Chapter Six

Waking the next morning, the first day of Novan, Keros confesses to having had troubled & fearful dreams, looking around the thoughtful faces he realises he is not the only one that has slept badly.

Veli, looking around at the gathered grim faces shakes her head & begins to speak slowly of her part in thier predicament.

" Believe me I did set out to mislead you all but both Gundren & I thought it best to avoid discussing Runesabre's intentions for as long as possible, but as you had surmised my part in this goes deeper, far deeper than that of a simple maid, for what it is worth, here is an account of my birth."

"It is not a story I enjoy telling & I hope that you will keep it to yourselves. My mother, Valietta, an acrobat, took her usual route back from the market where she performed nightly. It was a strange night; warm but chilling, pleasant but dark, clouds covering the full moon. As you well know Rosengrad is renowned for its vampires and their nobility and restraint, but this results only from vigilance from its vampire lords. Occasionally a new family attempts to penetrate the ancient order of Rosengrad & they are not always so noble. My mother fought but her opponent was a vampire & the fight was lost before it had begun. It was the trauma of the blood letting that followed that saved me, one moment I lay in the protection of the womb, the next moment I was spewed onto the street two months early. No doubt the bastard's hunger was not sated by my mother's blood but as she gave up the fight I was born before my sole was wholly given over, the faintest trace of the vampire's blood had penetrated my tiny body. Instead of however of taking my life the vampire presumably reflected that it might be more fun to sit back and watch the birth of a vampire baby - the youngest he had ever seen in 2,000 years but before he could do more he was slain, the rest, well no matter, I am among the living and hope that you all will accept me as I am, not necessarily nice, but certainly a friend to you all. As for Gundren, I would still die for her whether she likes it or not, indeed that may count for all of you"

Following Veli's revelation Pelmas again cast spells of flight allowing good progress to be made through the swirling snow, by midday however they could go no further by this means until the exhausted Pelmas has had opportunity to rest, reluctantly they settled in for another long cold wait with only Keros's improvised heating spells giving any respite from the cold.

Several days later, the mountains to their backs Keros & the others find themselves amongst Merlynar's people & receive welcome news, a fair days walk away is a temple to Willowstar from Merlynar can plead for aid & respite from the folly in which they find themselves.

After a days rest & accompanied by some of the elven folk they continue their quest for sanctuary, Keros feels almost at ease amongst the great trees however as they move deeper into the forest a tightness grips his chest, trees that should be full of life stand diseased & dying, corruption abounds, sorely disturbed by what he can see Keros lays down his pack & seeks, aided by Merlynar, to destroy or at least banish the horrors around them, whilst they are in part successful as they continue Keros realises their pitiful efforts are futile.

Bizarrely, & only slowly, it starts to snow, but the snow is black, infecting, corrupting all it touches, as they push on its ferocity increases, suddenly Veli, Gundren & Lung launch themselves into the air chancing their arm to out fly the storm,

"Cowards, cretins, miscreants" bellowed Keros, however as they enter the clearing of the temple & see for the first time the desecration that lies about Keros wonders who exactly was the wiser in their actions.

Taking shelter inside the temple caves the black snow swirls around the clearing bringing a slow & lingering death to all it touches, from above their pitiful shelter Runesabre the fall of feet can be heard,

"Runesabre approaches" whispered Merlynar

When, moments later, the inside of the dome however begins to bleed Merlynar drops to his knee's in prayer, to Keros's relief Merlynar's prayers are answered almost immediately not by the goddess herself but her children Elena and Malakar, howling in frustration Runesabre is driven away by Malakar, the older of the twins.

Once the necromancer has been driven off Keros, Merlynar & the remainder of the party pay thanks to Willowstar's children for their timely intervention before leaving the desecration of the temple & head back towards to the coast & the Kordian city of Salik, a thriving seaport on the Murgat Sound aiming to find an undisturbed temple to Willowstar, regrettably however on their arrival the city boasts only a single ruined Malkarian temple, the priest of which is clearly insane.

Rejoined by Veli, Gundren & Lung plans are discussed to take hire a ship to sail north, Keros however sadly shakes his head,

"No more my friends, no more, I have slain Runesabre's daughter & for that I fear for my soul, I will not risk my mortal body on the waves, for better or for worse I will remain in here in Salik, I bid you all gods speed, good luck & farewell"

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