look of them, are passed sat at the side of the road, behind which are a great many tents & wagons, striking up a conversation, the two introduce themselves as Delondir, the proprietor of what they are informed is a circus, & Rakan, the circuses strongman, as with the staring troops earlier, Krei blushes as the conversation repeatedly address her finer points as well as whether her charms can be barted for. Krei is suprised when Lexian comes to her aid & makes light of things offering good companionship for a nights lodging, making sport of the matter, Lexian & Rakan engage in a spot of arm wrestling, which to Krei's suprise, Lexian triumphs in, muttering about,

"bloody magicians"

Delondir & Rakan lead them into the camp.

A entertaining evening is passed in the company of the performers but there is also much discussion concerning the rule of Gundren & the sway of her people. Later, an excess of spirit, causes Delondir to repeatedly, & luridly, try his hand with Krei, however before she can consider whether to loosen blade or belt, the matter is decided as a woman, clearly his wife, intervenes demanding to know of Delondir,

"what has she got that I haven't"

To the smirks of her companions, Delondir is rebuffed by his charming wife & lead away by the ear.

Wishing to deflect any such further comments & in order to add to the evenings entertainment, Krei points to the "dog" dozing by the fire,

"she does tricks you know" however Kareida's growl deter Krei from pursuing the matter further.

As Krei washes the next morning, Delondir, obviously embarrassed, coughs & politely apologises for his behaviour the previous night, with good grace Krei dismisses the matter & thanks him for the hospitality of his people if not his bed.

Riding out of the camp, Lexian calls back to Delondir as to name that the circus goes by, with a shrug Delondir confesses that the circus has no title, but now maybe he will think of one.

Rejoining the road, Krei has a sudden feeling of being watched, glancing back she can see no one in particular amongst the mornings travellers, however, telling the others to continue, she slips away into the trees running along side the highway, moments later cold steel caresses her neck & a familiar voice whispers into her ear,

"I should kill you now bitch for what you have done to me"

Recognising Zelth's accent, Krei does her best to put him at ease, however it is only when he begins to talk of Mohimas that his guard drops, however, wary of Mohimas already, she listens & allows her hand to fall away from the serpent blade within her sleeve.

As he talks of Mohimas he proffers a coin towards Krei, insisting that she take it & secretes it somewhere about the sorcerors person, half heartedly she accepts the coin, but wraps it in a cloth to avoid touching it directly, Zelth, threatening her against treachery continues to harrange her as she moves back to the road, his final words warning that he will be close should need arise.

Catching up with the others some time later in a wayside inn, Krei at first shrugs saying she was in error, there was nobody following, however, catching Kareida alone she tells Zelth's tale. Having related matters first to Kareida, Krei confesses to the full truth of Zelths visit to the others but takes care not to mention the coin, turning to Mohimas she adds,

"Of most interest Mohimas is his warning about you & how you should not be trusted"

Shrugging the matter aside Mohimas dismisses the matter as of little consequence.

Later, back on the road, Mohimas draws abreast of Krei & demands the coin, surmising that it is of a similar nature to the eye of Korvin, Krei at first denies having any such thing, however she finally produces the coin but asks Mohimas to ride ahead whilst she converses with the others.

Reigning in, Krei looks around her fellow riders seeking council as to who they should trust, little discussion is forthcoming other than that Mohimas is offered as the least untrustworthy.

Catching Mohimas up Krei reluctantly passes Mohimas the coin, he clenches it tight in his fist & the coin vanishes, appasrently, into thin air.

As yet another Bretonian patrol questions as to whether the travellers have seen any Rosen's abroad, Krei, frustrated by events, turns & gestures back aways towards the circus,

"Yes, yes we have, he's hiding in that bloody circus, now piss off"

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